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sphenix-sepd-l - [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD work Tuesday and Wednesday Access

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Subject: sPHENIX Event Plane Detector discussion

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  • From: Rosi Reed <rosijreed AT>
  • To: sphenix-sepd-l AT, "Pontieri, Chris" <cpontieri AT>, "Feder, Russell" <rfeder AT>, "Toldo, Frank A" <fatoldo AT>
  • Subject: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD work Tuesday and Wednesday Access
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:20:19 -0400

Hi sEPDers and others,
I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday - I wanted to send this now so it would be in people's inboxes Tuesday morning.  I know Chris has a detailed work plan for Wednesday's access, this is to supplement it to make sure that we don't forget anything vital between all of us.  I would like to briefly meet after tomorrow's shift change meeting to make sure we're set.

Tuesday's activities:
Confirm petal/scintillator labeling for North Side Sectors
Delrin ring needs to be cut in half
Confirm all the hardware needed is in 1008 - (Alignment pins are in 510, Tristan will get them)
Confirm we have black-out tape in 1008 to use on connectors
Bring "bad" connectors from Lehigh
Bring Mertic Cables from Lehigh
Bring kettle from Lehigh so workforce has access to good coffee
Anything else needed to come from Lehigh? (I will leave ~lunch time tomorrow)

Wednesday's activities:
Poletip doors open at 7 am
Carpenters arrive at 730 am
sEPD folks will arrive ~8 am

Install requires diving board + baker's scaffold -> To be inspected by Gaffney
Disk install starts maybe at 10 am?

To bring the sectors from 1008 to the North side, we will need a cart (maybe the bike rack is already on the cart) and will need to use the cranes in the assembly and in the IR -> requires someone with proper training.  Can we bring these into the IR as the work is being done by the carpenters?

Install: Each petal has 2x scintillator which requires 2x fiber optic connections. Install 3 alignment pins in each fiber cable connector (See attached picture).  Install 2x panel screws.  Key is to make sure the chamfers on the connectors line up with the chamfers on the scintillator.  Then use black-out tape to wrap the scintillator/connector connection.

Start at 7 o'clock position - determine in situ whether it is better to install all the petals and then connect the fibers or connect fibers as we install petals. 
Cables 13,14 need to be redressed -> Should we do this prior to petal installation

Last - Delrin ring is connected.

sEPD team is done - remove baker's scaffolds and diving board, close magnet and turn on.


Rosi Reed
Associate Professor, Physics Department
Lehigh University
16 Memorial Drive East Office 406
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Attachment: sEPDConnector_wPins.png
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