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sphenix-hcal-l - Re: [Sphenix-hcal-l] [Sphenix-emcal-l] QM abstracts

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Subject: sPHENIX HCal discussion

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  • From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT>
  • To: "sphenix-electronics-l AT" <sphenix-electronics-l AT>, "sphenix-emcal-l AT" <sphenix-emcal-l AT>, "sphenix-hcal-l AT" <sphenix-hcal-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-hcal-l] [Sphenix-emcal-l] QM abstracts
  • Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2016 18:09:30 +0000

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for the suggestions from John and Eric. I have prepared a calorimeter
talk abstract as following. I also hope to coordinate with collaborators
regarding adjustments and submission.

Design and test-beam performance of the sPHENIX calorimeter system

The sPHENIX Collaboration at RHIC is planning a major upgrade to the PHENIX
experiment by constructing an entirely new spectrometer based on the former
BaBar solenoid magnet that will enable a comprehensive study of jets and
heavy quarkonia in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The sPHENIX
spectrometer will include one tungsten-scintillating fiber electromagnetic
calorimeter surrounded by two layers of steel-scintillator sampling hadronic
calorimeters, which will cover an acceptance of ±1.1 units in pseudorapidity
and full azimuth. The first prototype of this calorimeter system has been
tested at Fermilab in April of 2016, while the second prototype is taking
data in early 2017. Design considerations, test beam results and performance
projection for the sPHENIX calorimeter system will be presented in this talk.

Best regards




Brookhaven National Laboratory
Physics Department, Bldg 510 C
Upton, NY 11973-5000

Office: 631-344-5898
Cell: 757-604-9946

From: sphenix-emcal-l-bounces AT
[mailto:sphenix-emcal-l-bounces AT] On Behalf Of Megan Connors
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:31 PM
To: Mannel, Eric <mannel AT>
Cc: sphenix-electronics-l AT; sphenix-emcal-l AT;
sphenix-hcal-l AT
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-emcal-l] [Sphenix-hcal-l] QM abstracts

Dear all,
I would also like to submit an abstract on the HCal/testbeam. A drafted
abstract is below. I hope to coordinate the details with others.  
Best Regards,

A Prototype of the sPHENIX Hadronic Calorimeter
The proposed sPHENIX experiment is designed to reconstruct jets in heavy-ion
collisions at RHIC. A crucial component to reconstructing the energy of jets
is the sPHENIX calorimeter system which includes electromagnetic and hadronic
calorimeters. The hadronic calorimeter (HCal) is a sampling calorimeter with
alternating layers of steel absorber and scintillating tiles.  There is an
inner and larger outer HCal, located inside and outside of the solenoid
detector. Prototypes of the EMCal, inner HCal and outer HCal were tested at
the Fermilab Test Beam Facility. Measurements of the energy resolution
satisfy the requirements of the proposed sPHENIX physics program and are
consistent with GEANT4 simulations. In addition to results of the test beam,
the tile testing and calibration procedure for the HCal will be discussed.

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 6:04 PM, eric mannel <mannel AT> wrote:
I agree with your assessment of the calorimeter talks at QM.
In terms of electronics, I would suggest this for the electronics:
1. Front end (SiPMs/Analog section, including temperature and leakage current
compensation and slow control (Sean/Eric/Steve)
2. Digitizers/calorimeter trigger (Sara/Chi)
3. DAQ including tracking (Martin)
For the test beam results, I am wondering if we should not push for a talk
along with a posters focused on the EMCal and HCal analysis separately; Jin
for the talk and Virginia and Abhishek respectively for posters. 
Ron and Vera would be natural for the HCal and EMCal detector construction
posters respectively.
On 9/26/16 4:26 PM, John Haggerty wrote:

I think that we should cover all parts of the sPHENIX proposal in the
Quark Matter poster abstracts if possible; Tom had a nice organization
of the tracking-related abstracts, but the calorimeters have some holes
and inconsistencies.

I think the abstracts we want are these:

EMCAL detector
HCAL detector (including tile testing?)
Calorimeter electronics and SiPM's
Digitizer and calorimeter trigger
Beam test results

Data acquisition and triggering (including TPC, INTT, and MAPS)
Minimum bias trigger device?

Magnet? (low and high field testing, mapping, etc)?

Items with question marks are ones that I consider optional.

Eric J. Mannel, Ph.D.
Physics Dept.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
631/344-7626 (Office)
914/659-3235 (Cell)

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