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sphenix-l - Re: [Sphenix-l] final timetable for the approval meeting today

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: JaeBeom Park <JaeBeom.Park AT>
  • To: "Perepelitsa, Dennis" <dvp AT>
  • Cc: Marzia Rosati via sPHENIX-l <sphenix-l AT>, "Pereira Da Costa, Hugo Denis Antonio" <hugo.pereira-da-costa AT>, Thomas Marshall <rosstom AT>, JaeBeom Park <JaeBeom.Park AT>, "benjamin.kimelman AT" <benjamin.kimelman AT>, Hao-Ren Jheng <hrjheng AT>, Daniel Lis <Daniel.Lis AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-l] final timetable for the approval meeting today
  • Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:43:36 +0000

Hello Dennis, 

The sepd performance plots have been updated as well as the internal note. 
Please find the material below.


On Aug 30, 2023, at 17:12, Perepelitsa, Dennis <dvp AT> wrote:

Hi all,

Thanks to Anne for organizing the approval session, and to all the presenters and attendees.

I attach here my notes for the afternoon session (also attached to the top-level Indico: ) - any corrections welcome.


Slide 4 - make it more clear that the left and right are for z and phi respectively 
Slide 4 - update date to today (not date that data was recorded)
Slide 5 - important context: we can reconstruct tracks without the TPC to perform the needed space charge distortion corrections
Slide 6 - add time units to x-title 
Slide 6 - add TPOT to label 

Slide 3 & 4 - details of how the trigger is implemented is responsible for the tracks bunched near central membrane 
Slide 5 - blue line stops short of red point - fix this 
Slide 6 (and others) - adjust colors of TPC volume (if feasible, on all plots) and improve how hits are drawn
Slide 6 - mask MVTX noisy channel hit 
Slide 10 - add label that linear fit is through MVTX+INTT+TPOT
Slide 10 (and others) - move logo to have less unused black space 
Slide 12 - add rotated view
Slide 13-14 - replace old ones silently 

Slide 3 - OK
Slide 4 - indicate somehow where Ch 1 vs 31 are - could be drawing of wedge with filled in regions, or use eta range instead of Ch numbers 
Slide 5 - move z_MBD range up near the other labels
Slide 5 - double check x vs y axes in the right plot
Slide 6 - message: how central-forward correlation at different eta ranges 

Slide 3 - square aspect ratio, add label describing this 
Slide 4 - add label “diffuse laser test” or similar 
Slide 5 - needs to say sPHENIX, TPC, date, remove the red dots. Instead of Run #, say Laser, etc. 
Slide 5 - consider putting a threshold at >0.05e+6 to remove the many dark purple regions 
Slide 6 - do not discuss here - Simulation-only 

Slides 5, 6, 8 - add label like “N^MVTXcluster = 30 event“, choose different color for open red marker, need date 
All sides - add small label indicating ideal geometry, coordinate with other MVTX plots 
Skip slide 7
Slide 8: indicate that the right plot is made only from a restricted region on the left plot
Slide 9: instead of the left plot, we will consider a new plot showing just the v_z^Candidate distribution for all tracklets 
Slide 9: for the right plot, need to be careful with intended message 

All plots: use official sPHENIX style macro !
Slide 3: add label that indicates Calorimeter Readout Electronics, add sampling time/frequency in x-axis. Add legend entry for black circles. Different line styles. Date on top. Make labels and titles larger.
Slide 4: not for approval 
Slide 5: do not state efficiency quantitatively at this point. Y-axis title, collision system + energy. No NBD values for now. 
Slide 6: need some labels - sPHENIX, what we’re looking at. “Outer” Hadronic Calorimeter. Do we need label for z-axis ? 
Slide 7: skip the plot on left (can use a similar one approved earlier), right plot is simulation only - follow up with relevant group 

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