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sphenix-l - Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Fw: Watch Party for National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, 3/5

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Subject: sPHENIX is a new detector at RHIC.

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  • From: Rosi Reed <rosijreed AT>
  • Cc: "Sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Fw: Watch Party for National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, 3/5
  • Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 10:30:11 -0500

Hi All,
I just wanted to remind folks of the watch party to watch Ejiro represent sPHENIX at the National Lab Research SLAM.  Additionally, the Shift Change Meeting will be at 3:15 pm today in order to give folks a chance to head to Berkner for the watch party.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 11:46 AM Huang, Jin <jhuang AT> wrote:
Dear collaborators

Ejiro Umaka will represent BNL at the National Lab Research SLAM in Washington DC on Wednesday, March 5th. She will compete against 17 other researchers, presenting her sPHENIX research in a 3-min time limit to a general audience. Please join us in wishing Ejiro the best of luck in the competition! 

For colleagues at BNL, there is a watch party for the competition in Berkner Hall at 4 p.m with details forwarded below. Food and beverages will be served.  Registration isn't required but if you plan to attend, please help the organizers by RSVPing []. 


Jin & Megan






Physicist, Ph.D.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department, Bldg 510 C

Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 631-344-5898

Cell:   757-604-9946



From: broadcast-l-request AT <broadcast-l-request AT> on behalf of BNL Media & Communications Office <pubaf AT>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2025 10:00 AM
To: BROADCAST-L <broadcast-l AT>
Subject: Watch Party for National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, 3/5
NOTE: This message is being sent to the Lab community on behalf of the Workforce Development and Science Education Office. Note to supervisors: If any members of your staff don't have regular access to email, please share this information with them.

* * *

Watch Party for National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, 3/5

Brookhaven Lab physicist Ejiro Umaka will be among 17 researchers competing at the National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, March 5.

All are invited to a watch party in Berkner Hall as Umaka and representatives from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) national labs present three-minute talks on their research from the Congressional Auditorium in Washington, D.C.

Doors open for the watch party in Berkner Hall at 4 p.m. The SLAM competition will begin at 4:30.

Food and beverages will be served. Prizes will be awarded, too. Registration isn't required but if you plan to attend, please help the organizers by RSVPing [].

Attendees can vote for their favorite presenter (ahem…Umaka, please!) at the end of the event.

Add to calendar: (VPN may be required. Adjust event reminder, based on your preference.)

Umaka is representing Brookhaven Lab after being chosen as top presenter at the local Research SLAM in December 2024 [].

During her short SLAM talk, Umaka will introduce the sPHENIX experiment, which captures data for nuclear physicists to better understand properties of an ultra-hot, ultra-dense "soup" of subatomic particles called quark-gluon-plasma. sPHENIX is located at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, a DOE Office of Science user facility for nuclear physics research at Brookhaven Lab.

About the National Lab Research SLAM
Hosted by the House Science & National Labs Caucus and the Senate National Labs Caucus, the National Lab Research SLAM celebrates breakthrough science through compelling storytelling. Congressman Chuck Fleischmann, Congressman Bill Foster, Senator Marsha Blackburn, and Senator Ben Ray Luján have been invited to give opening remarks.

Judges will be:
- Harriet Kung, acting director, DOE Office of Science
- Theresa Maldonado, vice president for research and innovation, University of California Office of the President, and president, American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Alton D. Romig Jr., executive officer of the National Academy of Engineering
- Wendin Smith, deputy under secretary for counterterrorism and counterproliferation, DOE
- Steve Walker, vice president and chief technology officer at Lockheed Martin; former director of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

Remote staff can watch a live video online [].

Brookhaven's involvement in this National Lab Research SLAM was coordinated by the Workforce Development & Science Education Office with support from the Stakeholder Relations Office.

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  Brookhaven National Laboratory      
  Media & Communications Office        Phone: (631)344-3584
  Bldg. 400 - P.O. Box 5000              Fax: (631)344-3368
  Upton, NY 11973
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rosi Reed
Associate Professor, Physics Department
Lehigh University
16 Memorial Drive East Office 406
Bethlehem, PA 18015

  • Re: [[Sphenix-l] ] Fw: Watch Party for National Lab Research SLAM on Wednesday, 3/5, Rosi Reed, 03/05/2025

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