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sphenix-l - [Sphenix-l] {Suspected Spam?}Re: {Suspected Spam?}Nattrass WWND talk

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: Christine Nattrass <saccharomyces.cerevisae AT>
  • To: sphenix-l AT
  • Subject: [Sphenix-l] {Suspected Spam?}Re: {Suspected Spam?}Nattrass WWND talk
  • Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 18:59:33 -0400

Hi guys

Thanks to Jin for the comments!  Replies are below the signature.  I have posted a new version in the same place
Dr. Christine Nattrass
Assistant Professor
Physics Department
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Office:  SERF 609
Office Hours:  10:15-11:15 Mon. & 3-4 Wed.
1408 Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
phone number at UTK: (865) 974-6211
  ·       Slides 7: Here we could highlight that the EIC detector’s LOI will be updated this year, which is open to non-sPHENIX member too. 3rd bullet updated to "Update LOI this year, open to new collaborators/new ideas"
·       Slide 9: Full field test was successfully completed at the end of Feb.
Last bullet updated to "Full field test in February successful"
o   I think we can use the current ramp plots too, which is shown in slide 4 of Ed’s talk:
Excellent, I more or less stole the right half of Ed's slide
·       Slide 10: Final prototype test is March-June 2017 fixed
o   Also welcome to use this photo on Mar 5 to replace the drawing: Done
·       I think slide 11 still reflect the plan of the collaboration. The CD-1 review will miss the MVTX in the tracker, but I hope we find finding for it via other means, and I think the collaboration is determined to build the full detector on day-1.
Thanks.  I think this corresponds to no changes needed in the slides but it's good to be sure I know the backup information.

On 03/25/2018 06:49 PM, Christine Nattrass wrote:
Hi guys

My talk for WWND is here
The talk is 25+5 and is on Friday at 9:00 AM.  I will use the PDF version.

I stole heavily from Jin's Santa Fe jet workshop talk - thank you Jin!  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Comments welcome.  In particular, if there are updates e.g. on the full field magnet test mentioned on slide 9 (I said it was successful - I assume it was?).  Also if the plots from the test beam on slide 10 are updated/not preliminary any more or if slide 11 on the tracking reflects the current tracking plan.  Also, perhaps someone has suggestions for plots to summarize what has been measured at RHIC for quarkonia which would set up what hasn't been measured well at RHIC for quarkonia well.


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