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Re: [Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET
- From: "Perepelitsa, Dennis" <dvp AT bnl.gov>
- To: Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>
- Cc: "sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-hf-Jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "Sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <Sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET
- Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 01:42:51 +0000
Hi Tony and all,
On the question from Murad about the assumed polarization —
I believe the 0.57 number comes from Table 3 of the C-AD guidance document here: https://www.rhichome.bnl.gov/RHIC/Runs/RhicProjections.pdf , also attached as a
screenshot for convenience.
0.57 is the P_max achieved in 2015 polarized proton running (averaged over RHIC store) - note that the expected P_max in 2024E polarized proton running is only increased up to 0.60 (and the
P_min is still 0.57).
So I do not think we have a basis to use a very different number…

On May 4, 2022, at 11:08 AM, Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu> wrote:
Here are the minutes from today's meeting.
Beam use proposal--------------------------Dennis: Can regenerate the previous BUP plots from HF/Q, doing some relabeling. Have updates to the Upsilon plots to include the 3S, and 0-60% comparison with STAR results from Sasha Lebedev.
HF jet z_g: Jin:Showed projection for statistical precision for soft-drop grooming for b jets.New plot in slide 6, based on Li, Vitev paper.Dennis: We should include this in the BUP, making clear it shows statistical power - systematics TBD.Murad: Would be nice to show this with g->bb_bar included (~ 10% effect).
Decided to stick with this plot as-is.
Jin: Thomas is working on D0/D0_bar separation. BUP21 had a plot of the combined A_N for them. Do we want to try to make separate plots of transverse spin asymmetry for D0 and D0_bar?Decided it is not clear that we understand things well enough yet.Murad: BUP21 plot assumes polarization of 0.57. Seems low. Using a polarization of 0.6-0.7 could make a big difference to the uncertainties.
Electron ID: Weihu Ma:-------------------------------
Showed results of multi-variable-analysis of hadron rejection factor for several ML methods.Get rejection factors of ~ 200 (factor of 2 increase) by including E(inner HCal)/E(EMCal) and EMCal cluster chisq with E(EMCal)/p.Need to see how it works with embedding in Hijing events next.BDT method seems consistently a little better than the others.Slide 5: Why does BDT look so much better than the others in the left plot on slide 5? Highly expanded x-axis scale.
Next meeting: May 18.
From: Anthony Frawley
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 2:02 PM
To: sphenix-hf-Jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; Sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov <Sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Cc: Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>
Subject: joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET_______________________________________________Hi Everyone
We will hold the next meeting for the joint HF/Quarkonium TG on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET.
We have the following talks on the agenda:
- Introduction: co-convenors
- BUP22 preparation: Dennis Perepilitsa
Electron ID update: Weihu Ma
- HF jet z_g: Jin Huang
If you have something to present, please contact us.
Please join us via:
Zoom: https://bnl.zoomgov.com/j/1613938007?pwd=QjYzUnpYQ2xNZWZLSy9qd3Z4dFpzZz09
Best regards
Jin, Hideki, Tony and Marzia
sPHENIX-physics-l mailing list
sPHENIX-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Dennis V. Perepelitsa
Assistant Professor, Physics Department
University of Colorado Boulder
[Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET,
Anthony Frawley, 05/03/2022
Re: [Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET,
Anthony Frawley, 05/04/2022
- Re: [Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET, Perepelitsa, Dennis, 05/04/2022
Re: [Sphenix-physics-l] joint HF/Quarkonium, TG meeting on May 3 (Wed) at 9:30AM ET,
Anthony Frawley, 05/04/2022
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