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phys-npps-members-l - [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: FW: Updated Snowmass Announcement

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  • From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
  • To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: FW: Updated Snowmass Announcement
  • Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 08:02:16 -0500

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Denisov, Dmitri <denisovd AT>
Date: Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 10:40 PM
Subject: FW: Updated Snowmass Announcement
To: Roser, Thomas <roser AT>, Kettell, Steven <kettell AT>, Ma, Hong <hma AT>, Palmer, Mark <mpalmer AT>, Amm, Kathleen <ammk AT>, Minty, Michiko <minty AT>, Peggs, Stephen G <peggs AT>, Slosar, Anze <anze AT>, Begel, Michael <begel AT>, Kotcher, Jonathan <kotcher AT>, Rajagopalan, Srini <srinir AT>, wenaus AT <wenaus AT>, Eric Lancon <e.lancon AT>, Mueller, Berndt <bmueller AT>, Maria Chamizo Llatas <Maria.Chamizo AT>, Asner, David <dasner AT>, Carini, Gabriella <carini AT>, Kleese Van Dam, Kerstin <kleese AT>, Davoudiasl, Hooman <hooman AT>, Sally Dawson <sallydawsonbnl AT>, Dunlop, James C <dunlop AT>
Cc: Worcester, Elizabeth <etw AT>

Dear BNL Colleagues,


As you know DPF, together with DAP, DPB, DNP, and DGRAV, is planning next Snowmass process. Currently, see below, the process of nominating conveners to lead groups and sub-groups is progressing with deadline of November 15. The nominations are not expected from large organizations, such as laboratories, experiments or universities, so it is important that all members of the above APS Divisions nominate best possible candidates. The process for nominations is described below with details provided at the link at the end of the message.


Please, nominate candidates, if not already, who will lead the field toward and during Snowmass. Forward this announcement to the members of your groups and anyone who might be interested nominating.


Thanks, Dmitri.


From: APS DPF <apsunits AT>
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2019 10:47 AM
To: Denisov, Dmitri <denisovd AT>
Subject: Updated Snowmass Announcement


This is a revised announcement for Snowmass 2021 - Please replace all earlier versions with this new one. The new version includes:

  1. The correct date for summer study: July 11-20. The date was incorrect in one version of the older announcement.
  2. Many of the instructions have been revised for clarity in response to community feedback.
  3. A steering committee has been formed to include representation from DAP, DPB, DNP, and DGRAV, along with DPF
  4. The topics list has been revised. Please look at the new list when nominating conveners.

The Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society announces the next HEP Community Planning Exercise (a.k.a. Snowmass) 

The Snowmass Community Planning Process is organized by the Division of Particles and Fields of the APS. In order to coordinate efforts across divisions, a steering committee consisting of the DPF executive committee with representatives from the executive committees of DAP, DPB, DNP, and DGRAV will meet regularly. Snowmass is an opportunity for the entire HEP community to come together to identify and document a vision for the future of particle physics in the U.S. and its international partners. Workshops will be organized over the next couple years, culminating in a 2021 summer session that pulls all the work together. Snowmass provides input to the HEPAP prioritization panel (P5), which in turn provides advice under a set of funding scenarios to the agencies on future projects and scientific programs. 

Dates and Site Selection: The dates for the summer study are July 11 - 20, 2021 and we are now soliciting site proposals. Send site proposals to cushman AT by November 15, 2019 and they will be evaluated by the entire DPF executive committee. Plan for ~ 1000 attendees. Include the following: Names of your local organizing committee, cost and availability of lodging (mix of low- and high-end hotels, dorms or retreat center), public transportation, rough estimate of registration cost prior to any supplement provided by DOE or a private foundation, although your plans for defraying the cost can be included. Include parallel session rooms, auditorium (seats ~ 1000), coffee breaks, AV, and administrative help. Provide a rough estimate of banquet or reception costs separately. Feel free to include any special advantages of your venue. For your reference, the 2013 website is still (mostly) available.

Convener Nomination: We are soliciting nominations of conveners for the working groups that will become the main organizing bodies for workshops, white papers, and the final summary paper. Our intention is to pair junior and senior career scientists, as well as appropriate representation of theory vs experiment. The details of this process, which is designed to create the broadest and best representative sampling of our field, are found at the bottom of this announcement. There you will find a job description for conveners, as well as how to send in your nomination. Nominations must be received by November 15, 2019. The list of topics for which you may make nominations is in a separate file. 

Input to the Process: Your contributions and participation will naturally occur as part of one or more working groups directed by the conveners, as well as by nominating conveners and sub- conveners. As we put together the process, you are also welcome to provide input and suggestions on the Slack channel and APS Engage website (these are coming soon!). You will be able to use these platforms to comment throughout the entire process from subtopics to workshop planning schedules. We are ahead of schedule when compared to the process in 2013. We aim for everyone’s voice to be heard. 

Sincerely, Priscilla Cushman (DPF Chair) 
Young-Kee Kim (DPF Chair-elect) Tao Han (DPF Vice-chair)
Rough Timeline: 

  • November 15, 2019 
  • Deadline to submit proposals for the summer study site
  • Deadline to nominate conveners 
December 1, 2019 
  • Decision on summer study site 
December 15, 2019 
  • Finalize co-conveners for the frontiers 
January - February, 2020 
  • Finalize topical conveners
  • Convener organizational meetings 
March, 2020 
  • Outline the structure of the Snowmass process 
APS April meeting, 2020 
  • Snowmass Steering Committee meets with frontier/infrastructure conveners
  • Frontier/infrastructure have their own working group meetings
  • Present the outline to the community / receive feedback from the community 

Convener Nomination Process The DPF is soliciting nominations of conveners for the working groups that will become the main organizing bodies for workshops, white papers, and the final summary paper. The DPF Program Committee, in coordination with the DPF Executive and in consultation with DPB and DAP, has settled on 10 major categories (or frontiers), the list of which is found in the accompanying Snowmass Topics pdf file. We seek two conveners for each of these major categories. Each major category also includes a list of the topics that we expect to be studied within that category. Each topic is anticipated to be a working group in its own right, with a topical convener. 

Nominations can be submitted for a frontier or topical convener. Email your nominations to the convener contact(s) listed in the Snowmass Topics pdf file, and use the subject line Snowmass Convener Nomination. The convener contacts will collate your nominations and deliver them to the steering committee, and the steering committee will choose the frontier co-conveners from the list of nominees. The newly-chosen co-conveners will then select their topical conveners from the nominees. In order to ensure an equitable nomination process with broad representation, the steering committee must approve all topical convener choices in this second round. 

Nominations may come from an individual, including self-nominations, or from pre-existing topical groups whose workshops and studies can be folded into the Snowmass process seamlessly by appropriate choice of convener. We request that any group nomination include a description of the organization and the nomination selection process used. The steering committee is solicitating information from the larger community in order to include a broad demographic balanced across multiple topics. It is therefore not useful for large institutions like labs, experiments, or universities to come up with a massaged list; there will not be a rigid weighting process, but instead an informed attempt at balance and expertise. Since the work required of a convener is substantial, we have listed the responsibilities below. Please make sure your nominee is willing to make the time commitment before sending in their name. 

The list of topics is our first draft of likely working groups within the major categories (a.k.a. frontiers). It thus provides a framework in which to choose conveners and start the process. Once the frontiers are in place, these topics might change. The frontier co-conveners are expected to re-examine the topics in their major category and optimize based on their membership and interests. Instrumentation, Computation, Theory, Accelerators, Underground Facilities, and Community Involvement are designed to overlap the topical frontiers of Energy, Cosmic, Rare/Precision, and Neutrino; it will be the job of the co-conveners to create necessary connections via individual liaisons or by forming specific task forces or topical groups which span frontiers. 

Roles of Frontier Co-Conveners

  1. Co-conveners represent the HEP community in all their activities, not their personal and/or organization agendas
  2. Propose topical convener candidates based on nominations from the HEP community and other input. The steering committee will endorse the list of topical convener candidates.
  3. Contact the candidate topical conveners
  4. Optimize topical groups and establish topical conveners
  5. Together with topical conveners, review the 2013 Snowmass write-up and capture lessons-learned
  6. Together with steering committee and the DPF program committee, organize the Snowmass kick-off meeting during the 2020 APS April meeting
  7. Organize meetings for their frontier and work with topical conveners to organize specialized workshops leading up to the summer study.
  8. Together with the steering committee, organize the final 2021 Snowmass summer study
  9. Solicit community input in the form of white papers
  10. Be responsible for the 2021 Snowmass report (by end of 2021) 

Estimated time as Frontier Conveners 
Overall ~20% effort (or a day a week) over 1.5 ~ 2 years During specific periods, conveners will have to spend a much larger fraction of their time

View Topics »






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  • [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: FW: Updated Snowmass Announcement, Torre Wenaus, 11/06/2019

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