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[Sphenix-physics-l] [minutes] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting
- From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT bnl.gov>
- To: "sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Cc: "sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-maps-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-physics-l] [minutes] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting
- Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 01:29:47 +0000
Introduction - Hideki Okawa
MDC1 plan: Sebastian: do plan to produce an AuAu background with HIJING simulation? Jin: Background is the most challenging part. Concern AuAu simulation too slow to match background stat. So suggest follow the sPH-HF-2017-02 note and use fast simulation to update the AuAu background with the updated tracking. There was a validation plot in sPH-HF-2017-02 to check fast simulation against full simulation Hideki: how ATLAS handle the background study? Sebastian: ATLAS simulated PYTHIA and PYTHIA embedding to real data
HF tools - Cameron Dean
Hideki: When MB simulation would be submitted? Cameron: expect a fix into the production build (acts was not handling low multiplicity events), they should be ready to go
D0 update - Hansheng Li
Jin: it is interesting to notice the asymmetric tail on slide 3 Cameron/Wei/Jin: suggest check 2D plots:
Slide 5: b->D0 has a significant DCA peak at zero Cameron: Charm is produced while a b production? Jin: This may be possible as MPI is on, but the cross-section at RHIC should be small Cameron: ACTS vertex to false in this analysis, and the code could have grabbed secondary vertex in the truth container and used as primary vertex Jin: there is a deterministic way to extract the primary vertex via HepMC::FourVector& PHHepMCGenEvent::get_collision_vertex()
Wei: It will be very useful to have an ancestry trace to quarks to validate the quark origin of the b->D0? Cameron: latest version should have that.
Slide 6: Cameron : TrackIP Chi2>1 FD X2 >80 push the resonance to be displaced
Xin: what is the decay vol. setting in Pythia? Jin: currently not set [ https://github.com/sPHENIX-Collaboration/MDC1/blob/main/submit/HF_pp200_signal/rundir/phpythia8_HF_MDC1.cfg ] Xin: suggest to hand long-lived particles to G4 propagation and it is great Fun4All has the built-in Pythia6 decayer Hideki: How STAR handled it? Xin: Via embedding.
TODO by Jin and Cameron: work with ACTS developer on the vertex finding algorithm for HF MDC1.
D_s update - Zhaozhong Shi
Jin: what was the difference between slides 3 and 4 in cuts? Zhaozhong: matching truth PID, vertex matching cuts.
Jin: is there a way to apply a cut on the KFParticle output nutple that requires a parent to exclusively decay to a final state? Cameron: Currently no direct trick. Jin: for Zhaozhong, a quick fix is to follow hansheng's example to cut on inv. mass of the truth momentum matching PDG mass. Jin: decay finder is a cleaner solution. And it would be great if the decay finder could output a DST object, so a user analysis module could match the finder result to the events.
Xin: what is the low pT reach for the Ds reco? Zhaozhong: CMS D_s reached down to 3GeV/c, B_s can reach zero. Not yet looked carefully at sPHENIX. Jin: might need dedicated D_s signal filtered simulation to build sufficient statistics on the pT acceptance scan
Physicist, Ph.D. Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
From: Huang, Jin
Hi Everyone,
This is a reminder that we will have our next HF topical group meeting on May 17 Monday 8PM EDT.
On the agenda will follow up many of the work on MDC1 analysis:
Please join us via
We look forward to talking to you all at the meeting.
Best regards,
Hideki & Jin
[Sphenix-physics-l] [minutes] bi-weekly Heavy Flavor Topical Group meeting,
Hideki Okawa, 05/04/2021
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Sphenix-physics-l] [minutes] bi-weekly heavy flavor topical group meeting, Huang, Jin, 05/18/2021
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