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phys-npps-mgmt-l - [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] RHIC PAC Recommendations

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  • From: "Van Buren, Gene" <gene AT>
  • To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
  • Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] RHIC PAC Recommendations
  • Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2022 15:34:01 +0000

Hi, all

Here is the final Recommendations document from this year's RHIC PAC:

I have cut & paste the sections I found relevant to software & computing
below for those who don't want to scan the document for these points
themselves. The final "Offline Computing" section primarily emphasizes ("most
profound concern") the upcoming computing hardware resource needs of both
STAR and sPHENIX, not prioritizing either over the other. PHENIX analysis
resource needs are also noted.



1. Executive Summary
The PAC endorses STAR’s emphasis on the importance of maintaining sufficient
expert personpower for software, computing and operations at BNL, which is
critical for high-quality data collection, and timely calibration and
production of data.
sPHENIX has met and surpassed its goals for designing, building and testing
its software framework for compression, storage and analysis. It has also
improved the memory footprint of the reconstruction software to optimize
implementation at the SDCC. Software appears to be on schedule for
simulation, reconstruction, calibration, compression and storage, for the
inaugural run in February. The PAC is pleased to hear that the software is in
place and has passed two Mock Data Challenges.

Detailed hardware requirements for off-line computing for sPHENIX have been
provided to BNL management, including the use of off-site computing
resources. The 15 kHz event-rate of sPHENIX requires an increase in CPU and
storage usage of an order of magnitude. Concerns regarding computing
resources were expressed in the 2021 S&C reports but have yet to be addressed
adequately. sPHENIX estimates an increase by about a factor of two in
resources is needed for initial processing of off-line data. It is imperative
that sPHENIX and BNL management address these concerns in time for successful
data-taking and analysis for Run 23. The PAC urges BNL management to assign
highest priority to the procurement of the computational resources needed to
analyze RHIC data in a timely manner.


3.1 STAR
The PAC is pleased to see the progress in the software developments for
detector calibrations, alignment, offline data reconstruction, and the
initial fast simulations. We look forward to seeing the completion of the
full detector response simulation software, the optimization of the tracking
software, and eventually – the data analysis and physics results.
The PAC endorses STAR’s emphasis on the importance of maintaining sufficient
expert personpower for software, computing and operations at BNL, as is
critical for high-quality data collection, and timely calibration and
production of data.


PHENIX made significant progress in data and analysis preservation using
international expert systems such as REANA, Zenodo and HEPdata.

The PAC supports these efforts in data preservation. The PAC supports
PHENIX’s request to BNL management for resources necessary to complete
critical analyses such as b,c→μ decays.


4.2 Readiness for Data Taking including Computing & Commissioning Plan

The PAC was pleased to learn that sPHENIX has met and surpassed its goals for
designing, building and testing its software framework for compression,
storage and analysis. Using the current snapshot, sPHENIX can analyze a Au+Au
event in 21 seconds, where the 2019 goal was set at 24 seconds. Further,
sPHENIX has improved the memory footprint of their reconstruction software to
optimize implementation at the SDCC. Software is on schedule for simulation,
reconstruction, calibration, compression and storage, for the inaugural run
in February.

Since 2019 sPHENIX has undergone annual S&C reviews. The PAC is pleased to
hear that the software is in place and has passed two Mock Data Challenges.
Reports from the 2021 S&C reviews were positive with respect to the software,
but serious problems in procuring the resources were discussed. An S&C review
was undertaken in May of 2022, but the report from that review was not yet
available to the PAC.

Detailed hardware requirements for off-line computing have been provided to
BNL management. This includes studies of using off-site computing resources,
e.g. the OSG. Not surprisingly, the 15 kHz event-rate of sPHENIX (which was
the principal motivation in building sPHENIX) requires an increase in CPU and
storage usage of an order of magnitude.

The serious concerns about resources for off-line computing expressed in the
2021 S&C report are not yet addressed. As these concerns affect both STAR and
PHENIX, they are addressed below.


5. Off-Line Computing for Runs 23-25

The PAC expresses its most profound concern regarding the computing needs for
both sPHENIX and STAR for runs 23-25. Despite the significant progress
sPHENIX has made in optimizing their computational software, the sPHENIX
computing needs remain an order of magnitude greater than previous
experiments, and STAR is managing to double their event throughput while
implementing several new detector subsystems. The current SDCC planned
computing resources are more than 50% short of what is needed to meet the
sPHENIX and STAR needs in 2023, and the shortfall is expected to increase in
outer years. Without additional computing resources, the ability of sPHENIX
to calibrate their analyses and plan for future runs will be severely
compromised, and scientific results from both collaborations will be severely
delayed. This shortfall needs to be addressed in the coming months to avoid a
tragic underuse of the scientific effort being invested to collect this data.

The PAC urges BNL management to assign highest priority to the procurement of
the computational resources needed to analyze this data in a timely manner.
The PAC requests that BNL, STAR and sPHENIX provide an update on their plans
for procuring the needed resources in October of this year.


7. PAC Reommendations
BNL Lab Management
The PAC urges BNL management to assign highest priority to the procurement of
the computational resources needed to analyze RHIC data in a timely manner.

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