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sphenix-l - [Sphenix-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Aug 18th 1-3PM @ 2-160

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT>
  • To: "sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>, "sphenix-software-l AT" <sphenix-software-l AT>
  • Subject: [Sphenix-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Aug 18th 1-3PM @ 2-160
  • Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 21:03:08 +0000

Also available on agenda:



Tony - SVX tracking option update


Page 4 -

Mike: question on the thickness for ITS thickness, is that 0.3% or 0.6%?

Tony: need to double check


Action Item [Tony]: double check and confirm ITS thickness


Page 5:

Jin: is there liquid cooling for FPHX design?

Tony: no, gas cooled.




Jin: action item from last meeting, certify the implementation of cylinder SVX

Tony: mass resolution went to ~104 MeV.

Mike: ~5-10% track has bogus cluster. Reco eff. Is very high. May need to update quality cuts. Problem is above G4Hit level, no need to hold production for this.


Tony: which one is the macro to double check again before production?

Chris: the one in the master:


Alan: Is Kalman filter with SVX ladder working?

Tony: having trouble finding track once turn on covariant matrix option.



Ron S. and Alan - TPC update


Ron Page 3:

Volunteer welcomed: function study with TPC


Alan page 1:

Mike: what's the quantification of the effect?

Alan: need to work out.

Dave: good to improve communication to ALICE. May deserve to simulate the current ALICE setup as our simulation calibration too.

Ron: Need measurement for calibration of the gain structure of readout, leads to uncertainty in this study at this stage.

Craig: ALICE are looking at a few readout options. The space charge is dominated by the readout ion back flow.

Dave, John and Jin: what about pp at improved luminosity ?

Craig: coincidentally, the effects are similar due to similar #track/s in HI VS pp.

Alan: need to quantify the smearing residual after the correction. Need to study and talk to experts.

Chris: there is a 2006 NIM paper on STAR and a thesis from ALICE: Simulation & Calibration of the ALICE TPC including innovative space charge calculations:


Alan: what is the time scale?

John H.: document final in Mid Oct. Draft early Sept. Detector definition very soon.

Ron: plan not implementing space charge effect for now.

Craig: suggest quote a rough relative deterioration based on existing, e.g. STAR's experience.


Alan page 2:

Alan: what plot we would need for pre-CDR.

Mike/Tony/Ron: consistent with SVX option studies, suggest tracker performance plots (dp/p, eff., purity, DCA) for pp and central HIJING. dE/dx for TPC only studies.


Alan page 3

Alan: what is criteria to merge?

Mike: will help in certification.


Alan: Time scale need?

Mike: sooner than later since it gets harder and harder.


Dave: Talked with Jim Thomas. He is willing to join this meeting to discuss directly. Many useful comments.

Action Item [Jin, Dave, TPC team]: Email to organize a discussion with Jim Thomas at a future meeting.



Tracking in general:


Dave: shall we try GenFit for general Kalman fit framework?

Both Dave and Mike are interested in working on this direction. 


Jin: what is the portion of photon conversion background for Upsilon?

Tony &  Alan: should be negligible small. Need to double check Sasha's past study.



Calorimeter Updates


Jin - full projective SPACAL merged to nightly build. Small bug fix in the weekend. Chris running test production.

Chris: New field map from Achim. Start trying single particle simulation in the new reference simulation.

Achim: Walter is also working on 3D magnetic field.

Jin: will cross check with after-burner once receiving it. 


Ron: what is the status of the finalization of HCal code

Chris: recently adjusted air gap. Outer Hcal use fixed tilt angle. Ready for test production.



Mike - Analysis software


Many progress made in the past a few weeks:


Finished Items:

·       Jet storage

·       Jet reconstruction module


o   Although set to disable by default, but ready for test in private by activate flag in


·       Tracking evaluation

o   New scheme in evaluator objects

·       Pythia 8 driver module (imported from Matt Snowball)


·       A few bug fix in vertex module and tracking


John H. (Offline): PHENIX beam pipe is 43.2 mm in diameter and the wall is 0.76 mm thick Beryllium

Action Item [Mike]: Update the macro


Jin: Should user use the new Ntuple maker as example for using the evaluator objects?

Mike: Yes. User can copy it to get example of using evaluators:


Issue: x4 slower from various pointer copying?

Chris: We can try profilers, including GNU gprof and callgrind. Not yet tested on RCF.


TODO items:

·       Calo Eval.

·       Optimization

·       ATLAS Jet reco

·       FastSim


Chris/Peter: Vertex reco has problem in truth container. Multi-vertex problem.

Mike: on TODO list, though not top














Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department, Bldg 510 C

Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 631-344-5898

Cell:   757-604-9946



From: Huang, Jin
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 4:28 PM
To: 'sphenix-l AT' <sphenix-l AT>; 'sphenix-software-l AT' <sphenix-software-l AT>
Subject: [reminder] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Aug 18th 1-3PM @ 2-160


Dear All,


Despite of the EMCal review dry run, we will still have a brief weekly sPHENIX simulation meeting Tue Aug 18th 1-3PM. Let’s start the meeting with brief updates on software status for TPC, calorimetry and analysis software. More contributions are welcomed too.


For residents at BNL, we will meet in the 2-160 conference room (the regular room and time slot).


The agenda page is at , for which the modification password is 1008


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2) Enter Conference ID: 377457648













Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department, Bldg 510 C

Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 631-344-5898

Cell:   757-604-9946



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