phys-npps-mgmt-l AT
Subject: NPPS Leadership Team
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- From: Torre Wenaus <wenaus AT>
- To: NPPS leadership team <Phys-npps-mgmt-l AT>
- Subject: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings
- Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2022 07:51:26 -0400
Hi all,
Here we are post Labor Day! Hope all have had a good summer, those who noticed that summer was happening outside ;-) Finally NPPS group and leadership team meetings are coming again.
This Friday we'll have Zhaoyu and Xin giving their intro talks. Would be good to have an sPHENIX update, sound OK? And we can put a Rubin one on the agenda (possibly to be bounced), they've had a busy summer. We'll have NPPS meetings on 16 and 23 as well, then a 3 week gap for various reasons. Please comment on what dates work best for updates of other activities.
Let's plan on a leadership team meeting this Fri after the group meeting.
-- Torre Wenaus, BNL NPPS Group, ATLAS Experiment
-- BNL 510A 1-222 | 631-681-7892
[Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings,
Torre Wenaus, 09/06/2022
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings,
Laycock, Paul, 09/06/2022
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings,
Torre Wenaus, 09/06/2022
- Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings, Kolja Kauder, 09/07/2022
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings,
Torre Wenaus, 09/06/2022
Re: [Phys-npps-mgmt-l] Meetings,
Laycock, Paul, 09/06/2022
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