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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.
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[Sphenix-l] Plots from first sPHENIX collisions shown at Initial Stages!
- From: "Perepelitsa, Dennis" <dvp AT bnl.gov>
- To: Sphenix L <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-l] Plots from first sPHENIX collisions shown at Initial Stages!
- Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 13:28:40 +0000
Dear sPHENIX colleagues,
Greetings from the Initial Stages conference, where Chia-Ming Kuo has just given an excellent sPHENIX plenary overview talk, which included our recently-approved performance plots and event displays (see attached photos).
This is our first time showing sPHENIX collision data in a major public venue!
We are also looking forward to contributions from Xuan Li, Matt Posik, and Oliver Syranyi at the conference.
Dennis V. Perepelitsa
Associate Professor, Physics Department
University of Colorado Boulder
on sabbatical at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Associate Professor, Physics Department
University of Colorado Boulder
on sabbatical at Brookhaven National Laboratory

- [Sphenix-l] Plots from first sPHENIX collisions shown at Initial Stages!, Perepelitsa, Dennis, 06/19/2023
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