sphenix-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov
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[Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions Meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday, 11AM EDT
- From: Ross Corliss <ross.corliss AT stonybrook.edu>
- To: sPHENIX-calibration-l <sphenix-calibration-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Cc: "Soltz, Ron" <soltz1 AT llnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions Meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday, 11AM EDT
- Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2022 18:16:02 -0400
Dear Distortions Folks,
Resuming after the TPC construction pause, the distortion meeting will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, at the usual coordinates and time, 11AM EDT. We will discuss the line lasers, and if Ron is available also the digital current reconstruction. Other topics are of course welcome.
Dr. Ross Corliss
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science
Stony Brook University
virtual office: https://stonybrook.zoom.us/my/rossoffice?pwd=ZmZ2SlRIMVFvUUJwbUkyOVNVTmE5QT09
[Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions Meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday, 11AM EDT,
Ross Corliss, 08/08/2022
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Sphenix-calibration-l] TPC Distortions Meeting Tomorrow, Tuesday, 11AM EDT, Ross Corliss, 08/22/2022
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