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Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs
- From: Vincent Andrieux <vincent.andrieux AT cern.ch>
- To: "Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, James Lawrence Nagle <jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu>
- Subject: Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 23:41:36 +0000
Results for 48445 and 48447 are available in:
Specific results related to asymmetries are attached.
I have to reprocess 48446, as I have a misalignment right from the beginning (which I use as reference).
In general, those runs looks good at least in the current state of the analysis.
Best regards,
From: sphenix-cold-qcd-l-request AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-cold-qcd-l-request AT lists.bnl.gov> on behalf of Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 4:28 PM
To: Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov <Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Subject: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 4:28 PM
To: Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov <Sphenix-zdc-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sPHENIX-cold-QCD-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Subject: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs
Hello ZDC peoples (cc cold QCD),

After getting multiple inputs / viewpoints, I have decided that we will not move the ZDCs from their current positions. We need our focus of experts to be in many other areas (including TPC isobutane, etc), and leaving our luminosity counters as they
are is a simplifying effort.
I know there may be some concerns if the polarization is not vertical, but there are many reasons to believe this is not the case -- and likely not possible. However, since we had a situation where the EMCal was unavailable last night, I instructed
the shift crew to take a set of ZDCNS triggered runs. It would be great if people can check these high statistics runs for vertical polarization and report at one of the upcoming SCM.
Run 48445, 48446, 48447.

|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| James L. Nagle
|| Professor of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
|| EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT colorado.edu
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
|| SKYPE: jamie-nagle
|| WEB: http://spot.colorado.edu/~naglej
Description: LocPolZDCtriggers_10_48445.pdf
Description: LocPolZDCtriggers_10_48447.pdf
Description: LocPolZDCtriggers_11_48445.pdf
Description: LocPolZDCtriggers_11_48447.pdf
[[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Jamie Nagle, 07/16/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Vincent Andrieux, 07/16/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Itaru Nakagawa, 07/17/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Ejiro Umaka, 07/17/2024
- Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs, Itaru Nakagawa, 07/17/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Ejiro Umaka, 07/17/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Itaru Nakagawa, 07/17/2024
- Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs, Itaru Nakagawa, 07/17/2024
Message not available
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Jamie Nagle, 07/17/2024
- Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs, Itaru Nakagawa, 07/17/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Jamie Nagle, 07/17/2024
Re: [[Sphenix-cold-qcd-l] ] ZDC position plans and extra ZDCNS special runs,
Vincent Andrieux, 07/16/2024
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