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Subject: sPHENIX discussion of the superconducting solenoid
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[Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of the sPHENIX Magnet Biweekly Meeting (Feb. 15, 2017) at the 902A conference room
- From: "Yip, Kin" <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
- To: "sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of the sPHENIX Magnet Biweekly Meeting (Feb. 15, 2017) at the 902A conference room
- Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 21:16:04 +0000
Agenda/powerpoint: https://indico.bnl.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=2824
1. T. Tallerico has made the purchase order (BNL: 0000328696) to make those Kapton/TEFZEL cable. I was told that the vendor “KC Electronics” has received the order already.
M. Anerella in an email reminded us (and I asked him to clarify during the meeting) that the Cryo Extension will be made and wrapped up probably well before the above-mentioned
cables arrive. So, after Cryo Extension is wrapped up, there is only the G10 tube that we can insert the bundles of cables from one end to the other, and we can’t make additional voltage taps in the middle of the Cryo Extension if we want to. But as far
as I have heard (including from C. Schultheiss), we shouldn’t need voltage taps in the middle of the Cryo Extension. 3.
Paul Giannotti gave a presentation sort of correcting his last presentation (after the experts/wise-men have pointed out a couple critical problems). We need final confirmation
from C. Schultheiss and P. Johsi. But it seems that we need only a total of 4 new/additional voltage taps on two ends of or outside the main Cryo Extension. Paul’s powerpoint file (on p.7 and 8) shows the locations that he thinks where they should be. 4.
We should purchase the D connectors as soon as possible. P. Giannotti is responsible for this. 5.
R. Ceruti tended to think that the Cryo Extension work won’t be finished at the end of this month but should be by next month. 6.
As people have suggested, I’ve asked J. Hock to count how many man-hours that he’ll need to do all the drilling/tapping for the Flux Return Steel. 7.
J. Mills mentioned that the vendor in Indianapolis said that it’d be much cheaper if we use 1018 steel instead of 1006. After the meeting, I checked that my calculation on Sept.
28, 2016 (https://collab.external.bnl.gov/sites/sPHENIX-Magnet/Past%20Presentations/2016-9-28%20B%20field%20difference%20(1006%20vs%201020).pptx)
showed small difference when I used 1020 steel, instead of 1006 (Wuzheng’s BH curve/file). The central field would change from 14001 G (1006 steel) to 13979 G (1020 steel). 8. D. Lynch, J. Mills, E. O’Brien, P. Giannotti and myself went down with R. Ceruti and P. Kovach to see the progress of Cryo Extension work. We talked about a couple specifics such that the T at the bottom of the doghouse/junction-box (under the ValveBox) should be horizontal. ( R. Ceruti was initially not sure whether we have bought everything. P. Kovach has convinced him so. )
- [Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of the sPHENIX Magnet Biweekly Meeting (Feb. 15, 2017) at the 902A conference room, Yip, Kin, 02/15/2017
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