eic-projdet-erd107-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: epic LFHCal consortium
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[[Eic-projdet-erd107-l] ] [Indico] [Event reminder] Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting (05/02/2025, 14:00 US/Eastern)
- From: bockf AT ornl.gov
- To: eic-projdet-erd107-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: [[Eic-projdet-erd107-l] ] [Indico] [Event reminder] Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting (05/02/2025, 14:00 US/Eastern)
- Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 18:00:01 -0000
Please note that the event "Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting" will start on 5
Feb 2025, 14:00 (US/Eastern).
You can access the full event here:
Our weekly LFHCal meeting starts in 1h, attached todays agenda.
Agenda for Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting
- [14:00 - 14:45] Topical updates: Topical updates
- [14:00 - 14:05] Mechanics
- [14:05 - 14:10] Scintillators
- [14:10 - 14:15] Electronics & SiPMs
- [14:15 - 14:20] Simulation
- [14:20 - 14:25] TB planning & results
- [14:25 - 14:45] Insert
- [14:45 - 15:15] Institutional updates: Institutional updates
- [14:45 - 15:15] Valpo, GSU, Yale, Debrezen, ISU, BNL, UCR, ORNL, UT
Austin, Fermilab
- [15:15 - 15:35] Insert electronics discussion
Indico :: Email Notifier
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CERN//INDICO//EN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting DTSTART:20250205T190000Z DTEND:20250205T210000Z DTSTAMP:20250205T180000Z UID:indico-event-26363 AT indico.bnl.gov DESCRIPTION:Join Zoom Meeting\n\n\nhttps://cern.zoom.us/j/66394388275?pwd= c0lMVFVzWVBBNHFzS08ydmZvMHZxZz09\n\nMeeting ID: 663 9438 8275\nPasscode: C aloEIC\n\n \n\nPhone connection:\n\nFind your local number:\n\nhttps://ce rn.zoom.us/u/ccKGDo08N2\n\nMeeting ID: 663 9438 8275\nPasscode: 07862\n\n \n\nhttps://indico.bnl.gov/event/26363/ ORGANIZER;CN=Indico:mailto:noreply-indico AT indico.bnl.gov URL:https://indico.bnl.gov/event/26363/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
[[Eic-projdet-erd107-l] ] [Indico] [Event reminder] Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting (05/02/2025, 14:00 US/Eastern),
bockf, 02/04/2025
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [[Eic-projdet-erd107-l] ] [Indico] [Event reminder] Joint LFHCal & Insert meeting (05/02/2025, 14:00 US/Eastern), bockf, 02/05/2025
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