Brief Summary of points that we've discussed:
(1) As Ray Ceruti told us that we have to take away the roof steel in order to open up the doghouse at the Magnet to repair/replace the voltage taps and the temperature sensors. In order to do so, we have to remove the Valvebox, and then the platform,
before we remove the roof steel on top of the doghouse in question.
The advantage of doing this work now is that we may have years to investigate whatever we want to investigate and Carl Schultheiss even said that we wanted to put a probe into the chimney to find the bad thermo-sensor or its connection/cabling. But it's
said that all these can be done during the months after the Magnet was moved to 1008 before it's closed. During the discussion, people don't believe that we could find any major things that we need to repair when we open up the doghouse.
Ray quite strongly thinks that we shouldn't do this work now because he thinks it's good for the same person to open up the doghouse and close it back. Jim said that it'd be good for somebody to learn from Ray and see how he did it. But it's not obvious
that we have this person now. If we open up the doghouse at the Magnet, we'd close it but the other end under the Valvebox would be opened and components would be lying around somewhere which may get lost or we didn't know how to put them back together.
Ray said that it's possible that even after he retired, we could re-hire him to be present when this doghouse will be opened.
John Haggerty was present and also said that if it were him, he'd wait until the Magnet is moved to 1008.
In any case, according to Dave Phillips, the manpower is tight and even if we want to, it'll be at least 6 months before we can do all the work to open it. So, tentatively, we don't do this repair now and Jim Mills will bring it to the sPHENIX project
management in case anybody has strong reason to want to repair this now, rather than in 2021 after the Magnet is transported to 1008.
***** After the meeting, Dave Phillips and Jim Mills talked about the risk of leaving the Valvebox at such a high-level in 902 for a couple years. As time goes by,
it’s increasing likely that
some crane operator may eventually make a mistake and run over it. They are thinking whether this should be the “strong” reason to remove the Valvebox and do the repair
work now.
(2) Dave Phillips will remove the 535 MCM cables soon when he can find the necessary manpower to do so.
(3) Dave Phillips mentioned again that we've got only 3 heat shield support for transport and there should be 6. We're asking Paul Kovach to help make them again.
(4) Carl asked about the tempereture sensors again. I thought I had written it but I apparently hadn't. So, I just write the details here.
For the 4 MT0x temperature sensors.
(i) MT01 has been working and we've been reading it.
(ii) MT08 and MT09 have been renamed to TE1786 and TE1787 respectively by Richard Meier.
(iii) Richard also told us in April 2018 that "MT-07 is the temperature sensor at the coil internal joint , It is shorted to ground and all wires to each other".
Roberto added that "At the internal splice joint, 2 sensors are mounted MT07 and CT07. ... CT07 is carbon glass sensor."
From the picture below (that Roberto provided in Apr. 2018), we saw that CT07 worked (went down to ~4.4 K
for the high-field test.)

As discussed in the meeting, Paul Giannotti and I will try to test the voltage tap and temperature sensor connections again to make sure that there are no surprises.
(6) Paul Orfin suggested that we should document the components of the tests (pictures and measurements). He’s doing
it for his Cryo instrument and I suggested that
after he finished, he passed it to me and I could add the measurement for the MCM cable support etc.
(7) When I remembered and mentioned the work of the “Transport tools” as described in WBS 2.8.2, people felt that we need
to start working on this. I’ve emailed Mike Anerella about it.