The following will be undertaking in the maintenance period:
What: The network ACLs will be changed between the accelerator and beamlines.
Why: This is to allow connection between accelerator systems and the DSSI infrastructure such as code repositories, Andible Tower etc.
How: ITD Network Engineering will make the change
What: An updated version of the screen locker at beamlines will be installed.
Why: This update will allow immediate locking of the screen by issuing the `lock-now` command
How: This will be installed during the day by the configuration management system
What: os will be upgraded on various gpfs/nfs servers: gpfs0[1-3] (accel homedirs+accel gpfs), nfs0[3,4] AFM, nfs0[1,4-6] cnfs servers (above are all centos 7.x-7.9 and simple updates + reboots into new kernel), nsd-00[1-4] (beamline central gpfs, rebuilds from debian to rhel8)
Why: required for cyber compliance
How: systems will be updated one at a time, should largely be transparent due to failover/redundancy, will keep Control Room and #dssi-general in the loop
What: Additional Permissions will be added to `dzdo` to allow GPFS specific commands
Why: This is being added to allow beamline staff and DSSI support staff to perfom commands to ensure GPFS is mounted / running and debug GPFS
How: This change will be applied through out central config management.
What: Network rules will be added to Beamline IOC servers for EPICS routing
Why: These changes will be done to allow Beamlines to talk to the new central EPICS services which run in the 740 computer room.
How: this change will be allied using our central config management
Please contact Wilkins, Stuart if you have any questions / comments / concerns.