sphenix-sepd-l AT lists.bnl.gov
Subject: sPHENIX Event Plane Detector discussion
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- From: Tristan Protzman <tlp220 AT lehigh.edu>
- To: Eric Mannel <mannel AT bnl.gov>
- Cc: "Pontieri, Chris" <cpontieri AT bnl.gov>, Sphenix-sEPD-l AT lists.bnl.gov
- Subject: Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL
- Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2023 10:05:33 -0400
Hi Eric,
On Jun 15, 2023, at 6:53 PM, Eric Mannel <mannel AT bnl.gov> wrote:<IMG_4918.jpg><IMG_4904.jpg><IMG_4919.jpg><IMG_4919.jpg><IMG_4919.jpg><IMG_4919.jpg>Tristan-
Thanks for getting this done quickly. I am working from home tomorrow, 6/16, but if you can get the bad preamps to Sal along with a hard copy of the test results for those, I will ask him to look at them next week as time permits.
On 6/15/2023 1:28 PM, Tristan Protzman wrote:
Hi All,
I've tested the 60 delivered preamps, and 45 passed without issues. While I can investigate the remaining 15 (many are likely fine and it's an issue with the tester), when combined with the EMCal modules I tested a few weeks back we have the 48 boards we need.
A summary of the testing can be found here: https://wiki.sphenix.bnl.gov/index.php/SPHENIX_Event_Plane_Detector#Testing
On Jun 14, 2023, at 12:30 PM, Tristan Protzman <tlp220 AT lehigh.edu> wrote:
Hi Eric,
Great, I'll grab the preamp boards and start working through them.
On Wed, Jun 14, 2023, 12:13 Eric Mannel <mannel AT bnl.gov> wrote:
_______________________________________________This morning I received the delivery of the sEPD preamps and interface boards. The SiPM boards were delivered last Thursday. All boards are now in the HCal lab in 510.
I will work with Sal to get the Interface tester up and operational. Tristan, you can start testing preamps when you have time. I am not sure if there is a plan to test the SiPM boards before installing them into the boxes. Jimmy has started to prepare for mounting preamps on cooling plates and Mike has fabricated cooling loops for the interface boards.
Have a good weekend...
-- Eric J. Mannel, Ph.D. Research Engineer Dept of Physics/PHENIX Brookhaven National Laboratory 631/344-7626 (Office) 914/659-3235 (cell)
sPHENIX-sEPD-l mailing list
sPHENIX-sEPD-l AT lists.bnl.gov
-- Eric J. Mannel, Ph.D. Research Engineer Dept of Physics/PHENIX Brookhaven National Laboratory 631/344-7626 (Office) 914/659-3235 (cell)
[sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Eric Mannel, 06/14/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Tristan Protzman, 06/14/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Tristan Protzman, 06/15/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Eric Mannel, 06/15/2023
- Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL, Tristan Protzman, 06/20/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Eric Mannel, 06/15/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Tristan Protzman, 06/15/2023
Re: [sphenix-sepd-l] sEPD Electronics now at BNL,
Tristan Protzman, 06/14/2023
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