sphenix-emcal-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX EMCal discussion
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- From: "Sickles, Anne M" <sickles AT illinois.edu>
- To: "sphenix-emcal-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-emcal-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Cc: "Hubbard, Justin Wayne" <jhubbard AT illinois.edu>
- Subject: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL
- Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:32:54 +0000
The 16 prototype modules are on their way to BNL. I’ve attached a picture of the 16 of them and I would like to draw attention especially to the work of Eric and Justin at the NPL in getting these out in such a timely manner. We will continue
to make a few more for testing using the same procedures.

Anne Sickles
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
[Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL,
Sickles, Anne M, 11/19/2016
- Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL, Craig Woody, 11/19/2016
- Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL, John Haggerty, 11/19/2016
Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL,
Edward O'Brien, 11/19/2016
- Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL, Sickles, Anne M, 11/19/2016
- Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] prototype modules headed to BNL, Sean Stoll, 11/22/2016
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