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sphenix-l - Re: [Sphenix-l] Slides for INT Workshop

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: "Perepelitsa, Dennis" <dvp AT>
  • To: Megan Connors <meganeconnors AT>
  • Cc: "sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-l] Slides for INT Workshop
  • Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2021 14:49:09 +0000

Hi Megan,

-For Slide 8, do you think I should bump this to the back up slides or just keep your comment in mind?

Maybe one suggestion is to move it after the EPD slide, and cut the bullet point about resolution. Then you could say that the EPD enables these new physics measurements (the jet v2 as you show) and would also improve the performance in general for other measurements.

-I double checked with Rosi about the EPD status and she wants to make sure the ink is fully dry before announcing it officially anywhere but I think I can say verbally more than what I have on the slide though.

OK, I understand! 


On Aug 12, 2021, at 7:46 AM, Megan Connors <meganeconnors AT> wrote:

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the feedback. I updated the slides accordingly except the following two points:

-For Slide 8, do you think I should bump this to the back up slides or just keep your comment in mind?
-I double checked with Rosi about the EPD status and she wants to make sure the ink is fully dry before announcing it officially anywhere but I think I can say verbally more than what I have on the slide though.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2021 at 10:27 AM Perepelitsa, Dennis <dvp AT> wrote:
Hi Megan,

Thanks for the draft of what looks like an excellent talk!

Please consider just a handful of comments, since I know time is limited before your talk:

slide 6 - If you have space/time for it, I like to stress that the calorimeters allow for unbiased, efficient triggering in p+p. Having a large-statistics sample of p+p reference data will be a key advantage for sPHENIX both in making real data-to-data RAAs and in understanding the jet energy scale just in p+p collisions.

slide 11 - Instead of “Tracking system provides improved energy response”, you might sell the main benefits of Particle Flow as, e.g. “Tracking information reduces sensitivity to fragmentation, better allows sub-structure measurements” (since one can always correct calo jets for the average response)

slide 21 - The Event Plane Detector is no longer simply “Proposed” - it is funded by an NSF MRI!

slides 24 and 25 - Are these theoretical calculations within the SCET_G framework? If so, you might label them as such, since people at the workshop may recognize that better than “pQCD” (which is a bit more mysterious)

More granular comments: 

slide 8 - For these particular kinematics, the effect on the JER is actually pretty modest, because the “separation” in the response between different phi-Psi_2 regions is smaller than the intrinsic resolution in any particular region.

slide 9 - I would flip the two bullet points (the expected “ordering” is in the JER at low-pT)


On Aug 12, 2021, at 5:22 AM, Megan Connors via sPHENIX-l <sphenix-l AT> wrote:

Dear all,

Sorry for the extremely late posting. I was invited to present at the INT workshop. The talk is today at 1pm ET. My slides are at the attached link. Thank you if you get a chance to look and comment before then and thanks to Rosi for the overnight feedback. Again apologies for the late posting.

sPHENIX-l mailing list

Dennis V. Perepelitsa
Assistant Professor, Physics Department
University of Colorado Boulder

Dennis V. Perepelitsa
Assistant Professor, Physics Department
University of Colorado Boulder

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