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Re: [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX Physics Coordination Meeting 9/22 at 1pm ET (note the different time!)
- From: "Sickles, Anne M" <sickles AT illinois.edu>
- To: Marzia Rosati via sPHENIX-l <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX Physics Coordination Meeting 9/22 at 1pm ET (note the different time!)
- Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:37:05 +0000
Thanks to everyone who participated in our very useful meeting today. Here
are some minutes (also posted on indico):
Analysis Tracking (Anne & Dennis)
• No comments
MBD Calibrations/Reconstruction: status & timeline (Stacyann)
• Question about whether to include the HCal/INTT in the requirement to
be on the list of runs to be calibrated. We want to keep the requirements as
low as possible for the MBD list since all analyses from this data (INTT or
calorimeter) will require MBD information
• Question about the timing position as a function of channel (top right
of slide 3): what are the other peaks to the left of zero?
• There was no explanation. Request to have more details about the
calibration procedure presented at a future meeting
• Is the code public? Answer: Not currently. Timescale of two weeks
from now to have the final calibrations done. That code will have to be
• There will be a presentation in the next PCM.
• Question about the MBD information from the LL1 LUTs from Dan. Will
followup offline.
Calorimeter Calibrations Group (Anthony H. & Blair)
• There will be a list of places where people are needed soon.
Encouragement for the many people involved in calorimeter-related PPGs to get
involved even if they have not been previously.
• Golden run list of ~100M events with more than 5 SEBs in the EMCal and
~40M events with 8 SEBs.
• Questions about the ability to see the eta. There was a plot showing
the eta passed around showing an eta peak from the pre-QM dataset. The peak
was isolated using timing cuts but it’s not an official set of cuts yet.
• Question about simulation needs. Right now it is being done ad-hoc but
there will have to be a more coordinated effort and more person-power is
Centrality (Dan)
• Joe brought up the issue of not having just a single event vertex
(mostly not an issue in the Run 23 data but will be in the future). Dan and
Joe will discuss offline
• Question from Takashi about what’s needed from the INTT and Dan and
Takashi will followup offline
• Dan showed a parallel effort ongoing to the MBD calibrations discussed
by Stacyann. Will of course have one final set of offline analysis but
checking for consistency between the two efforts is great.
Anne Sickles
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
sickles AT illinois.edu
> On Sep 18, 2023, at 4:26 PM, Sickles, Anne M via sPHENIX-l
> <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following the first analysis kick off meetings in the TGs this week, we’ll
> hold a Physics Coordination Meeting on Friday 9/22 at 1pm ET (*one hour
> later that the General Meeting starts*). The agenda is here:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://indico.bnl.gov/event/20615/__;!!DZ3fjg!4aoeurKxc91ux1QKh8TzqectS2UhSvjtfKFBiqaknPz0GPXGUGlnmTVQW6hxc3u47yPha7Bwqk9W6z54piYUo67fDA$
> --Analysis tracking (Anne & Dennis)
> --MBD Calibrations/Reconstruction: status & timeline (TBD)
> --Calorimeter Good Run List/Production/Calibration: Status & timeline
> (Blair & Anthony)
> --Centrality in Run 23: Status & timeline (Dan Lis, TBC)
> The goal of this meeting is to coordinate common analysis elements in a
> centralized way and not to rehash the details that are already being
> discussed in the various TG and calibrations meetings. We hope to continue
> to have these on a bi-weekly schedule opposite the General Meetings but we
> will consider adjusting the time if that becomes necessary.
> Please join us!
> Best,
> Anne & Dennis
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Anne Sickles
> Professor
> University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
> sickles AT illinois.edu
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> sPHENIX-l mailing list
> sPHENIX-l AT lists.bnl.gov
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.bnl.gov/mailman/listinfo/sphenix-l__;!!DZ3fjg!4aoeurKxc91ux1QKh8TzqectS2UhSvjtfKFBiqaknPz0GPXGUGlnmTVQW6hxc3u47yPha7Bwqk9W6z54pibwYNC0sA$
[Sphenix-l] sPHENIX Physics Coordination Meeting 9/22 at 1pm ET (note the different time!),
Sickles, Anne M, 09/18/2023
- Re: [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX Physics Coordination Meeting 9/22 at 1pm ET (note the different time!), Sickles, Anne M, 09/21/2023
- Re: [Sphenix-l] sPHENIX Physics Coordination Meeting 9/22 at 1pm ET (note the different time!), Sickles, Anne M, 09/22/2023
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