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Re: [Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT
- From: Hugo Pereira Da Costa <hugo.pereira-da-costa AT cea.fr>
- To: <sphenix-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT
- Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2020 09:21:36 -0600
Hi all,
The notes from this week's meeting are at https://indico.bnl.gov/event/9399/attachments/30438/47710/notes-rev.txt and below.
As usual, comments are welcome,
Ross and Hugo
1/ Hardware updates
- Klaus: working on merging the CAD drawings of the Micromegas
with those of the TPC for integration
- Tom: ongoing discussion on reading the currents on the TPC
central membrane. Waiting from actual current values (Evgeny)
2/ update on distortion generation software
Slide 4:
Q: there should be no ambiguity on the definition of the
distortion if using true polar coordinates for the distortions
(delta r and delta_phi). The ambiguity comes from using "r.phi" as
a length, along local azimuthal axis, as opposed to polar angle.
Correct ?
A: yes. In any case, no ambiguity either and less arithmetic
involved when using Cartesian coordinates. Grid cells will still
be defined in polar coordinates though
Comments: the "natural" coordinates for measuring the distortions
are still polar: the TPC measures phi and z, and the strips are
aligned in r layers. Will need to convert to Cartesian in the last
Slide 6:
Q: how do phi and r distortions compare in the ALICE case ?
A: r.phi distortions are about 1/2 of r distortions. This is what
ALICE's analysis shows, and what our analysis reproduces using
their TPC parameters. This is different in the sPHENIX case.
Q: Is sign inversion for rphi distortion between the two models
understood ?
A: yes, this is due to B field having the wrong orientation.
Slide 7:
C: magnitude of the distortions in the ALICE case: 2% to 5%. Back
of the envelope calculation says that is should be about the same
in sPHENIX. (assuming pile up rate is the same: 50kHz)
Slide 9:
C: When creating an average spacecharge distribution, one should
not average IBF and Gain over phi: those are due to GEM operations
and are considered long timescale variations.
It is ok to average the primary ions over phi
Q: unclear what "smoothing" IBF along z means. Evgeny uses
"constant" IBF fraction (there is a phi dependence but no time
dependence = z dependence). Correct ?
A: "smoothing" here is a synonym for averaging. The IBF
contribution is assumed to vary only wrt r, so all bins at the
same r value are assigned the average of all bins at that r. IBF
fraction does not, in these models, have any time dependence.
Structure in z comes only from the structure of individual events
and their respective drift times.
Slide 12:
Q: what are the magnitudes of the distortions ?
A: With flat BField (meaning no r or phi components anywhere), max
r distortion in SPHENIX is 0.17cm and max rphi distortion is 0.5cm
(both at r=20cm)
Slide 16:
Q: right now using magnetic field map as is. Should I apply scale
factors ?
A: in the simulations we apply (-1.4 / 1.5). Sign flip will change
the relative sign of rphi distortions with respect to r.
Q: What field map is being used?
A: Currently using phi-symmetric map used for particle tracking in
geant. Will switch soon to full-3d map representing (per John
Haggerty) the final design of the endcap doors.
Q: what are the magnitude of the distortions ?
A: with realistic mag field, there is an additional r distortion
of up to 2 cm (at large r) and rphi (in the local phi-hat
direction defined at the particle's origin) distortion up to -1cm.
Should be considered static, hopefully we will be able to subtract
those away.
Slide 17:
"fluctuations" as a function of phi do not fluctuate, and are not
centered on zero
means the subtracted baseline is not the right one. Partly due to
incorrect phi averaging to get the baseline. After the meeting,
this was discovered to also have a sign error that has since been
3/ Henry: comparing distortions between input map and what is used
in the simulations
- pointed out different conventions on calculating rphi and
deltarphi leading to inconsistencies. This probably explains why
the pre-integrated maps in Henry's code produced different results
than integrating the differential maps.
- decided to switch to using Cartesian coordinates
- will update comparisons to ensure consistency. R and Z plots
match Ross's plots, but phi is still being calculated differently.
4/ update on SC maps (Evgeny)
- no more disk space <- ask Chris
Slide 3:
C: on the generation of anode currents, need to add random process
on a per track (or even per primary) basis: for instance, detector
gain is known to fluctuate following ~ exponential statistics of
mean the actual gem gain. Not sure about IBF fraction fluctuations
Slide 6:
Q: Slope in the middle plot is due to not accounting for the
primary ionisation in the denominator of the ratio. Right ?
A: yes
Slide 8:
Q: why is the middle plot not at unity ?
A: probably due to the fact that the averaged IBF in the model is
not 0.04.
Q: the structures on the left plots are due to the gain (and IBF)
spacial variations in the model ?
A: yes
Q: why are there some tiny variations remaining on top of this
structure on an event by event basis ?
A: probably due to variations in the distribution of the primary
Slide 11:
Q: could you provide the rootfile of the plot on the left, for
re-use ?
A: yes. (this has since been forwarded to Ross and Tom)
5/ Reconstructing the distortions (Hugo)
Slide 6:
Q: judging from the uncertainties and fluctuations of the "r"
distortions, would it make sense to tie them to the rphi
distortions using model, rather than fit them independently ? (in
principle they are correlated because they are both consequences
of the radial component of the electric field created by the space
A: could do. Need a proper model though. Another possibility is to
include extra terms in the chisquare to account for the
correlation (and properly account for the corresponding
Slide 7:
Q: what is on the rightmost plot ?
A: this is a closure test. The input distortions added at the
electron drift level are re-added (with a minus sign), after
clustering, to see if one recovers the original inv. mass.
C: in fact this does not have to work exactly: for the distortion
map, the relevant volume index correspond to the truth position,
whereas at the reconstruction level, it should be that matching
the distorted position. As such re-using the same map is not
entirely correct
A: yes. The fact that it works here is likely because the
magnitude of the distortions is small wrt the size of the volume
element. Might not be the case when we have large (~ 1cm)
distortion coming from the use of the real field map.
Slides 10 and 11:
C: surprised that the phi averaging has such a large effect
A: sector to sector differences include Gain differences between
GEM which can be large. (need to double check that those are in
C: judging from the results from slide 10, it might be useful to
see what happens with a Micromegas detector that covers the full
A: yes, but will come low on todo list. There are other suspicious
things in the whole chain that need investigating.
As an element of answer: Slide 15, left plot: this is the mass
resolution one gets if we use the "truth" track information in the
chi-square from Slide 3. (so: ideal track reconstruction). There
is still a remaining factor 2 with respect to the "no distortion"
resolution. Must come from the uncertainty on the cluster position
in the TPC, or a bug, or something else. Needs investigation.
Slide 14:
Q: what is the RMS at a given r of the observed phi fluctuations ?
A: By eye, a few 100um. Needs better quantification.
Also need to double check what is included in those fluctuations:
fluctuation of the primaries, and IBF ? static gainxIBF
differences ?
The former will cancel out when using proper time-averaged maps,
but not the latter.
The indico page is at https://indico.bnl.gov/event/9399/ and connection details are below.
Contributions are welcome,
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Meeting ID
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_______________________________________________ sPHENIX-calibration-l mailing list sPHENIX-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/sphenix-calibration-l
[Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT,
Hugo Pereira Da Costa, 09/14/2020
- Re: [Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT, Hugo Pereira Da Costa, 09/15/2020
- Re: [Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT, Ross Corliss, 09/15/2020
- Re: [Sphenix-calibration-l] Next meeting on Spacecharge distortions in the TPC, Tuesday, Sept 15, 11AM EDT, Hugo Pereira Da Costa, 09/17/2020
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