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phys-npps-members-l - [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: BWIS Lecture - Ester Caffarel-Salvador, June 29 16:00

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  • From: Kolja Kauder <kkauder AT>
  • To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: BWIS Lecture - Ester Caffarel-Salvador, June 29 16:00
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 09:34:41 -0400

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NPP I&D Council <NPPIDCouncil AT>
Date: Tue, Jun 27, 2023 at 9:28 AM
Subject: BWIS Lecture - Ester Caffarel-Salvador, June 29 16:00

BWIS invites you to join .... 



Ester Caffarel-Salvador 


Associate Director of Strategic Innovation for Rare Diseases at Chiesi USA,

 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


Charting a Scientific Career Across Countries


Thursday June 29 @ 4:00 pm 


Registration Link: 



About: Ester Caffarel-Salvador is a multidisciplinary scientist with a double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry, an M.Ed. in Physics and Chemistry from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a Ph.D. in Pharmacy from Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), and a mini-MBA from Harvard University. For her post-doctoral research at QUB, she collaborated with world-leading companies (L’ÓREAL, Lohmann Therapy Systems) in developing microneedles for transdermal drug delivery applications.

In 2015, she joined the laboratory of Prof. Robert Langer at MIT, where she developed a pill to administer insulin orally, now in clinical trials, which led the MIT Technology Review to recognize her as one of the 35 Innovators Under 35 in 2019. Her work at MIT also resulted in several international patents and publications in high-impact journals including Science and Nature Medicine.


Later, Ester led the scientific strategy and business development of a biotech startup and consulted for international scientific laboratories and startups. In 2019, she joined LEO Pharma as the Associate Director of Regenerative Medicine, where she led various gene therapy projects aimed at treating rare skin diseases. Now, as the Associate Director of Strategic Innovation for Rare Diseases at Chiesi USA, she scouts and evaluates innovative therapeutic modalities that may provide long-term solutions for patients with rare diseases.


Caffarel-Salvador is based in Boston where she remains a lecturer at MIT. She speaks seven languages and is passionate about advocating on career development for women in science.



Kolja Kauder, Ph.D.
Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY
+1 (631) 344-5935

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  • [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: BWIS Lecture - Ester Caffarel-Salvador, June 29 16:00, Kolja Kauder, 06/28/2023

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