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[Sphenix-software-l] Cluster errors and tracking performance
- From: Christof E Roland <cer AT mit.edu>
- To: "jhuang AT bnl.gov" <jhuang AT bnl.gov>
- Cc: "sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov" <sphenix-software-l AT lists.bnl.gov>
- Subject: [Sphenix-software-l] Cluster errors and tracking performance
- Date: Thu, 2 Jul 2020 10:51:05 +0000
Hi Everybody,
just a quick followup on the discussions in the simulation meeting.
- the genfit based tracking does not suffer from the event by event mvtx half shell problem Tony reported for the ACTS tracking. The matching inefficiency for the MVTX part is randomly distributed event by event in phi.
- Setting the phi and z errors of clusters with high total ADC value (>500) to the clusterwidth/sqrt(12) gives a significant improvement for the MTVX matching efficiency. See attached plot below. Green is cluster errors as usual. Black dots if modified cluster errors in GenFitTrkProp.
Looks like this is worth pursueing further.

On 29. Jun 2020, at 19:40, Huang, Jin <jhuang AT bnl.gov> wrote:_______________________________________________Hi EveryoneThis is a reminder that we will have a sPHENIX simulation and software meeting on June 30, 1PM ETThis week we will follow up on the on-going work:* ACTS updates – Joe and Tony* CA Seeding module follow up – ChristofAnd an after-meeting discussion: outer tracker production coordination – Hugo, ChrisThe agenda page is at https://indico.bnl.gov/event/7421 . Further topic suggestions for future meetings will be welcomed too.1) Dial:+1.408.740.7256+1.888.240.2560(US Toll Free)+1.408.317.9253(Alternate number)(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)2) Enter Conference ID: 619960505Looking forward to talking to you,Cheers,Jin______________________________Jin HUANGPhysicist, Ph.D.Brookhaven National LaboratoryPhysics Department, Bldg 510 CUpton, NY 11973-5000Office: 631-344-5898Cell: 757-604-9946______________________________
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- [Sphenix-software-l] Cluster errors and tracking performance, Christof E Roland, 07/02/2020
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