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phys-npps-members-l - Re: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Google mail offering

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  • From: Maxim Potekhin <potekhin AT>
  • To: pinkenburg <pinkenburg AT>, phys-npps-members-l AT
  • Subject: Re: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Google mail offering
  • Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2021 10:47:20 -0400

Hi Chris,

I agree with you on most points. The sample is too small and the 51% is hardly an overwhelming
majority. I'm certainly not a part of that 51%. Also, the people in the 10% group who already have
a Google account and do not want a second one will be in a bind, since all of a sudden their
Google use will be subject to all sorts of policies. Even with limited stats this seems a no-go.


On 9/25/21 10:09 AM, pinkenburg via Phys-npps-members-l wrote:
That does ring a bell. It is weird that the future of sdcc mail is decided by a 30/20 popular vote on a 2 question survey without any discussion of the technical merits or any kind of cost/benefit analysis. 185 users is an interesting selection - given that every rhic account comes with email, there must be about an order of magnitude more email accounts (admittedly including many unused ones).

What happens with the email when someone leaves the lab (or gets temporarily blocked). Right now accounts are disabled  but even with a blocked account users can access their mails via webmail for some grace period.

Some email client found it funny to expunge my trash folder (okay - not the best way of "just in case" archiving of a couple 100k emails). Tejas recovered them from backup, does one have access to backups in google or is the "oops - shouldn't have done this" final?

Would this hook up into our future SSO or would we have to memorize another account/password?

These are the ones I can think off right now


On 9/24/2021 6:36 PM, Torre Wenaus via Phys-npps-members-l wrote:
Your input will be welcome!

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tony Wong <tony AT>
Date: Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 6:03 PM
Subject: Google mail offering
To: <wenaus AT>, <aak AT>

Hi Torre, Alexei,

The results of the Google mail survey were presented
at the Liaison meeting on Sep. 2nd:

It's in the "Experimental Computing" slides. Jerome
asked you to email him if you have any additional
feedback, in addition to what's already in the survey


-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892 |  wenaus AT | |
-- NPPS Mattermost room:

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Phys-npps-members-l AT


Christopher H. Pinkenburg	;    pinkenburg AT

Brookhaven National Laboratory	;    phone: (631) 344-5692
Physics Department Bldg 510 C	;    fax:   (631) 344-3253
Upton, NY 11973-5000


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