eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l AT lists.bnl.gov
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Re: [Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l] Details of the MT6.2C hut
- From: "Kiselev, Alexander" <ayk AT bnl.gov>
- To: Todd R Nebel <tnebel AT fnal.gov>, Mandy Kathleen Rominsky <rominsky AT fnal.gov>, "Evan D. Niner" <edniner AT fnal.gov>, "Chandradoy Chatterjee" <chandradoy.chatterjee AT cern.ch>
- Cc: "Jung, Andreas" <anjung AT purdue.edu>, Alex Eslinger <eslinger AT jlab.org>, "Kiselev, Alexander via Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l" <eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l] Details of the MT6.2C hut
- Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2023 05:23:53 +0000
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2023 7:37 AM
To: Mandy Kathleen Rominsky <rominsky AT fnal.gov>; Kiselev, Alexander <ayk AT bnl.gov>; Evan D. Niner <edniner AT fnal.gov>
Cc: Jung, Andreas <anjung AT purdue.edu>; Alex Eslinger <eslinger AT jlab.org>
Subject: RE: Details of the MT6.2C hut
Good Morning
The 2C hut table will lower as low as 47” from the floor. That would be
19.5” under the beam height
Not sure what is needed on the remote movements but if you eliminated
the vertical lift part of the table you can get a height of 40” from the floor,
(25.5” under the beam height) and still have horizontal remote movement.
Also consider removing the table all together in there if needed lower and
no movement is needed during your run.
Hope this helps
Please ask if more question
Todd Nebel
Fermi Nat. Accl. Lab
FTBF Technical Coordinator
Chief Operations Specialist
Cell 630-360-0740
From: Mandy Kathleen Rominsky <rominsky AT fnal.gov>
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 8:50 AM
To: Alexander Kiselev <ayk AT bnl.gov>; Evan D. Niner <edniner AT fnal.gov>; Todd R Nebel <tnebel AT fnal.gov>
Cc: Jung, Andreas <anjung AT purdue.edu>; Alex Eslinger <eslinger AT jlab.org>
Subject: Re: Details of the MT6.2C hut
Hi Alexander!
Apologies for not responding sooner.
For the 2C Hut, I’ve included Todd. Todd, can you send info to Alexander, please? See the email below with what they need.
For the 2024 test beam, we still don’t have any particular news. We’re waiting for one of the accelerators to actually successfully complete a review and start running, so we have a clear understanding how the rest of these will go. I’m hopefully we’ll have news mid January.
Kiselev, Alexander <ayk AT bnl.gov>
Date: Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 11:26 PM
To: Evan D. Niner <edniner AT fnal.gov>, Mandy Kathleen Rominsky <rominsky AT fnal.gov>
Cc: Jung, Andreas <anjung AT purdue.edu>, Alex Eslinger <eslinger AT jlab.org>
Subject: Re: Details of the MT6.2C hut
Hello Evan, hello Mandy!
can you please provide input to Andreas and Alex, concerning the MT6.2C hut dimensions, see below? Also, any news about the 2024 beam test prospects would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you & Merry Christmas!
From: Kiselev, Alexander
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 9:32 AM
To: Evan D. Niner <edniner AT fnal.gov>; Mandy Kathleen Rominsky <rominsky AT fnal.gov>
Cc: Jung, Andreas <anjung AT purdue.edu>; Alex Eslinger <eslinger AT jlab.org>
Subject: Details of the MT6.2C hut
Evan, Mandy, hi!
How is it going? Any news about the progress of the beam complex certification procedure?
We are going to install a cylindrical detector vessel with an outer diameter of 1300mm, in the MT6.2C hut. The description of this area says the beam is at a 66 5/8 inches height above the floor.
But what is the lowest table position with respect to the floor level? Also, what is the height of the MT6.2C hut roof?
Thank you,
- Re: [Eic-projdet-pfrich-mechanical-design-l] Details of the MT6.2C hut, Kiselev, Alexander, 12/28/2023
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