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sphenix-l - [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX fortnightly meeting minutes from Friday, June 22, 2016

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: David Morrison <dave AT>
  • To: "sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>
  • Subject: [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX fortnightly meeting minutes from Friday, June 22, 2016
  • Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 17:49:24 -0400

Dear collaborators,

Thanks to Jin Huang, here are sPHENIX fortnightly meeting minutes from Friday, June 22, 2016.


sPHENIX update - Gunther Roland, Dave Morrison
Preparation of tracker review

·       Sept 7-9, 2016 @ BNL

·       Demonstrate tracking performance and physics capability from topical groups

Gunther/Tony: Need conclusive proof that suitable solution proposed are suitable for full physics program
Dave: this charge differs from baseline scope charge – it  doesn’t demand that tracker be strictly restricted to just DOE funding.
Collaboration meeting
·       Proposed date: Dec 14-16 @ GSU.
·       Tom/Tony/Jamie: conflict of finals weeks.
·       Gunther:  Doodle poll to optimize
Other news
·       Major step for MAPS project, success award of LDRD received by LANL group!
·       Expect a cost & schedule review later this year
·       Public speaking instructions from ALD: $30M-$34M” upgrade and don’t get drawn into discussion of redirected RHIC operations. 
Coordinating RHIC S&T review and fall conferences
·       Continue development of physics cases: Small workshop at MIT on Oct 28-29
·       Cold QCD topical group is forming
·       sPHENIX survey/census to come via email
·       Test beam analysis and paper progress
Project news - Ed O’Brien
Recent progress
·       SC-Magnet valve box extension is now in BNL Central shops
·       Calorimeter digitizer is making good progress at Nevis
·       Prepared Closed bid on the full size OHCal prototype
·       High eta tiles design to UNIPLAST, product coming early Oct
·       R&D progresses in TPC and EMCal
o   Considerations of 3D printing technology for EMCal molds at universities
On-going and coming events
·       PHENIX Removal and Repurposing in preparation for sPHENIX - making good progress
·       Mini-reviews and workfests - June - August
·       DOE S&T review of RHIC including sPHENIX – August
·       TPC electronics mini-review -August
·       Order full-size OHCal mechanical prototype – August
·       BNL-charged Tracker review – September
·       Prepare for next sPHENIX Cost and Schedule review – Late Fall CY16
·       FNAL Test beam – Jan 2017
·       Full field SC-magnet test – Jan 2017
Tracking status - Anthony Frawley, Michael McCumber
Proposing focusing effort on tracking options that are well understood:
·       Inner barrel composed of MAPS detectors
·       TPC outer tracker
·       Intermediate tracker if needed. Need study pro and cons.
On-going development for review:
·       Event pile up
·       TPC software clean up and improve cluster error handling
·       TPC hardware
·       MAPS hardware
·       Evaluation of intermediate tracker in simulation
Tony, Jin, Ed: Plan to base review on cylindrical silicon tracker geometry, and realistic ladder geometry development is not top priority toward the coming tracking review. Nevertheless, extra man-power developing on this direction is encouraged. Good to show work-in-progress in the review.
Gunther, Tom, Tony: intermediate tracker provides redundancy towards unknowns. Optimization needed
Tracker review preparation by Topical Groups (TG)
Jet structure TP
·       Planning Jet MC sample
·       Demonstrate FF, flow jets performance
·       Software tasks:
o   Track-cluster tracking to improve purity
o   Fake jet rejection suing tracking
o   Flavor dependency
o   Unfolding test
o   Quenching modeling in event generation
·       Long term development on-going. Join next meeting on Tue.
Jin: Need to optimize storage of embedded event before embedding production. CPU cost ~3min/event for sim + event + reco
HF-jet TP
·       B-tagging with track counting
o   Dennis produced initial study of track counting in Geant4
o   As Dennis’ is busy over next a few weeks, volunteer need to help
·       Hopefully, a second B-tagging with secondary vertex tagger,
o   Further development from many recent positive progress from Sanghoon and Haiwang by implementing the RAVE vertex finder
·       HIJING embedded study also planned
Upsilon TP
·       Background estimation
o   On-going study
o   Meeting next Tue for background estimates
·       Intermediate tracker mass effect
o   4% thickness would be very challenging to mass resolution
o   Further study needed.
General comment
·       Will determine deadline for new information contribution to tracker review

David Morrison Brookhaven National Laboratory phone: 631-344-5840
Physics Department, Bldg 510 C email: dave AT
Upton, NY 11973-5000

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