phys-npps-members-l AT
Subject: ALL NPPS Members
List archive
- [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: ML deployment and optimisation on AWS: introduction and hands-on tutorial, Torre Wenaus, 06/04/2021
- [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: [Usatlas-l] Juneteenth: Statement and Information from the US ATLAS EDI Committee, Torre Wenaus, 06/18/2021
- [Phys-npps-members-l] July2021 Timecards, Santiago, Carlene, 06/21/2021
- [Phys-npps-members-l] June2021 Timecard Adjustment for the Juneteenth Holiday, Santiago, Carlene, 06/28/2021
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