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- From: Maxim Potekhin <potekhin AT>
- To: phys-npps-members-l AT
- Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] A Cassandra event in NYC
- Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2020 12:56:06 -0500
Dear All,
I'm guessing that none of us is currently using Cassandra DB (unfortunately!) and it's
underutilized in HEP at present time. I had created a Cassandra-based prototype
of the PanDA monitor a few years ago and it performed exceptionally well. I still think
the platform has a lot of potential. I like the transparent replication (i.e. you don't really
have to do anything after trivially setting up the replica policy when you start) and healing
(i.e. if a node fails and gets replaced you once again don't have to do anything, it will heal
itself by ingesting its portion of the data automatically from other replicas).
There is an upcoming Cassandra workshop in NYC on January 16th. In my opinion,
that's a great opportunity for interested members of our community to get introduced
to the platform and get information literally from the source. The link:
Best regards,
- [Phys-npps-members-l] A Cassandra event in NYC, Maxim Potekhin, 01/05/2020
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