sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX MAPS tracker discussion
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Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals
- From: Cameron Thomas Dean <cameron.dean AT cern.ch>
- To: Jin Huang <jhuang AT bnl.gov>, "sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Cc: sphenix-mvtx-l <sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals
- Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 23:57:31 +0000
Hi again,
I’ve uploaded the suggested corrections to my poster. Thanks again for the suggestions and if you feel there are any other changes required just let me know.
On 25 Oct 2019, at 15:47, Cameron Thomas Dean <cameron.dean AT cern.ch> wrote:Hi all,<MVTX_design_and_status.pptx>_______________________________________________I've made a tarball with updated CAD drawings and photos of the latest hardware. The link ishttps://cernbox.cern.ch/index.php/s/m8Ka0w5flT69UOCPlease let me know if there are any problems with the files.Yuanjing, I've attached a couple of slides on the design and status of the MVTX hardware/mechanics. Please feel free to alter/add to these to make them suit you.
CameronFrom: sPHENIX-MAPS-l [sphenix-maps-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov] on behalf of Huang, Jin [jhuang AT bnl.gov]
Sent: 25 October 2019 22:16
To: Jin Huang; sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Cc: sphenix-mvtx-l
Subject: Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvalsHello everyone
Please find the updated HF-jet poster on the indico page:Thanks very much for all the suggestions offline and during today’s meeting. Please let me know if there is further suggestions too.
For other posters, please update them on the indico page and post a note to the email list too.
Best regards,
Physicist, Ph.D.Brookhaven National LaboratoryPhysics Department, Bldg 510 CUpton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898Cell: 757-604-9946______________________________
From: sPHENIX-HF-jets-l <sphenix-hf-jets-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov> On Behalf Of Huang, Jin
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 11:35 AM
To: sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: [Sphenix-hf-jets-l] FW: MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals
Dear HF topical group
We will use the next MVTX meeting for QM18 HF and MVTX poster discussions.
QM19 is coming up soon and many people are traveling from next Tue/Wed. After some discussions, we propose every MVTX/HF poster presenter draft your poster by this Thursday and we discuss/review/coordinate them at this Friday’s MVTX bi-weekly meeting.
The sPHENIX poster template from Gunther and Dave,https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0p3i2letrv7j56/sPHENIX_QM19_poster_template.pptx?dl=0
Please upload your draft posters at the meeting page, https://indico.bnl.gov/event/6999/
Cheers,Jin, Xin, Grazyna, Camelia and Ming
Physicist, Ph.D.Brookhaven National LaboratoryPhysics Department, Bldg 510 CUpton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898Cell: 757-604-9946______________________________
From: sPHENIX-MAPS-l <sphenix-maps-l-bounces AT lists.bnl.gov> On Behalf Of Ming Liu
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2019 11:31 AM
To: sphenix-mvtx-l <sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Cc: Morrison, David <morrison AT bnl.gov>
Subject: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals
Dear all,
We will have MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25, 12:00/BNL.
QM19 is coming up soon and many people are traveling from next Tue/Wed. After some discussions, we propose every MVTX/HF poster presenter prepare your poster by this Thursday and we discuss/review/coordinate them at this Friday’s MVTX bi-weekly meeting.
The sPHENIX poster template from Gunther and Dave,https://www.dropbox.com/s/q0p3i2letrv7j56/sPHENIX_QM19_poster_template.pptx?dl=0
Please upload your draft posters at the meeting page, https://indico.bnl.gov/event/6999/
Cheers,Jin, Xin, Grazyna, Camelia and Ming
--Ming Xiong LiuP-25, MS H846 TEL: 505-667-7125Physics Division 631-344-7821(BNL)LANL 630-840-5708(FNAL)Los Alamos, NM 87545 FAX: 505-665-7020
sPHENIX-MAPS-l mailing list
sPHENIX-MAPS-l AT lists.bnl.gov
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[Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Ming Liu, 10/22/2019
Message not available
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Huang, Jin, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Cameron Thomas Dean, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Cameron Thomas Dean, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Ming Liu, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] [Sphenix-hf-jets-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Xiaolong Chen, 10/26/2019
- Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] [Sphenix-hf-jets-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals, Ming Liu, 10/26/2019
- Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] [Sphenix-hf-jets-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals, Chen Xiaolong, 10/26/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] [Sphenix-hf-jets-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Xiaolong Chen, 10/26/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Ming Liu, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Cameron Thomas Dean, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Cameron Thomas Dean, 10/25/2019
Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals,
Huang, Jin, 10/25/2019
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: [Sphenix-maps-l] MVTX bi-weekly meeting this Friday 10/25 12:00PM/BNL and QM10 MVTX/HF poster approvals, Ming Liu, 10/26/2019
Message not available
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