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sphenix-emcal-l - Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] [Sphenix-software-l] NEW START TIME : 11am Calo Calibrations Meeting Tomorrow Tuesday 8/16/22 11:00am till 12:30pm

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Subject: sPHENIX EMCal discussion

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: "Sickles, Anne M" <sickles AT>
  • To: "Frantz, Justin" <frantz AT>
  • Cc: "sphenix-emcal-l AT" <sphenix-emcal-l AT>, "sphenix-calibration-l AT" <sphenix-calibration-l AT>, "sphenix-hcal-l AT" <sphenix-hcal-l AT>, "sphenix-software-l AT" <sphenix-software-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] [Sphenix-software-l] NEW START TIME : 11am Calo Calibrations Meeting Tomorrow Tuesday 8/16/22 11:00am till 12:30pm
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 16:57:54 +0000

Hi all,

The minutes are attached to the indico and copied below.


Anne Sickles
Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

  • More on “extra performance ratio (PR) correction” to eliminate the differences between different tile shapes
  • Looked at the difference between these 912 data and the GSU data, most agree within about 1% but some have a larger difference
  • Shapes: 7/8 outer HCal, 7 11, 12 for inner HCal
  • Not the different numbering scheme on slide 3 compared to other slides.  There is an offset of 20.  Tile 21 is at zero rapidity.
Stefan thinks that the GSU data might be sensitive to time variation in the test stand whereas the 912 data had the whole calorimeter read out at once.
  • Anthony stated that the raw MPV values could have that kind of variation.

  • Going through the task list….
  • Pulse fitting:
  • We have had updates from Tim and Maxim
  • Tim has made templates for the HCals, but hasn’t been able to test them
  • Also been working with Chris on the effect of slow neutrons using a simulation sample.
Ohio is interested in the effect of noise on the tower slope method pi0/eta
  • Anthony will have an update on pi0 extraction in Pythia samples
  • Shower shape cuts
  • Dennis thinks we could have an opportunity to use a ML clusterizer.
  • Some notes exist in the database
LED software
  • Not expected to be used it in the online monitoring
  • Megan has a student who will take over from Saif some of the LED HCal work
Online Monitoring
  • Anthony & Blair are leading
HCal calibration via MIPs and isolated charged particlesPi0 tower by tower method
  • Update last week
EMCal cosmic KPPs plots nearly done.Position dependent correction work ongoingPower for the EMCal is not expected before December 1
  • Single sectors could be powered before then if we have reason (it would slow down other technical work)
  • December 1 is thought to be very optimistic

On Aug 15, 2022, at 8:18 PM, Frantz, Justin via sPHENIX-software-l <sphenix-software-l AT> wrote:


As I mentioned last week, despite our best efforts in our planning earlier this summer which we thought resulted in a mtg time also good thru Fall, things happened and some new fall teaching schedules brought some conflicts for some key folks.  Luckily however, a good solution was possible by only shifting the start time to a half hour later, at 11:00am.   The plan is to go the same 1.5 hrs we've been able to mostly stick to so we will end at 12:30pm.  So please change your calendars: through the fall (and possibly beyond!)  the Calo Calibrations meetings will be held 11:00am-12:30 pm Tuesdays.   (PS the zoom link hasn't changed).

We will start with the new 11am start time tomorrow.  Please let me know if you have an update,  I will have make a presentation possibly with some updates on the data-driven methods but also we will have a look at our task lists from the beginning of summer.  There are many things folks are working on it'd be great to hear updates on.  

ZOOM Meeting info: 

and the zoom info: (same as before--it's a meet anytime)

Topic: sPHENIX Calibrations Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 763 5022
Passcode: 503420


Justin Frantz, Ph. D.  he 
RHIC UEC/Diversity Working Group 
Brookhaven National Lab, sPHENIX Experiment 
Associate Professor 
Ohio University Dept. Of Physics and Astronomy    


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