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sphenix-software-l - Re: [Sphenix-software-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 1st @ 3-192

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Subject: sPHENIX discussion of software

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  • From: "Michael P. McCumber" <mccumber AT>
  • To: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT>
  • Cc: "sphenix-l AT" <sphenix-l AT>, "sphenix-software-l AT" <sphenix-software-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-software-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 1st @ 3-192
  • Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 16:54:56 -0600

Hi Jin,

I think we also decided to move the build scripting into the core software to allow self consistent pull request that modify the build order.


Michael P. McCumber, PhD
Los Alamos National Laboratory

On Sep 1, 2015, at 4:27 PM, Huang, Jin <jhuang AT> wrote:

Also available on agenda:


Chris Pinkenburg : simulation production


Trying 3rd iteration of single particle production (allow use realistic SPACAL tower in analysis stage). Hijing still have condor issue. Working on it.


Jin: as Hijing data coming, there would be a more emergent need of embedding single particle simulated data into HIJING (currently we can only do embedding by running the simulated of signal particle).

Chris: agree. Need to take over hit ID on PHG4hit, truth particle container (particle and vertex) and update the association.

Action Item [Jin] : check into the details and propose a module to do so.



Mike McCumber : vertex analysis scheme


Requested merge the vertex development branch. Added G4 vertex folder/lib. Add following two tiers of vertex objects:

·       BBC fast sim vertex

·       Global vertex

Pull request available for comments:


Jin: shall we use the average beam position or 0 cm location for BBC X/Y in the global vertex?

Action Item [Mike]: add beam X-Y to BBC generated global vertex. (offline discussion: also add a SIM vertex with 3D smearing on X/Y/Z)


Chris: would we need a new branch for timing, rather than tagging on vertex for timing?

Jin: With a fully implemented TOF detector (as one option for ePHENIX), we would be able to tag different time of each vertex down to precession of <10 ps.

Consensus: keep the time tag on vertex for future use.


Chris: displaced/secondary vertex would be needed in the future.

Mike: on TODO list, pre-CDR



Mike McCumber : update on evaluator


A new tier of object to decode truth information for evaluation use. Merged to master through pull request:


Example to use of the objects in user code would be the generic evaluator ntuple maker:



Jin: Following mike's point on performance check, it would be useful tool to check build/performance for each pull request, to help making decision on merging pull requests.

Martin: From past projects, another useful way to check compatibility of pull requests would be a daily merging of all pull request into an incoming branch and check its build.


Action Item [Jin/Martin/Chris]: further develop the pull-request-QA concept offline and try to implement one for sPHENIX (discussion started after meeting).



Jin Huang: EMCal updates



Page 9: three pre-CDR clusterizer concept was discussed.


Ideal clusterizer:

Megan Connors: circle around track may be too artificial in pattern recognition performance.

Jin: also good baseline.


FastJet as EMCal clusterizer:

Rosi Reed (from EMCal meeting on Mon): FastJet require circular shape, would not work well for elliptical clusters.

Mike : expect poor performance on spliting clusters with Anti-KT

Megan/Jin: we can also try kT and Guass filter algorithm under FastJet too.



Ed/Chris: update the pre-CDR plot list with names.


Action Item [Jin]: Update the slides with the EMCal plot list with names assigned (done).

Action Item [John L.] : plan to send around the Hcal plot list



Ron: TPC update


Page 2:

Tony: add another intermediate layer silicon detector?

Ron: Will be good to study


Page 5:

Tony: real decider for the inner radius limit could be the pattern recognition. 500 HIJING might tell us that. 

Ron: study in progress. (see next slides)


Page 6:

Ed: E field requirement would strongly affect cage design, which is a challenging task. Guidance from gas choice/simulation study would be helpful.

Ron: Ne/CF4 require higher voltage. Need volunteer for gas simulation comparisons.


Volunteer Needed : TPC simulation studies (contact Ron)

Jin: Purity vs multiplicity would be needed for Hijing too

Ron: agree.


Action Item [Tony/Ron]: update the overleaf pre-CDR document with list of plots planned.



Alan: TPC simulation setup (discussed in the last meeting too)


Page 3:

Ed: Is the ILC TPC the one Klaus worked on?

Alan: Yes.

Ed: Where is the detector?

Alan: somewhere Japan. Similar in dimension to sPHENIX need, very nice reference for us.


Jin: was drift time/Z semaring simulated?

Alan: current use a mock-up Gauss searing. Pulse fit needed for future.

Ed: not a priority for pre-CDR

Jin: Then how merge of tracks in Z/time dimension gets handled?

Alan: handled in merge track hits of the same timing bins.


Page 7:

Alan: What would be the strategy in merging software to handle needs of both TPC and SVX?

Mike: deal with six configuration macro for now. Good to merge the C++ module later.



Tracking in general:


Tony: Will have a post doc at RIKEN to join the tracking simulation study too.


Ron: coordination between different tracking configuration studies.

Mike: should avoid many switching flags, which will be confusing to users. We already pushed subsystem -> separate macros, which leave a clean interface to users. 

Tony: split into the tracking macros into the inner/outer tracker macros parts.

Mike: as the interface to non-tracking experts, still tracking experts should support one tracker.C , which load the inner and outer tracker macro.

Tony: will do so and follow up with Mike offline.


Action Item [Tony/Mike]: implement the tracker macros which support six standard configurations for pre-CDR stage.







Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department, Bldg 510 C

Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 631-344-5898

Cell:   757-604-9946



From: Huang, Jin
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2015 1:56 PM
To: 'sphenix-l AT' <sphenix-l AT>; 'sphenix-software-l AT' <sphenix-software-l AT>
Subject: [new room/bridgeline] sPHENIX simulation meetings, Tue Sept 1st @ 3-192


Dear All,


This is a reminder that we will have our weekly sPHENIX simulation meeting Tue Sept 1st. Let’s start the meeting with updates on the simulation production/new software features for pre-CDR. More contributions are welcomed too.


The agenda page is at  , for which the modification password is 1008


From now to this Dec, we will use a new default room and a new default bridge line:


* For residents at BNL, we will meet in the 3-192 conference room.


* To join the Meeting via bluejeans:


To join via Phone:

1) Dial:

        +1 408 740 7256

        +1 888 240 2560(US Toll Free)

        +1 408 317 9253(Alternate Number)

        (see all numbers -

2) Enter Conference ID: 468481110










Brookhaven National Laboratory

Physics Department, Bldg 510 C

Upton, NY 11973-5000


Office: 631-344-5898

Cell:   757-604-9946



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