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Subject: List for the 2014 Hot QCD White Paper Writing Group

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  • From: "Ralf F. Rapp" <rapp AT>
  • To: List for the 2014 Hot QCD White Paper Writing Group <hot-qcd-whitepaper-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Hot-qcd-whitepaper-l] Fwd: 1502.02730
  • Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 18:38:45 -0600 (CST)

Dear Bill, dear Fellow authors,
I agree with the strategy of waiting for ~2 weeks and then posting a "final"
I will attend to Nora's comments and discuss suitable updates with Tony and
else would like to give input on those (just let me know).
As for how to implement them in the document, I am happy to either do it
together with
Tony, or send updated text passages (+ new references) to you (Bill), as you

----- Original Message -----
From: "W.A. Zajc" <zajc AT>
To: "Writing Group List for the 2014 Hot QCD White Paper"
<hot-qcd-whitepaper-l AT>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 7:10:25 AM
Subject: [Hot-qcd-whitepaper-l] Fwd: 1502.02730

Hello all (again):

In a message to Krishna a day or too ago I made a successful theoretical
prediction - that when the White Paper was posted we would receive “please
reference me too” messages. Below is the first of what I hope is not many.

All of the remarks below are concentrated on the Quarkonia section. Tony and
Ralf - can you address these? If you prefer for me to upload any edits (that
you would suggest) and new references to github, that is OK - I’ve had a lot
of practice recently.

I am sending this to the list rather than just to Tony and Ralf because there
is a general issue of how we handle such requests. Your thoughts on this
would be appreciated. For starters, I don’t intend this to be a ‘living
document’. At some point in the near-future we will stop updating it. We
would obviously want to fix mistakes and misstatements.

Best regards,


W.A. Zajc
I.I. Rabi Professor of Physics
Columbia University
New York, NY 10027

Begin forwarded message:

Date: February 11, 2015 at 7:06:10 AM EST
From: Nora Brambilla < nora.brambilla AT >
To: zajc AT
Cc: nora.brambilla AT
Subject: 1502.02730

Dear Authours of 1502.02730,
I was seeing and reading with pleasure your big opus! Let me congratulate
with you for this Hot QCD White Paper that I hope will have a large and
positive impact for our research. Precisely because I hope that this document
will have a positive impact
on the development of our field I am writing you to insert some changes that
will improve the text.
In particular I have some relevant comments about the text that you have
written on quarkonium dissociation that calls for some revision along the
lines given below:

1) at very bottom of pag. 31 you say that the study of quarkonia in matter is
carried on with lattice (first principle) and with models.
This is not true, such study is carried on with lattice and with effective
field theories of QCD and then on a phenomenological level with models.
Plaese improve that paragraph.

2) top of pag. 32 you speak about the free energy and then abouts its use in
a Schrodinger eq.
It has been recently shown ( Phys.Rev. D82 (2010) 074019, : arXiv:1007.5172)
(using QCD at small coupling, i.e. effective field of QCD at small coupling)
that the free energy is not the quark-antiquark potential at finite T. There
is no reason for which this result should change at large coupling. So there
no reason to use the free energy as a potential in a schrodinger eqiation.
This is the latest status and should be reported.

3)in the third paragraph of 32 starting with "Lattice computations also"
you say:
"In the bottomonium sector one can additionally utilize nonrelativistic
heavy quark effective theory [183]"
183 is a lattice calculation of the spectrum. They do do not use heavy quark
effective theory but they use nonrelativistic QCD. In particular they compare
their lattice result to our calculations of the thermal bottomonium spectrum
made with potential nonrelativistic QCD in
JHEP 1009 (2010) 038 : arXiv:1007.4156
(at small coupling in he continuum) and they find agreement with us.
The sentence should be modified and our reference added.

3) when in the last part of pag. 32 you listed the approached used to obtain
the quark antiquark in medium potential you cannot leave out the effective
field theory approach that was the FIRST one obtaining the imaginary part in
the potential. You quoted only [191] but these are lattice calculations of
Wilson loop that tried to find on the lattice an imaginary part of the
potential using the Wilson loop after the
work done in:
--first in one particular case using the Wilson loop in
JHEP 0703 (2007) 054 hep-ph/0611300
--and then in general in all the dynamical situations in an effective
field description Phys.Rev. D78 (2008) 014017 arXiv:0804.0993

Again I would like to thank you for working at such formidable document that
will serve well our field, I hope to have contributed my little part to it
with this email ;-)

with my warmest regards and greetings
nora Brambilla

Nora Brambilla Tel.: +49-89-289-123-53
Physik-Department T30f
Technische Universitaet Muenchen Secretary: Susanne Tillich
James-Franck-Str. 1 Tel.: +49-89-289-123-58
85747 Garching Fax: +49-89-289-123-25

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