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phys-npps-members-l - Re: [Phys-npps-members-l] Complete Your Vaccination Attestation by September 24: A New Requirement for Brookhaven Science Associates Staff

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  • From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
  • To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
  • Cc: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Phys-npps-members-l] Complete Your Vaccination Attestation by September 24: A New Requirement for Brookhaven Science Associates Staff
  • Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 11:12:52 -0400

Hi all,
Today's coffee made it apparent that some highlighting/clarification of the vaccination validation policy would be helpful...

  • “Vaccinated on-site staff and those teleworking locally are expected to schedule their on-site appointment before Sept. 24.”

  • ‘Teleworking locally’ means people living in the Long Island area.

“Those teleworking from more distant locations must schedule a Zoom meeting with OMC at Ext. 3670 to confirm their vaccination status.”

  • i.e. our CERN based folks also have to validate their status, by scheduling a zoom meeting.

“To have your vaccine status validated, please register online at AT to reserve a timeslot at the OMC, which is across from the south parking lot of Bldg. 400.”

  • If you have problems with this site please let me know. I found it very easy to register (even though I sometimes have problems with Microsoft cloud services in other contexts).

Questions welcome!

On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 12:03 PM BNL Media & Communications Office <pubaf AT> wrote:
NOTE: The following message is being sent to the Lab community on behalf of Deputy Director for Operations Jack Anderson. Note to supervisors: Please share this message with members of your staff who don't have regular access to email.

* * *

Complete Your Vaccination Attestation by September 24: A New Requirement for Brookhaven Science Associates Staff

On Aug. 20, 2021, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) issued its new COVID-19 Workplace Safety Framework (the 'Framework'). This Framework was developed in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget requirements; updated U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance; Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines; and other Federal guidance.

Within the Framework, there is primary emphasis placed on COVID-19 vaccines, which are now widely accessible throughout the U.S. The Framework strongly encourages vaccinations as the best line of defense in combatting COVID-19 and ending the pandemic. The vaccination of the national laboratory workforce will better protect all of us and allow us to move toward continued safe and responsible site reentry.

Consistent with new Federal guidance within the DOE Framework, Brookhaven Science Associates (BSA) must now report to DOE the percentage of our staff that has been vaccinated, including those who are teleworking. The vaccine status of individual employees will not be shared with DOE.

To meet this new requirement, BSA will continue its practice of having staff show proof of vaccination to Occupational Medicine Clinic (OMC) staff by presenting their vaccine card (or electronic equivalent - for NY, the Excelsior Pass). OMC then provides staff with a blue "validated" badge attached to a lanyard (Validation Badge) as the means for documenting vaccine status. To date, approximately 1,700 staff members have obtained a Validation Badge. 

Staff who have not yet validated their vaccine status with OMC need to do so. The new validation requirement applies to all BSA employees, including those who are teleworking.

To have your vaccine status validated, please register online at AT to reserve a timeslot at the OMC, which is across from the south parking lot of Bldg. 400.

Vaccinated on-site staff and those teleworking locally are expected to schedule their on-site appointment before Sept. 24. Those teleworking from more distant locations must schedule a Zoom meeting with OMC at Ext. 3670 to confirm their vaccination status. Individuals who have not had their status validated by Sept. 24 will be considered to be unvaccinated.

To find and schedule a vaccination, use the appointment tools listed at Please keep in mind that when getting a COVID-19 vaccine shot during the workday, Brookhaven employees may use the COVID Vaccine Leave code "CVL" on their timecard, up to a maximum of four hours per shot.

In addition to vaccine leave for themselves, BSA employees may now also use the same CVL time code for up to four hours of administrative leave (per dose) for the actual time required to accompany a family member who is receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Finally, any employee experiencing side effects from the vaccine can now use up to 16 hours of administrative leave (total) for the two doses to recover. Information on how to enter this time on your time card will be posted on the Time Card Reporting Guidelines page at

If you have any questions about the vaccine, please contact the OMC at 631-344-3670.

Employees should continue to report any COVID-19-like symptoms to the OMC at 631-344-3670, and please stay home if you don't feel well.

Thank you for your patience during this pandemic and for your commitment to the vital mission of the Laboratory.

- Jack Anderson
  Deputy Director of Operations

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  Brookhaven National Laboratory      
  Media & Communications Office        Phone: (631)344-8158
  Bldg. 400 - P.O. Box 5000              Fax: (631)344-3368
  Upton, NY 11973
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-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892 |  wenaus AT | |
-- NPPS Mattermost room:

  • Re: [Phys-npps-members-l] Complete Your Vaccination Attestation by September 24: A New Requirement for Brookhaven Science Associates Staff, Torre Wenaus, 09/13/2021

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