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[Sphenix-software-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation and software meeting, Tue Sept 6th, 1PM EST @ 2-219
- From: "Huang, Jin" <jhuang AT bnl.gov>
- To: "sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov>, "sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-software-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation and software meeting, Tue Sept 6th, 1PM EST @ 2-219
- Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 20:15:15 +0000
Also available on agenda page: https://indico.bnl.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=1926
Electron ID and Upsilon background - Sasha Lebedev
Summary: electron ID performance and Upsilon + background projection in AuAu
Electron ID
Slide 2: In anti-proton, did not observe much difference in inner Hcal energy. Jin (post meeting comment): last simulation showed x2 improvement by using inner HCal on top of E/p cuts for single anti-proton simulation @ 2-4GeV/c in p. Expect less effect in HIJING embedded events due to background fluctuation in the inner HCal.
Slide 3: observed different rejection for proton and kaons when compared to pions. Jin: expect some difference from hadron interaction cross section that is different for pi/K/pi and their anti-particles.
Slide 5: tradeoff between efficiency and background rejection. Jin: In the past two weeks, further option of MAPS + IT + TPC are also available now for simulation study: https://github.com/sPHENIX-Collaboration/macros/pull/35
Gabor: was electron efficiency curve used inner HCal information? Sasha: with E/p only. Page 2 suggest inner HCal do not help much after EMCal E/p cut in central HIJING events.
Jin: was the E/p cut are single-side cuts Sasha: Yes. only applying on the lower side cut for the E/p.
Upsilon background estimation
General documentation: · Please upload analysis software to the analysis repository on GitHub (write permission to everyone in collaboration): https://github.com/sPHENIX-Collaboration/analysis . Suggest make a sub folder e.g. Upsilon-analysis · Analysis note -> wiki. Need write permission account to edit wiki. Please contact John Haggerty for establishing the account.
Slide 5: Ming: For DY in lower mass region, Pythia differ from NLO pQCD by x3 times is surprising Sasha: tune has not been changed for three years. Current tune focus on the Upsilon mass region that fits well with pQCD. Details in write-up. Sasha/Marzia: agree that it is important to revise Pythia settings
Slide 6: Jin: could be useful to double check hadron spectrum as published in Phys. Rev. C 88, 024906 (2013) that extend the hadron spectrum in pp and AUAU to higher pT
Slide 11: Upsilon generator contains y and pT dependence
Slide 12: final Upsilon line shape with background estimation
Jin: one useful performance benchmark could be Upsilon R_AA statistical error bar projection, extracted from fitting on the invariant mass spectrum
Jin: how large is the photon conversion background. Sasha: previous study show a small effect due to the conversion electrons are shifted to significantly softer pT when compared with hadrons. Will find the older study material.
John Haggerty: we should update the Delta R_AA projection plot.
b-tagging with displaced vertex - Sanghoon
Summary: updated plot for performance for tracking review. Plan: look at invariant mass and pT distribution of the secondary vertex. Improve documentation.
b-tagging with track counting - Haiwang
Summary: Recalculate DCA to allow choose 2D (default) or 3D DCAs. 3D DCA performance previewed. Plan: Improve sigmalization for 3D-DCA; HIJING embedding; convert to Likelihood analysis.
Slide 4: performance curve match exactly between default DCA2D variable and new DCA2D calculated in analysis module. Sanity check before moving to 3D-DCA calculation in the analysis module
Slide 5: DCA-3D purity using 2D sigma estimation, which further improves over the 2D DCA curve.
Ming: in simulation, are you using the reconstructed vertex? Haiwang: Yes. Ming: what was the vertex resolution? Haiwang: ~10um in sigma_x and sigma_y with an average multiplicity of 15 tracks per collision after a reconstructed pT cut of 0.5 GeV/c (high-pT jetty events in p+p collision @ sqrt(S) = 200 GeV)
Tracking performance VS centrality - Sourav
Summary: study of tracking performance with embedding in three different centrality categories.
Slide 2-3: performance with loose-matching cut for MAPS + TPC
Dave: why efficiency drops for MAPS+TPC @ high pT? Expect stay high efficiency at high pT Sourav: Not yet understood. Such drop not observed with IT. Dave: what was the requirement on hit on the silicon detectors? Sourav: require correct MAPS hit and IT hits matched to the reconstructed track. Then allow missing 27 of 60 max possible TPC clusters. Jin: suggest check the population of failed tracks and check how they failed in term of matching: association or quality cuts or pT matching cut. In the case of pT matching cut, please plot the dpT spectrum.
Haiwang: which analysis tool was used to perform such analysis? Sourav: Mike’s standard tracking evaluator.
Slide 4-5: performance with tight-matching cut for MAPS + TPC Sourav: requirement is 3/3 in MAPS, 4/4 in IT and 57/60 TPC hits
Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
From: Huang, Jin
Hello everyone,
This is a reminder for a regular sPHENIX simulation and software meeting, Tue Sept 6th, 1PM EST @ 2-219.
Currently on agenda are: · Upsilon background simulation · B-tagging with secondary vertex · B-tagging with displaced vertex Please let us know if you have further topics to be presented at this meeting.
The agenda page is at https://indico.bnl.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=1926 , for which the common modification password is "1008" • For residents at BNL, we will meet at the 2-219 conference room this time • To join the Meeting via phone bridge: https://bluejeans.com/619960505 • To join via Phone: 1) Dial: +1.408.740.7256 +1.888.240.2560(US Toll Free) +1.408.317.9253(Alternate number) (see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers) 2) Enter Conference ID: 619960505
Brookhaven National Laboratory Physics Department, Bldg 510 C Upton, NY 11973-5000
Office: 631-344-5898 Cell: 757-604-9946 ______________________________
- [Sphenix-software-l] [minutes] sPHENIX simulation and software meeting, Tue Sept 6th, 1PM EST @ 2-219, Huang, Jin, 09/06/2016
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