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Subject: sPHENIX MAPS tracker discussion
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[Sphenix-maps-l] [Minutes] [July 20 Monday 7PM ET] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting
- From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT bnl.gov>
- To: sphenix-hf-jets-l <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, sphenix-maps-l <sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-maps-l] [Minutes] [July 20 Monday 7PM ET] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting
- Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:32:44 +0000
Thanks Cameron for the immediate follow up!
Here is the minutes for tonight’s meeting (also attached to agenda)
Participants: Cameron Dean, Guannan Xie, Hideki Okawa, Jin Huang, Min Liu, Murad Sarsour, Sanghoon Lim, Weihu Ma, Xuan Li, Yasser C. Morales, Zhaozhong Shi
Introduction - conveners
TODO list @ wiki: https://wiki.bnl.gov/sPHENIX/index.php/Heavy_Flavor_Topical_Group#Study_plans Look for volunteers on many studies, such as exploring HF correlations and HF-jet tagging updates.
Verbal update on KFParticle analysis module - Cameron Deans (LANL) Completing truth matching, clustering info, charge check on daughter combinations, adding track and vertex Chi2, push for instruction. TODO also includes cascading decay chain reconstruction. Expect an update in the coming meetings.
B_s - Zhaozhong Shi (MIT)
Slide 8: Jin: please double check the width fit value. In the plot, they look much better Zhaozhong: will update the slides in place
Cameron Dean: Possible for J/Psi to mu + mu? Jin: no muon ID, but need to test whether we can clean up the signal with triple mass cut and decay topologies. Ming: pp/pA is more likely to get muons, via precision tracker decay/inv mass alone. Jin: with muons, there is no simple trigger detector. But we can explore with streaming readout. Need to quantify the muon background in pp Ming: for signal simulation, we can try it out with dimuon channel with calorimeter simulations Zhaozhong: will try
Cameron: there is a p-wave component and induce distinct angular dependence. Does it affect acceptance efficiency given our statistics? Yasser: the dependence can be quite different for mid-rapidity detectors Jin: let's quantify Acceptance*efficiency in pT-y binning.
Jin: We currently use an old decayer [Pythia6] for HF decay simulations. What would be a reasonable decayer that could reflect the p-wave components in the B_s decay? Cameron : suggest use EventGen , the current recommended model for Bs -> Jpsi phi decays is EvtPVVCPLH and is documented at https://evtgen.hepforge.org/doc/models.html This model should account for the angular dependence on the decay products. A good example is in this note, https://cds.cern.ch/record/2644108/files/LHCb-PROC-2018-025.pdf in figures 1 and 3. I think this effect should be small at sPHENIX but maybe it is something to be considered.
Hideki: what is the loss in efficiency via the topological cut for background clean up? Zhaozhong: a few percents to 10% in the CMS analysis, which represents another major loss of statistics. Need to study for sPHENIX
Physicist, Ph.D. Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
From: Cameron Thomas Dean <cameron.dean AT cern.ch>
Hi all,
To follow up on Zhaozhong’s presentation, the current recommended model for Bs -> Jpsi phi decays is EvtPVVCPLH and is documented at https://evtgen.hepforge.org/doc/models.html
This model should account for the angular dependence on the decay products. A good example is in this note, https://cds.cern.ch/record/2644108/files/LHCb-PROC-2018-025.pdf in figures 1 and 3. I think this effect should be small at sPHENIX but maybe it is something to be considered.
Cheers, Cameron
- [Sphenix-maps-l] [Minutes] [July 20 Monday 7PM ET] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting, Huang, Jin, 07/20/2020
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