sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX discussion of the superconducting solenoid
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Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !
- From: "Feder, Russell" <rfeder AT bnl.gov>
- To: Nicola Pacifico <Nicola.Pacifico AT cern.ch>, Raphael Dumps <Raphael.Dumps AT cern.ch>, Pritindra Bhowmick <pritindra.bhowmick AT cern.ch>, Francois Garnier <Francois.Garnier AT cern.ch>, Burkhard Schmidt <Burkhard.Schmidt AT cern.ch>
- Cc: "Pontieri, Chris" <cpontieri AT bnl.gov>, "Vasquez, Joel" <jvasquez AT bnl.gov>, "Biggs, John C" <biggs AT bnl.gov>, "Chamizo Llatas, Maria" <mchamizo AT bnl.gov>, "Albanese, Marianna" <malbanese AT bnl.gov>, "Glenn Young \(glennyoung82251 AT gmail.com\)" <glennyoung82251 AT gmail.com>, "DeMino, Leo" <ldemino AT bnl.gov>, "Chan, David" <dchan AT bnl.gov>, "Allen, Aaron" <allena AT bnl.gov>, "Michnoff, Robert J" <michnoff AT bnl.gov>, "Morrison, David" <morrison AT bnl.gov>, "Cacace, Daniel" <dcacace AT bnl.gov>, "Hoogsteden, Jeffrey" <jeffh AT bnl.gov>, "Hamblen, Peter" <phamblen AT bnl.gov>, "Ruggiero, Richard" <ruggiero AT bnl.gov>, "sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !
- Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2022 20:39:27 +0000

Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 12:04 PM
To: Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>; sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Cc: Michnoff, Robert J <michnoff AT bnl.gov>; Chan, David <dchan AT bnl.gov>; Albanese, Marianna <malbanese AT bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !
Congratulations to all the teams for contributing to this great achievement! This is a huge milestone for the sPHENIX program!
Yip, Kin <kinyip AT bnl.gov>
Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 11:41 AM
To: sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-magnet-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Cc: Chan, David <dchan AT bnl.gov>, Albanese, Marianna <malbanese AT bnl.gov>, Michnoff, Robert J <michnoff AT bnl.gov>
Subject: Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !
The last reading of our mapping reading (10 cm, 180 deg.) at 10:46 am --- this morning Nov. 10 --- for the (last) half-field ~10 hour
run (actually 9 hour and 9 minutes). After confirming with the CERN colleagues (Raphael and Francois), I started ramping down
before 10:51 am. I did the fast discharge at 11:15 am so that CAS and Frank Toldo can lock out the power supply and start opening
the doors.
The plan is to help the CERN team to take out the mapper components and pack them out.
On Monday, Pablo Rosas and his CAS colleagues will have one day to further test the Power Supply/Magnet.
I was quite nervous in the last few hours, the last hour ... last few minutes. What if something went wrong ?! ... 🙁
At the end, the Magnet and Power Supply and the quench detector NEVER failed since the CERN Mapper group has arrived !
Though the CERN mapper have given us a few problems during mapping, the CERN colleagues (with the help of our sPHENIX
technicians and CAS to LOTO power supply and open/close the pole-tip doors) have patiently dealt with and solved each problem,
during day, at night, in the weekend etc. I am glad that we have a happy ending and this long weekend of mine will be very relaxed. 😀
Description: CERN_Team_ThankYou.pdf
[Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !,
Yip, Kin, 11/10/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !, Fischer, Wolfram, 11/10/2022
Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !,
Chamizo Llatas, Maria, 11/10/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !, Feder, Russell, 11/10/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !, Yip, Kin, 11/10/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-magnet-l] Magnet Mapping finally completed successfully !, Edward O'Brien, 11/10/2022
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