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phys-npps-members-l - [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Using VSCode for files on spar or lxplus machines

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  • From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
  • To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Using VSCode for files on spar or lxplus machines
  • Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 13:04:15 +0000

Shuwei has nicely documented one of the coolest features of vscode. Also works when you have a home machine accessible by (only) port 80, makes it a fully usable machine from anywhere

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: "Ye, Shuwei" <yesw AT>
Date: Sep 28, 2023 at 8:48:34 AM
Subject: Using VSCode for files on spar or lxplus machines
To: BNL Analysis (atlas-bnl-analysis AT <atlas-bnl-analysis AT>

Dear all,

Do you want to use VSCode to edit files on spar machines or lxplus machines?

I just documented how to use VSCode remote-tunnels for files on remote machines. Please visit the following page for details:



-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892

  • [Phys-npps-members-l] Fwd: Using VSCode for files on spar or lxplus machines, Torre Wenaus, 09/28/2023

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