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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
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[Sphenix-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 15st 1-3PM @ 3-192
- From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT bnl.gov>
- To: "sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 15st 1-3PM @ 3-192
- Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2015 22:09:24 +0000
Also available on agenda: https://indico.bnl.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=1339
Production status : Chris Pinkenburg
New production requests : · EMCal group: Electron and hadron simulation with higher statistics (100x now ~ 100k single particle per working point (2/4/8 GeV for current selected eta ranges)), for PID studies · EMCal group: Pythia events (10k – 100k), full magnetic field, for trigger turn-on curves · EMCal group: Single electron simulation (1000 event, current chosen energy&eta ranges), sPHENIX magnetic field, but NO silicon detectors. For intrinsic EMCal resolution studies. · Hcal group: tilt angle scans
Running pythia8 Chris: installed pythia8 binary. Not yet tested connection module with Fun4All. Mike: Ported over PHPythia8 from PHENIX software. Agreed to test this with the new binary installation.
Action Item [Mike]: Test running pythia8 with sPHENIX.
Tilt angle scan for HCal John: shall we run it from user or request Chris to do so? Jin: it is best to run centrally to get reliable result which is consistent with other production (e.g. activating use of the CPU-intensive precision neutron physics list). Conclusion: Chris agreed to run the tilt angle production.
Action Item [Chris]: coordinate with the Hcal group to run the Hcal tilt angle scan.
Produce the evaluation ntuples along with production John H.: evaluation files are good for quick analysis after production Mike: with the new evaluator, the truth trace table are not produced in run-time, rather than saved to DST files. But the evaluation ntuple as output from the evaluator are compact and good for saving. Jin: G4hit from production are designed to be saved and readback. Many analysis object are not, and are fast evolving. Therefore, most reliable analysis should be run with the GitHub macro based on the production output. But agree that a Ntuple evaluator output is nice for quick checks as well as for check analysis output. Mike: DST storage objects are still being changed too. Working hard on the analysis objects so they can become supported for DST storage. Conclusion: Chris will make effort to output the evaluation Ntuple in future productions. However, these files are for test purpose, not for final analysis.
Action Item [Chris]: plan to output the evaluation Ntuple in future productions for quick tests from users.
Time scale of production/analysis Chris: request clarification of the updated time scale John L.: · Mid-Sept (this Friday) for draft. · Mid-Oct as final dead line to submit pre-CDR
Analysis software update : Mike McCumber
Many new developments done · Update on tracking. · Evaluation module to validate new pull requests - produced time on condor ~ 1hour · Reco status check · 2% momentum shift fixed with recalibration scale · Merge SVX + TPC branches · Verbosity limits update · SvxTrack storage update · Track interface
SvxTrack/state vector storage options Alan : for SvxTrack, nice to have flags to fast fetch a few well used state vectors. They are not obvious for users to find with path length as the unique identifier for the state vectors. Jin: Support Mike’s chose of path length as the unique identifier for the state vectors, since they are unique and applicable to both central
and forward tracks. Mike: will use convenient search function to find and return the states to predefined special point (e.g. near vertex and at the end of tracking region). CPU cost seems modest.
Magnetic field update Achim: B field change recently. We could also be over estimating the field strength slightly in the current field calculation. Mike: working on fetching B from map. Achim: could be changed with plug door location or change the operating current
Action Item [Mike]: get field strength from the field map for tracking analysis Action Item [Mike]: allow user to scale field strength in macro level (Done)
Calorimeter digitalization/calibration and EMCal pre-CDR plots: Jin Huang
Page 4: Chris: how do we plan to handle energies in absorber? Jin: production output as absorber hits. There are a few user module to use the absorber hits to estimate sampling fraction and energy distribution. John H.: learning leakage would be important too. Chris: that can be accessed in the "Black Hole" energy, built to capture leakage outside the whole detector package
Page 7: Chris: how the hadron normalization is done? Jin: X-axis is fixed by the electron simulation energy scale. Y-axis is scaled to reproduce the MIP peak and we use this plot to check the response in shower energy tails.
Page 10: Martin: why there is a separation in sampling fraction between 1D/2D projective SPACAL even at the central rapidity? Jin: the fiber matrix density is slightly different due to the fiber spacing is slightly different.
Mass resolution vs cell size on TPC : Sasha Lebedev
Page 1: Alan: how to we plan to merge the many macros used in TPC analysis into the main repository? Chris: propose to use a sub folder for TPC macros
Page 4: Ron: flat region is the right region of for the working point
Page 8: Sasha: many condor job crashed. Alan: there is a known memory issue recently introduced. Will fix soon.
Jin: what is the x-axis Sasha: x-axis is mass difference, reco - truth
John H: what is the size of this TPC? Sasha/Alan: with an out-R of 80 cm
Page 9: Alan: in the gas study, we need to tune the gas mixture to be consistent between material setting in Geant4 and in diffusion/ionization settings.
Hcal resolution investigations: Abhisek Sen
Page 1: Jin: "Innie" is a historical term, standing for a configuration of inner Hcal inside the BaBar magnet, which is similar to the current reference configuration.
Page 2: John: which particle is used? Abhisek: pions
Next step: Digitalize Hcal with photon statistics: John H.: the photon yield is 500p.e. / GeV deposited
Action Item [Abhisek/Jin]: introduce photon statistics and digitalization to Hcal analysis
Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
From: Huang, Jin
Dear All,
This is a reminder that we will have our weekly sPHENIX simulation meeting Tue Sept 15st 1-3PM.
Similar to the last meeting, let’s start with updates on the simulation production/new software features for pre-CDR. Then we would like to invite each subsystem group to have report on their progress.
The agenda page is at https://indico.bnl.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=1339 , for which the modification password is 1008
· For residents at BNL, we will meet in the 3-192 conference room. · To join the Meeting via bluejeans: https://bluejeans.com/468481110 · To join via Phone: 1) Dial: +1 408 740 7256 +1 888 240 2560(US Toll Free) +1 408 317 9253(Alternate Number) (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers) 2) Enter Conference ID: 468481110
Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
- [Sphenix-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 15st 1-3PM @ 3-192, Huang, Jin, 09/15/2015
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