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[Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: June 20 Pres Proclamation regarding suspension of H1B visas : Summary and Impacts
- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
- Cc: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
- Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: June 20 Pres Proclamation regarding suspension of H1B visas : Summary and Impacts
- Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2020 17:42:45 -0400
From: Goodsell, Margie <mgoodsell AT>
Date: Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 3:23 PM
Subject: June 20 Pres Proclamation regarding suspension of H1B visas : Summary and Impacts
To: Goodsell, Margie <mgoodsell AT>
Cc: Office of International Services (OIS) <ois AT>
Hello, everyone,
Below is a summary of the June 20 Pres. Proclamation and BNL impacts:
6-20-2020: Summary of the Presidential Proclamation which suspends the entry into the US of foreign nationals on certain employment-based nonimmigrant visas.
Effective Date: June 24, 2020 until December 31, 2020 and may be continued or modified as necessary. This Proclamation also extends the suspension of entry into the US of new green card holders from abroad.
The visa suspension applies to an individual who is outside the US as of June 24, 2020 and does not have a nonimmigrant visa that is valid as of June 24.
For the foregoing individuals, no visas will be issued in the following visa categories:
· H-1B visa (professionals, specialty occupations) and dependents
· H-2B visa (seasonal non-agriculture occupations) and dependents
· J visa for the following programs - intern, trainee, teacher, camp counselor, au pair, or summer work travel program, and dependents
· L visa (managers and executives of foreign companies) and dependents
The visa suspension does not apply to individuals with an official travel document other than a visa (such as a transportation letter, boarding foil, or advance parole document).
The visa suspension does not apply to:
· lawful permanent residents (current green card holders);
· spouse or child of a U.S. citizen;
· an individual working in the U.S. food supply chain;
· any individual whose entry would be in the national interest as determined by the Secretaries of State, of Homeland Security such as:
1) individuals who are critical to the defense, law enforcement, diplomacy, or national security of the United States;
2) individuals involved in providing medical care to individuals with COVID-19 and are currently hospitalized;
3) individuals involved in medical/other research at U.S. facilities to help the US combat COVID-19;
4) individuals who are necessary to facilitate the immediate and continued economic recovery of the United States; or
5) children who would age out of eligibility for a visa.
The consular officer at the US embassy/consulate has discretion to determine if an individual is within one of the exempted categories outlined above.
Modifications will be considered within
30 days,
and every
60 days
after, by the Secretaries of Homeland
Security, Labor and State.
BNL H1B visa (for professionals and specialty occupations) impacts:
- New hires who are abroad and need to apply for an H1B visa stamp will not be able to apply for an H1B visa stamp.
- New hires who are abroad and have pending H1B visa applications with US consulates/embassies will not be able to obtain an H1B visa stamp.
- New hires and current employees who are already in the United States on H1B visa are not affected by this visa suspension, unless they travel abroad and need to apply for an H1B visa stamp.
- New Hires and current employees who are abroad with a valid H1B visa stamp will be able to enter the US as soon as the travel restriction (specifically: China, Iran, European Schengen area, UK and Ireland, Brazil) and DOE relocation restriction are lifted. A valid visa stamp is required to enter the US.
- Current employees who are abroad with an expired H1B visa stamp will not be able to apply for a new H1B visa stamp. A valid visa stamp is required to enter the US.
BNL J1 visa (for research scholars) impacts:
- New hires and current employees on J1 research scholar visa category, who are abroad or already in the US, are not affected by this suspension. Note that as of June 1, 2020, J visas will not be issued for researchers from China who has/had received funding/ employed / study / conduct research at or on behalf of an entity in China that implements or supports China’s military-civil fusion strategy.
BNL F1 OPT or STEM visa (international students in US universities) impacts:
- New hires and current employees on F1 OPT or STEM visa category who are already in the US are not affected by this suspension.
- New hires and current employees on F1 STEM visa category who are already in the US and will need to change status to H1B visa category are not affected by this suspension as long as they stay in the US. If they travel abroad on H1B, they will not be able to apply for an H1B visa stamp to return to the US.
- New hires and current employees on F1 OPT or STEM visa category who are outside the US and will need to apply for an F1 visa stamp are not affected by this suspension. Note that as of June 1, 2020, F visas will not be issued for students from China who has/had received funding/ employed / study / conduct research at or on behalf of an entity in China that implements or supports China’s military-civil fusion strategy.
BNL green card impacts:
- BNL- sponsored green card applications for current employees are not affected.
Please let me know if you have questions.
Thank you.
Margie C. Goodsell, J.D.
Supervisor, Office of International Services phone: 631-344-4807
Brookhaven National Laboratory fax: 631-344-4997
20 Brookhaven Avenue, Bldg. 400B mgoodsell AT
P.O. Box 5000
Upton, New York 11973-5000
I am working remotely this week. I am fully accessible through my BNL phone extension (x4807), BNL email (mgoodsell AT
and video conferencing via MS Teams.
For our international customers, I may also be contacted through Skype and WhatsApp messenger (Margie Goodsell).
Foreign Travel:
complete this Foreign Travel Undertaking Form
and contact International Services (ois AT at least two (2) weeks before making final foreign travel plans to request your travel package and obtain guidance on visa and passport issues,
and travel delays.
Electronic I-94:
Upon return from foreign travel, please send
ois AT a copy of the electronic I-94 from the CBP website:
Change of U.S. address: All non-U.S. citizens, except for holders of A or G visas, must report a change of address to USCIS within 10 days of moving by completing a USCIS Form AR-11, Change of Address. For more information: click on
Interested in becoming a U.S. Permanent Resident or applying for U.S. citizenship?
Visit the Office of International Services' (OIS) webpage:
Permanent Residency;
U.S. Citizenship
- [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: June 20 Pres Proclamation regarding suspension of H1B visas : Summary and Impacts, Torre Wenaus, 06/25/2020
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