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Subject: NPPS Leadership Team
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Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Leadership team meeting after NPPS meeting tomorrow
- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
- Subject: Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Leadership team meeting after NPPS meeting tomorrow
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 10:49:19 -0500
We did not increase Shuwei’s Rubin time after Sergey’s departure, because Wen has been the stronger replacement (and he’s paid by IRIS-HEP). So we’re accumulating about 1 FTE-month per month, of an I-7/I-8 level person, since beginning of 2022, for the unfilled PanDA Rubin hire.
Sergey was budgeted 25% for ATLAS for FY22, so we’re accumulating .25 FTE-month per month of an I-8 person.
If (realistically) the start date for both the PanDA hires is June 1, we’ll have accumulated over 6 FTE-months of PanDA support funds (Rubin and ATLAS) still to be used. Enough to support Zhaoyu (together with our two new PanDA hires) to about the end of the calendar year.
Rubin is supporting Shuwei at 50%. ATLAS is expecting to take him fully back, though they’re not in a hurry to do so. Oct 1 2022 could be a good target.
We have 1.5 FTE support from Rubin during FY23 before it declines to 1 FTE steady state from FY24. In FY23 we can have the new Rubin PanDA hire plus 50% of Zhaoyu working on Rubin which doesn’t use quite all the money because Zhaoyu is already covered to end of calendar 2022, and she’s cheaper than our budgeted Rubin effort.
So over 50% of Zhaoyu is covered through FY23 by Rubin-ATLAS PanDA.
If we get 25% FTE on LuSEE, I would assign Zhaoyu (if necessary). Maxim can go back to fully NP. (We can spend some of Jamie’s money that way.)
Victor’s performance does not suggest that his 25% effort will continue into the next FY, sad to say. We can support 25% of Zhaoyu to do the workflow/workload management rationalization across STAR, sPHENIX, ATLAS at BNL that Amol is incapable of doing.
So we can identify means of covering 100% of Zhaoyu through FY23. By the time of FY24 I am sure that other opportunities will have presented themselves.
Hi all,Let's plan on a leadership team meeting after the NPPS meeting tomorrow. If the NPPS meeting happens, that is. If my interactions with the management today get any more depressing, I'll advance my Friday afternoon road trip commencement by 24hrs and say goodbye today until at least next week.Never take a job where you have 20+ FTEs of responsibility and zero decision making control.Torre---- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment-- NPPS Mattermost room:
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Leadership team meeting after NPPS meeting tomorrow,
Torre Wenaus, 03/03/2022
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Leadership team meeting after NPPS meeting tomorrow, Torre Wenaus, 03/03/2022
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