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sphenix-physics-l - [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET

sphenix-physics-l AT

Subject: sPHENIX discussion of physics

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  • From: Gregory Ottino <gottino AT>
  • To: sphenix-physics-l AT, sphenix-hf-jets-l AT, sphenix-upsilons-l AT
  • Subject: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET
  • Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 13:40:33 -0800

Dear collaborators,

We will have the next HF/Quarkonia Topical groups meeting tomorrow, Wednesday March 3rd at 1:30pm ET. The agenda so far is as follows:

1. Intro/D0 Discussion - Convenors
2. Lambda dE/dX - Alex
3. Photon conversions - Xudong
4. AOB

The indico can be found at this link, including zoom information for attendance. Please let me know if you would like to add a contribution.

Warm regards,
Greg, on behalf of the convenors

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