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[[Phys-npps-members-l] ] Mattermost channel for BNL NP PanDA/Rucio
- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS members <Phys-npps-members-l AT>
- Subject: [[Phys-npps-members-l] ] Mattermost channel for BNL NP PanDA/Rucio
- Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:14:52 -0400
FYI we're resurrecting the NPPS distributed software channel for BNL NP PanDA/Rucio discussion. Questioners and answerers take note!

-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892
- [[Phys-npps-members-l] ] Mattermost channel for BNL NP PanDA/Rucio, Torre Wenaus, 03/12/2025
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