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eic-bnl-comp-l - [Eic-bnl-comp-l] SDCC/RACF password policy change

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Subject: EIC/BNL Computing discussion

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  • From: Kolja Kauder <kkauder AT>
  • To: Aschenauer Elke-Caroline via Eic-bnl-soft-l <eic-bnl-soft-l AT>, "EIC/BNL Computing discussion" <eic-bnl-comp-l AT>
  • Subject: [Eic-bnl-comp-l] SDCC/RACF password policy change
  • Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2020 09:49:56 -0400

Hi all,

The SDCC/RACF password policy is changing (as of Monday 9/14/2020) to
conform with new requirements from the DOE. The new policy is that:

1. Passwords will not ever expire.
2. Passwords do not have to satisfy any specific complexity rules or have
specific set of special characters.


3. Passwords must be at least 16 characters long (!)
4. New passwords will be compared to a database of insecure and/or
cracked passwords when they are created, and will be rejected if they exist
on the list of insecure passwords.
5. Passwords will be rejected if they match any of your previous 24

As of this time, only the SDCC/RACF password will be affected. This is
the password that is used for logging into the SDCC facility and which
is used for your kerberos credentials. In particular, the RACF email
account passwords are not affected by this policy change.

There should be an official announcement from the SDCC tomorrow
announcing this change and providing links for a web based application
to change the password. You should also be able to change the password
as normal from the SDCC linux command line. After the official
announcement, I will forward any instructions or links to this mailing
list as well.

You will have 1 month to change your password to comply with the new
policy. If you fail to do so within that time period you will be
locked out of your account, and need to fill out an RT ticket to restore

Thank you,

(Thanks to Jeff Landgraf whose wording I stole)

Kolja Kauder, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Research Associate,
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
+1 (631) 344-5935

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