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sphenix-magnet-l - [Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of sPHENIX biweekly meeting on Apr. 26, 2017 at 902 conf. room

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Subject: sPHENIX discussion of the superconducting solenoid

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  • From: "Yip, Kin" <kinyip AT>
  • To: "sphenix-magnet-l AT" <sphenix-magnet-l AT>
  • Subject: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of sPHENIX biweekly meeting on Apr. 26, 2017 at 902 conf. room
  • Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2017 20:16:31 +0000

Agenda/powerpoint files are :



1.      J. Hock has updated his progress and there have been more drilling/tapping accomplished.  Unfortunately, his prediction for when
we’re going to install the Magnet has changed from Apr. 28 to May 15, which is ~>3 weeks behind our original schedule (of Mar. 21).  
PHENIX had sent another technician (Aaron) to help J. Hock for drilling/tapping etc.  So hopefully, we may get a little time back soon ….

2.      P. Rosas told me yesterday that he’s started testing the sPHENIX power supply with a load since Apr. 25 and it may continue for a couple weeks.
He may get to about 2500 A depending on the water cooling.   This morning, he told me that he expected to finish testing all the power supply and dump resistor (including the contactor) by the end of May.

3.      There was another meeting this morning for C. Schultheiss, J. Sandberg, B. Lambiase, C. Theisen, Z. Altinbas, P. Rosas and myself.  They still aim at June 15 to have a tested data-acquisition and quench protection system even though Carl thinks it’s too tight, and Carl is back-and-forth with the C-AD design room in the process of making the PCB.

4.      T. Tallerico has prepared his powerpoint (as you may find in the above indico page) but he couldn’t attend the meeting.  So, R. Meier was
speaking for him.  They have mentioned that the wiring diagrams are now being formally drafted by Tony Arno’s group, after converting from
R. Meier’s spreadsheet.  

R. Meier has also installed two temperature sensors (cernox RTD) on the valvebox end of the Cryo Extension and they show TT1787 for lead B and TT1786 for lead A, which are consistent with the schematic diagram in :

5.      We then discussed a few issues/things-to-be-done with Dave Phillips. 

--- Dave will prepare a DC cable scheme for the high-field test using the existing MCM cables and the available “lug”.

--- He’s discussed with P. Rosas related to cable tray etc. and he’ll mark up a cable tray scheme.  He’ll also do a quick estimation for how long
the voltage tap cables need to be so that Carl can go to purchase them with the right length.

--- Since the future location of the high-fied test is a bit south of what it was in the low-field test, all the racks will likely need to be moved towards the south direction.  R. Meier said that this may also be true for their cryo-rack as the cables might be at the limit already.    Dave and/or we need to figure this out soon.

--- As Ed asked later, Dave will also need to come up with a plan for the water cooling.

6.      As C. Schultheiss asked, W. Pekrul told us that we need “blue hose” for the PSI to control the power supply ramp.

7.      R. Than told us that they’re leak-testing the cryo pipe/system and trying to fix leaks.

8.      People also asked about the testing procedure which J. Muratore will draft first and then C. Schultheiss (and others) can add to it.

9.      As Roberto discussed, people started to worry that other groups may want to use the Cryo system in 912 when they want to use in Aug-Sept. 2017.
As I had promised, I’ve informed Bill Christie about this and he said that people know that we are going to use Cryo system in 912 at that time and we have priority in this.   In any case, he’ll keep an eye on this in case other groups want to use the Cryo system near that time.   We’ll discuss more in July or so when it’s getting closer.

  • [Sphenix-magnet-l] Brief Summary of sPHENIX biweekly meeting on Apr. 26, 2017 at 902 conf. room, Yip, Kin, 04/26/2017

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