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e-rhic-ir-l - Re: [E-rhic-ir-l] IR slides of forward IR with lower pole tip fields

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  • From: "Palmer, Robert" <palmer AT>
  • To: "Montag, Christoph" <montagc AT>, "Christie, William" <christie AT>, "E-rhic-ir-l AT" <E-rhic-ir-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [E-rhic-ir-l] IR slides of forward IR with lower pole tip fields
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 05:19:10 +0000



My preference would be to try a direct wound tapered Q1Fp whose radii and thus forces are low, followed by a straight Q2Fp whose radii and forces probably preclude direct winding. Short test direct wound magnet with dimensions of the end of Q1Fp could check if I am right in thinking it should work.  


Re proton betas at the crab. See attached plot of betas from Guillaume’s fit. The forward betas are both kind of flat at 500 m till 20 m, after which betax goes up to 1200 m for the crabs before it comes down again. I only simulated up to 20 m giving the 500 m betas to match his simulations.


Re electron betas. I had certainly intended to match Steve’s lattice which has anyway changed. When it has settled I can redo the electron side.




From: Montag, Christoph
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 9:08 PM
To: Palmer, Robert <palmer AT>; Christie, William <christie AT>; E-rhic-ir-l AT
Subject: Re: IR slides of forward IR with lower pole tip fields


The "stepped straight" option looks very attractive. I hope Brett can chime in on those 30cm between the two individual magnets.

The horizontal electron beta of 522m at the crab cavities seems unnecessarily large. The electron beam energy is a factor 15 smaller than the proton energy. We should be able to reduce that to 200m or so in the interest of reducing the chromaticity.

The proton beta at the crabs seems too small, but I guess that can be increased.




P.S.: I will not be able to attend the meeting on Friday

From: E-rhic-ir-l <e-rhic-ir-l-bounces AT> on behalf of Palmer, Robert <palmer AT>
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2018 8:50:51 PM
To: Christie, William; E-rhic-ir-l AT
Subject: Re: [E-rhic-ir-l] IR slides of forward IR with lower pole tip fields


Current options for early forward IR magnets with lower required pole tip fields.


Attachment: pfbetas3.eps
Description: pfbetas3.eps

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