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Re: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] [[Sphenix-hf-jets-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET
- From: Anthony Frawley <afrawley AT fsu.edu>
- To: "sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, Gregory Ottino <gottino AT lbl.gov>
- Subject: Re: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] [[Sphenix-hf-jets-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 22:23:10 +0000
Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2025 3:32 PM
To: sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-physics-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-hf-jets-l AT lists.bnl.gov>; sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov <sphenix-upsilons-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
Subject: Re: [[Sphenix-hf-jets-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET
Photon conversion - Xudong
AF - DST seeds need to be rerun when reproduced to fix t0 matching issues
XY - redo matching at macro level and load ACTS geom
AF - seeds record z proj of track as a number that is not corrected
JO - Does prelim track distortion module update track params?
AF - unclear but don’t think it does
JH - From 2 tpc halves, ExB changes sign from N->S, wouldnt you see two peaks,one from each tpc half (slide 4).
AF - effect is same on both sides of tpc, not expecting two peaks
AF - small number of conversions
Seemingly smaller than expected
JH - sl 11, has this energy dependent correction been applied?
Blair - not applied so residual is expected
JH - in this case we have 2 towers in each block, in test beam we saw 2 bumps, but here we only see 1 bump, so we probably need more data to map out these structure
JO - how are the uncertainties on the black dots determined
XY - determined by slice by slice fit, uncertainty is the uncertainty of the mean value
JO - look at hodoscope testbeam analysis note
Blair - we see two hump structure, caveat x axis is center of gravity of detector, so its not an unbiased position distribution, not real incident position on the block
Blair- sl 3. Little combinatorics, any loose matching requirements on plots or is it all conversion candidates?
XY - not all clusters, loose requirement on matching, require conversion candidates ie one positive and one negative charge for each candidate
Blair - looking at sl 6, what is the dominant source of bkg?
XY - combinatorial pion pair background
Blair - so for 2 tracks randomly intersecting, would those be candidates or would they be excluded for extending back to the beam spot?
XY - no requirement on associated vertex
Blair - how do you get the conversion candidates?
XY - see slide 8 for cuts, and track pair must have same charge sign
D0 production and analysis
CD - 200M collisions is a small amount of the data set?
JO - yes but we should be able to see something
AF - What large scale analyses will we complete in the next couple of weeks
CD - D0, Lambda_C, Ds/D+. Can run multiple KFP instances in same processing. Can attach 3 instance to KFP to end of tracking production stream
GO - Can we add D+ Kpipi as well
AF - should also reconstruct Ks since its a physics signal we can see as a sanity check
JO - agree about Ks, 100% failsafe option, very powerful plot to show as function of crossing number
MR - do we need some kind of way to count events? Ks/#events as a QA quantity as a calibration
AF - yes will add some QA to it
JO - for internal consumption, use BCO counting as a sanity check
JO - KFP over track DSTs is 10ms/event so this will be really fast, can combine many segments into a job to prevent I/O throttling. Not as CPU arduous as slide suggests
AF - produce microDSTs with fairly loose windows that we can then use for detailed analyses
JO - minimize running on condor
Dear collaborators,
We will have the next HF/Quarkonia Topical groups meeting tomorrow, Wednesday March 3rd at 1:30pm ET. The agenda so far is as follows:
1. Intro/D0 Discussion - Convenors2. Lambda dE/dX - Alex3. Photon conversions - Xudong4. AOB
The indico can be found at this link, including zoom information for attendance. Please let me know if you would like to add a contribution.
Warm regards,Greg, on behalf of the convenors
[[Sphenix-physics-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET,
Gregory Ottino, 03/04/2025
Re: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET,
Gregory Ottino, 03/05/2025
- Re: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] [[Sphenix-hf-jets-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET, Anthony Frawley, 03/05/2025
Re: [[Sphenix-physics-l] ] Next Joint Heavy Flavor/Quarkonium Topical Group Meeting 3/5 1:30pm ET,
Gregory Ottino, 03/05/2025
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