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sphenix-tracking-l - [Sphenix-tracking-l] recovering "lost" overleaf text

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Subject: sPHENIX tracking discussion

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  • From: Martin Purschke <purschke AT>
  • To: sphenix-tracking-l AT
  • Subject: [Sphenix-tracking-l] recovering "lost" overleaf text
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 15:22:24 -0400

All, especially Tom, Mike, and Tony,

there are numerous complaints that files are easily getting overwritten
in overleaf, which seems to be some race condition between the web
interface and the overleaf git export.

Luckily, whenever something gets committed to the git repo, it leaves a
trace. Tom was looking for some text about MAPS that he had written that
disappeared in a subsequent commit. It dos NOT take a tag or so to make
those past changes accessible later.

If you issue the command "git log" to see what has been going on, you get

> commit cb314d8c288d323e4f8c3af8456bf13567b97a48
> Author: John Lajoie <lajoie AT>
> Date: Thu Oct 15 21:02:59 2015 +0000
> Update on Overleaf.
> commit 5695f8e278643261fe4a001e27bf57898861257d
> Author: Thomas Hemmick <tkhemmick AT>
> Date: Thu Oct 15 20:40:15 2015 +0000
> Update on Overleaf.
> commit de69855348560a869455de1eefc510e6933783bf
> Author: Thomas Hemmick <tkhemmick AT>
> Date: Thu Oct 15 20:38:25 2015 +0000
> Update on Overleaf.
> commit daf86ed149bd2aa5315c6c45d269999428ba196a
> Author: Jin Huang <blackcathj AT>
> Date: Thu Oct 15 18:14:46 2015 +0000
> Update on Overleaf.

and so on.

Tom advised that the text in question, now gone, contained the string
"latch up". I made a list of all commits with those long hex codes

> git log | grep commit | awk '{print $NF}' > commits

and then went through them one by one to see when the string would appear.

> $ cat
> #! /bin/sh
> git checkout master > /dev/null 2>&1
> for c in $(cat commits) ; do
> echo $c
> git checkout $c > /dev/null 2>&1
> if grep -iq 'latch up' tracker/tracker.tex ; then
> echo -n "$c "
> grep -i 'latch up' tracker/tracker.tex
> fi
> git checkout -f master > /dev/null 2>&1
> done

Lo and behold, in this case, cb314d8c288d323e4f8c3af8456bf13567b97a48 is
the one. For Tom's benefit, I attach the corresponding tracker.tex
version, but now you have the recipe.


Martin L. Purschke, Ph.D. ; purschke AT
Brookhaven National Laboratory ; phone: +1-631-344-5244
Physics Department Bldg 510 C ; fax: +1-631-344-3253
Upton, NY 11973-5000 ; skype: mpurschke
%% tracker.tex Tracker Ed, Yasuyuki, Itaru 20p

% Ed's file copy-pasted by a.m.

% Hi guys
% I just made a pass over the document using to restructure the "section",
% "subsection", and "subsubsection" markings to better match the DOC
% file sent around by Ed.
% TKH 9-10-2015
% I edited both of those sections to make our plan more clear to the reader
% and fill out the discussion of heavy-flavor jet neededs (I think our
% design requirements on b-jets are still incomplete and need additional
% numbers put to them...)
% - MPM 10/14/2015

\section{Physics requirements}
Three elements of the sPHENIX physics program drive the performance
parameters of sPHENIX tracking. The measurement of the upsilon family of
quarkonia states , fragmentation functions at high and at low $z$, and heavy
flavor tagged jets together set the momentum resolution specification for the
Tracker . To fully utilize the available RHIC luminosity, the tracking
systems should have large, uniform acceptance and be capable of fast readout.

Measuring fragmentation functions at low $z$ requires looking for possibly
wide angle correlations between a trigger jet and a charged hadron. This
places only moderate requirements on the momentum resolution ($\Delta p/p
\simeq 1\%\cdot p$), but reinforces the requirement of a large acceptance and
tracking purity at low momentum. Fragmentation functions at high $z$ also
place more stringent requirements on momentum resolution and can be a design
constraint for momenta well above 10~GeV/c. In order to unfold the full
fragmentation function, $f(z)$, the smearing due to momentum
uncertainty should be very small compared to the corresponding smearing due
to the calorimetric jet measurement for a cleanly identified jet. For a
40~GeV jet this condition is satisfied by a tracking momentum resolution of
$\Delta p/p \simeq 0.2\%\cdot p$ or better up to momenta near 40~GeV/c.
The measurement of the $\Upsilon$ family places the most stringent
requirement on momentum resolution at lower momenta. The large mass of the
upsilon means that one can primarily focus on electrons with momenta of
$\sim4-10$~GeV/c. The $\Upsilon(3S)$ has about 3\% higher mass than the
$\Upsilon(2S)$ state and to distinguish them clearly one needs invariant mass
resolution of $\sim$100 MeV, or $\sim1$\%. This translates into a momentum
resolution for the daughter $e^\pm$ of $\sim$ 1.2\% in the range
The $\Upsilon$ measurement also generates requirements on the purity and
efficiency of electron identification. The identification needs to be
efficient because of the low cross section for $\Upsilon$ production at RHIC,
and it needs to have high purity against the charged hadron background to
maintain a good signal to background ratio. This requires minimizing track
ambiguities. For a multi-layer device such as a silicon tracker one must
optimize the number of tracking layers, their spacing, and the segmentation
of the strip layers. For a continuous tracking device such as a TPC one must
optimize the two-track separation through the appropriate choice of
granularity of the readout plane, and control of space charge and pile-up
Tagging heavy-flavor jets introduces the additional tracking requirements. At
minimum this demands the ablity to measure the displaced track originating
from a D or B meson decay, as described in Section ?. The $c\tau$ for D and B
decays is 123~$\mu$m and 457~$\mu$m, respectively, and the displaced track
would need to be identified with a resolution sufficient to distinguish these
decays against backgrounds. Furthermore, heavy-flavor jet identification
algorithms such as DCA-counting methods require multiple large DCA tracks to
be found simultaneously within a jet and will require a large single track
efficiency to keep the overall identification suitably efficient. Other heavy
flavor jet identification methods such as those based on fully reconstructing
individual secondary vertexes can place additional demands on the individual
track position resolution and impact the inner pixel segmentation.

Translating these needs into a detector requirement can be done only by
performing detailed simulations with a specific tracking configuration,
followed by evaluation of the tracking performance.

%{\blue overview written by Ed.}\\
{\blue Information form Mike and Dennis to be put together by Tony}\\
for upsilons, jets, hadrons, jets+X Au+Au, \pp, \pAu.

\section{Overview of Tracking Options}

Here we present brief summaries of design options that are currently under
consideration for central
tracking. The physics program requires that the tracking system will provide
measurements of displaced
vertices for the identification of heavy flavor decays and sufficient
momentum resolution to separate the
three upsilon states and measure jet fragmentation functions. The summaries
that follow include technical options for inner pixels (reconfigured PHENIX
pixels and MAPS sensors) and outer tracking (Si strips and TPC) and the steps
required to realize each project. Detailed design considerations are
discussed later in the chapter.

\subsection{Reuse of the PHENIX Pixel Detector}
% {\blue to be written by Yasuyuki and Itaru -- baseline, resue of the VTX}\\
\subsubsection{Detector Description} % Yasuyuki and Itaru: Describe the
reused pixels (grammar edits by MPM)
In this option, we re-use the pixel detector ladders of the PHENIX VTX
The PHENIX VTX is composed of 4 layers of silicon detectors, and its inner
two layers are
made of 30 ladders of hybrid pixel detectors. The first layer, made of 10
is at the radius of approximately 2.5 cm from the beam pipe and the second
layer, made of 20 ladders, is at 5 cm. Currently they are positioned to
measure charged particles also sampled by the PHENIX central arms and so
cover about 80\% of 2$\pi$.

One pixel ladder is made of 4 sensor modules on a stave made of CFRP, which
mechanical support and cooling. A sensor module is made of a pixel sensor
(5.672cm (L)$\times$ 1.50 cm (w) $\times$ 200 $\mu$m (t)) and 4 ALICE
pixel read-out chips bump bonded on the sensor. Each of ALICE chip read-out
pixels, arranged as $32 \times 256$. The size of an individual pixel is
$\Delta \phi \times \Delta z =$
50$\mu$m $\times$ 425 $\mu$m. A pixel ladder is read-out from both ends by
read-out boards
called SPIRO through high density buses. The total radiation length of a
pixel ladder is
approximately 1.28\%. These pixel detectors were built by RIKEN. In addition
to the 30 ladders
in PHENIX VTX, RIKEN also has 6 unused spare ladders.

After the 2016 run, PHENIX detector and VTX detector will be decomissioned,
the pixel ladders will be saved along with their read-out electronics. We
plan to
reconfigure the 30 pixel ladders and the 6 spare pixel ladders to make two
pixel layers for the sPHENIX tracker. The radial position of the two layers
and the number of
ladders in each layers will be adjusted so that the detector will cover
2$\pi$ in azimuth.
A tentative configuration of the pixel layers are shown in
% geometry, channel count, support concept, sensor options, material, readout

%\item{Pixel reconfiguration and support}
%\item{Pixel readout bus and electronics}
%\item{Pixel cooling and cabling}

\subsubsection{Justification of Design Choices} % Yasuyuki and Itaru:
Justify the reused pixels

Precision vertex position measurement is needed to measure heavy quark
Measurement of $D$ mesons in high $p_T$ and $b$-tagged jet is one of the main
physics goals of sPHENIX.
Two layers of pixel detector will provides this good DCA measurement
capability. DCA resolution of 70 $\mu$m
for $p_T>1$ GeV/$c$ was achieved for the existing pixel detectors. The DCA
resolution at high $p_T$ was about
50 $\mu$m, limited by the beam profile width.

The main advantage of this option that we have 30 pixel ladders and 6 spares
along with read-out
electronics. The detector has been used in the experiment and it is
demostrated that they can
achieve good DCA resoluiton that is sufficient to separate heavy flavor
electrons from charm and bottom
decays from light hadron sources and to separate charm decay electrons and
bottom decay electrons.
Read-out speed of approximately 10 kHz has been demonstrated in real physics
This option provides the most cost effective implemenation of two inner most
tracking layer of sPHENIX
for heavy quark measurement in terms of both of the budget and the manpower.

% A drawback of this option is that the detector has been used many years and
some of the pixels are dead.

% Why the momentum resolution, channel count for pixel/strip/TPC, material
thickness or rad length, choice of geometry, etc.
\subsubsection{Steps to Project Completion} % Yasuyuki and Itaru: Steps to
realize reused pixels
{\bf Tabular or text description of steps in the project between now and
Step for reconfiguration.
\item Define configuration of the two pixel layers. The best configuration
from the available number
of pixel ladders will be defined. (FY2016)
\item Chose best pixel ladders to be used (FY2016)
\item Design mechanical support of two layers of pixel ladders and SPRIO
read-out boards, assembly fixtures of pixels, and the power/cooling
interface. (FY2018)
\item Produce mechanical support structure (FY2018)
\item Install pixel ladders into the mechanical support structure (FY2019)
\item Install SPIRO read-out boards into the support structure and connect to
the pixel ladders (FY2019)
\item Install the reconfigured pixel into sPHENIX tracker (FY2019)
% For instance: Production and testing of prototype strip sensors between now
and Oct 2016. Design studies for the reconfiguration of the pixel now-Oct
2016. Evaluation of alternate pixel options Fall 2015-fall 2016. Production
of prototype strip ladders with prototype readout Oct 2016-Oct 2017.
Conceptual design of the pixel/strip/TPC throughout FY17. TPC prototype
production and testing FY17. Choice of final tracking technology Jan 2018.
Large scale prototypes of the strip or TPC Jan 2018-Oct 2018. Final
engineering design of the strip/TPC starting in early FY18 and concluding in
4QY18. Start procurement process for major Tracking production components
4QFY18. Production of Tracking components beginning in spring 2019 …..

\subsection{MAPS Pixel}
%{\blue new pixels Mike McCumber and Ming Liu, LANL people}
\subsubsection{Detector Description} % Mike and Ming: Describe the MAPS pixels
In this option, we construct a new set of inner tracking sensors to improve
the precision of the tracking system for an expanded physics reach with the
tracker and to both mitigate known issues with the reconfiguration of the
PHENIX pixel sensor. The technology choice for the new set of silicon sensors
would be the same monolithic active pixel sensor (MAPS) based vertex detector
technology developed by the ALICE experiment, see

%(geometry, channel count, support concept, sensor options, material, readout
It is highly desired to have a low mass high efficiency precision vertex
tracking detector for the heavy flavor physics program in sPHENIX. An
exploration of silicon pixel sensor technology with low power consumption,
thus less supporting materials, is the only way to go beyond the current
pixel systems. The latest MAPS based pixel vertex detector being developed
for the ALICE Inner Tracking System Upgrade has made significant reduction of
material budget from $\sim 1\%$ down to $\sim 0.3\% X_{0}$, and much reduced
pixel size of $\sim O(30\mu$m $\times 30\mu$m). The same technology albeit
with a different readout configuration has been adopted in the latest STAR
inner vertex detector upgrade at RHIC.~\cite{STAR:MAPS-Upgrade} For sPHENIX a
minimum of two layers are required to provide the coverage with high tracking
efficiency and precision. The exact dimension and configuration is under
development but we foresee the inner most radius could be as close to IP as
possible, yet still outside the beam pipe, at a radius $R \sim 2.4$cm. With
very low power front-end electronics ($40$ nW per channel), the whole
detector can be cooled by air with minimal cooling materials. From those
currently underdevelopment, the ALICE ITS ALPIDE architecture provides a 4
$\mu$sec integration time and smaller than 50 $mW/cm^{2}$ power consumption
appears best suited to our needs.

We expect the characteristics of the inner MAPS tracker to closely resemble
those of the ALICE inner ITS. The inner ladders of the ALICE ITS extend 27 cm
in length. These will be suitable for the sPHENIX coverage for radii within 6
cm. Should layers outside of 6 cm be required, longer staves will need to be
produced to preserve the pseudo-rapidity coverage for all vertexes within
$\pm$10cm. A summary of the geometry for the inner tracker is provided in

\caption{Summary of geometries for an inner MAPS tracker with 3 layers.}
& & & sensor & & & &
Layer & radius & pitch & length & depth & total thickness &
length & area \\
& (cm) & ($\mu$m) & ($\mu$m) & ($\mu$m) & $X_0\%$ & (cm) &
1 & 2.4 & 28 & 28 & 50 & 0.3 & 27 & 0.041\\
2 & $\sim$4 & 28 & 28 & 50 & 0.3 & 27 & $\sim$0.068\\
3 & $\sim$6-15 & 28 & 28 & 50 & 0.3 & $\sim$27-39 & $\sim$0.102-0.368\\


\item{Pixel reconfiguration and support}
\item{Pixel readout bus and electronics}
\item{Pixel cooling and cabling}

\subsubsection{Justification of Design Choices} % Mike and Ming: Justify the
MAPS pixels

A new set of tracking layers utilizing a developed yet modern technology,
such as the MAPS sensors discussed above, can alleviate some concerns with
the reconfiguration of the existing PHENIX sensors. We discuss the following
issues in some detail:
\subitem[Tracking inefficiencies] The existing pixel layers in PHENIX have a
90\% and 77\% tracking efficiency for the first and second layers
respectively. For track-counting methods this will represent an immediate
efficiency drop to $(90\%\times77\%)^{3} = 33\%$, degrading and potentially
endangering our ability to measure b-jets. Mitigation strategies such as 6
hit tracking, wherein only one of the first two layers are utilized, will
suffer a higher rate of fake reconstructions and remove the precision
placement at the vertex needed by the heavy flavor program. MAPS sensors
being developed for the ALICE upgrade have shown much larger tracking
efficiencies (>99\%), would recover these lost signals, and add new
capabilities by better defining the track position. It is important to note
that the difficulties encountered by the PHENIX silicon detectors (loss of
contact via flaws in bump/wire bonds) are intrinsically eliminated in the
MAPS design since these contacts are part of the silicon chip and not applied
as a post-production step.

\subitem[Material thickness] The existing pixel ladders have a 1.28\%
radiation thickness per layer. Modern MAPS based ladder designs can improve
dramatically on those values with a thickness per layer of only 0.3\%
$X_{0}$. The integrated material of the Tracker impacts the momentum
resolution of electrons and this constraint is driving the placement of the
outer tracking layers in the silicon strip option to 80 cm. A new inner
tracking subsystem composed of 2 or 3 MAPS based silicon sensor layers would
integrate to a smaller total material budget which could be utilized to
either improve the Upsilon mass resolution, reduce the outer tracking layer
cost by moving the outer layers to a smaller radius, or some combined
optimization of both.

\subitem[Tracking precision] The existing pixel ladders have large pixel
dimensions by modern standards. The pitch of the pixels ($50um\times425um$)
is optimized in one direction to facilitate DCA based measurements in the
transverse plane. The ALICE MAPS design can achieve much narrower pitch
($30um\times30um$) opening the possibility of reconstructing individual
secondary vertexes with two-track comparisons and an additional approach to
b-jet identification.

\subitem[DAQ rate limit] A system test of the existing pixels ran at 14 kHz
with 100\% dead time. This is somewhat under the need of sPHENIX for 15 kHz
with a small dead time for rare trigger collection and impacts slightly the
entire physics program. A new set of tracking layers would free sPHENIX to
establish a larger event collection rate and ensure the 15 kHz design goal is
fully achieved.

\subitem[TPC integration] The integration of a compact TPC would offer
additional benefits that will be detailed in a later subsection. The Tracker
is a unified system and must be designed as such. The final design of the
inner silicon will thus be influenced, particularly in the placement of the
large radii layers by design choices of the outer tracking. A newly
constructed set of materially-thin tracking layers has the flexibility to
meet the design needs should the TPC option need a third layer of pixels to
complete the matching between the TPC and pixel layers.

\subsubsection{Steps to Project Completion}
% Mike and Ming: Steps to realize MAPS pixels
% all of this is heavily dependent upon our ability to secure funding... Ming
can you fill this in? -MPM

{\bf Tabular or text description of steps in the project between now and
For instance: Production and testing of prototype strip sensors between now
and Oct 2016.
Design studies for the reconfiguration of the pixel now-Oct 2016.
Evaluation of alternate pixel options Fall 2015-fall 2016.
Production of prototype strip ladders with prototype readout Oct 2016-Oct
Conceptual design of the pixel/strip/TPC throughout FY17.
TPC prototype production and testing FY17.
Choice of final tracking technology Jan 2018.
Large scale prototypes of the strip or TPC Jan 2018-Oct 2018.
Final engineering design of the strip/TPC starting in early FY18 and
concluding in 4QY18.
Start procurement process for major Tracking production components 4QFY18.
Production of Tracking components beginning in spring 2019 …..

\subsection{Strip option}
%{\blue to be written by Itaru}\\
\subsubsection{Detector Description} % Itaru: Describe the strip detector

%geometry, channel count, support concept, sensor options, material, readout

The silicon strip tracker covers the acceptance $|\eta|<1$ and full azimuthal
coverage, $\Delta\phi=2\pi$.
The silicon strip tracker consist of 3 stations (from inner to outer, called
S0, S1 and S2) as illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:3D_Overview}. The S0 and S1
stations consisted of two layers which are staggered each other between
adjacent sensor modules for hermeticity. The radius and dimensions of each
station and layers
are summarized in the table~\ref{tbl:SiStripSummary}.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/SiTracker_3D_Overview.png}
\caption{CAD drawing of the silicon strip tracker.}

\caption{Summary of geometries for silicon strip tracker.}
& & & & sensor & & &\\
Station & Layer & radius & pitch & length & depth & total thickness & area\\
& & (cm) & ($\mu$m) & (cm)
& ($\mu$m) & $X_0\%$ & (m$^2$)\\
Pixel & 1 & 2.4 & 50 & 0.425
& 200 & 1.3 & 0.034\\
Pixel & 2 & 4.4 & 50 & 0.425
& 200 & 1.3 & 0.059\\
S0a & 3 & 9.5 & 60 & 8
& 240 & 1.35 & 0.152\\
S0b & 4 & 10.5 & 240 & 2
& 240 & 1.35 & 0.185\\
S1a & 5 & 44.5 & 60 & 8
& 240 & 1 & 3.3\\
S1b & 6 & 45.5 & 240 & 2
& 240 & 1 & 3.5\\
S2 & 7 & 80.0 & 60 & 8
& 320 & 2 & 10.8\\


%Y. Akiba (To Nakagawa-san, I slightly changed the text here. I want to make
S0 and S1 240um thick.)
As discussed in a later section, we have developed a prototype sensor for S2.
The sensor was manufactured by HPK.
This prototype sensor is 320 $\mu$m thick, the standard thickness of HPK.
HPK has technology to manufacture 240 $\mu$m thickness sensors
as well. We are now prototyping the sensor for S1 layer. HPK is manufacturing
the prototpye sensor with both
of 320 $\mu$m and 240 $\mu$m. Our aim is to make both S0a/b and S1a/b to be
240 $\mu$m thick or even thinner to
achieve minimize the multiple scattering within the sensor material. The
details of the technology is to be discussed
in the later section.

The FPHX chip which was developed for the FVTX detector is employed as the
readout chip of the silicon tracker
for the sPHENIX. The readout scheme is therefore very similar to that of
FVTX. The primary reasons for this choice are
(1) we can use adapt the read-out chain of FVTX with minium change and (2)
the power consumption of the chip is only 64mw
per chip (128 channel). Another option we considered is to use SVX4, which
was used for PHENIX VTX stripixel detector and
MPC-EX detector. However, the power consumption of SVX4 is more than 5 times
hihger than that of FPHX chip.
It is unavoidable to have liquid cooling system for SVX4 readout though, the
FPHX chip opens up an option
to operate the silicon module with an air cooling system. This is the major
advantage to make the cooling system
simpler with less materials.

The number of channels for silicon module, ladder, and sensors are summarized
in table~\ref{tbl:SiStripChannelSummary}.

\caption{Number of channel summary for the silicon strip tracker.}
station & sub-layer & silicon module & $\#$ of ladder &\# of sensor\\
& & per ladder & & \\
s0 & 2 & 3 & 36 & 216\\
s1 & 2 & 7 & 48 & 672\\
s2 & 1 & 14 & 48 & 672\\

Shown in Figure~\ref{fig:StripReadout} is the conceptual layout design of
strip and readout lines for the S2 sensor. The dimension of the active area
is 96mm$\times$92.16mm, which is divided into 12$\times$12 blocks. Strips are
running parallel to the beam line.
Silicon sensors readout lines are aligned perpendicularly (azimuthal
direction) with respect to the strip direction as illustrated in
Figure~\ref{fig:StripReadout}. Upper and lower 6 blocks are connected upwards
and downwards, respectively. This way the number of readout channels are
reduced to save the cost. Although signals in 6 blocks are combined and
cannot be distinguished in the readout electronics, the origin of hit block
is to be identified in offline analysis by requiring hit matching between
other station and/or layers. An expected occupancy is sufficiently low which
allows us to combine the signal in readout and let an offline tracking
algorithm to identify the actual fired block. Number of combined blocks are
less for s0 and s1 because the number of blocks are fewer due to smaller size
of their sensors.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/SiTracker_StripReadout.pdf}
\caption{Schematic layout strip and readout lines of the sensor.}

%geometry, channel count, support concept, sensor options, material, readout

\item{Pixel reconfiguration and support}
\item{Pixel readout bus and electronics}
\item{Pixel cooling and cabling}

\subsubsection{Justification of Design Choices} % Itaru: Justify the strip
The momentum resolution is limited by the multiple scattering in the middle
(s1) layer which is proportional to the total radiation length of materials.
Following efforts in the design are under consideration/development to
minimize the material budget as low as possible.

\item{Air cooling system instead of liquid one}
\item{240$\mu$m thick silicon sensor instead of 320$\mu$m.}
As discussed in the previous section, the choice of the FPHX chip help to
reduce the material budget due to smaller heat generation which can be
handled by the air cooling system. Another efforts to reduce the radiation
length is the thickness of silicon sensors. If 240$\mu$m thick silicon
sensors demonstrates satisfactory performance, then it will reduce the
material budget for the silicon sensor part by 25\% from the standard
320$\mu$m. The 240$\mu$m thick sensor is known to draw larger dark current
and it is still under developing stage.

The cost of readout is greatly reduced by combining signal across multiple
blocks in azimuthal direction without widening strip pitch. This way the
momentum resolution is not sacrificed by reducing number of readout channels.

%Why the momentum resolution, channel count for pixel/strip/TPC, material
thickness or rad length, choice of geometry, etc.

\subsubsection{Steps to Project Completion} % Itaru: Steps to realize strip
{\bf Tabular or text description of steps in the project between now and
For instance: Production and testing of prototype strip sensors between now
and Oct 2016. Design studies for the reconfiguration of the pixel now-Oct
2016. Evaluation of alternate pixel options Fall 2015-fall 2016. Production
of prototype strip ladders with prototype readout Oct 2016-Oct 2017.
Conceptual design of the pixel/strip/TPC throughout FY17. TPC prototype
production and testing FY17. Choice of final tracking technology Jan 2018.
Large scale prototypes of the strip or TPC Jan 2018-Oct 2018. Final
engineering design of the strip/TPC starting in early FY18 and concluding in
4QY18. Start procurement process for major Tracking production components
4QFY18. Production of Tracking components beginning in spring 2019 …..

\subsection{TPC option}
\subsubsection{Detector Description}

The TPC design follows the classical cylindrical double-sided TPC layout used
in several other experiments {\red [reuse citations]} with a central membrane
electrode located at the middle of the interaction region, which divides the
TPC into two mirror-symmetric volumes shown in fig.~\ref{fig:tpc_global}.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/tpc_scheme.png}
\caption{Schematic layout of TPC main elements.}

In each such volume the readout plane is located on the endcap inner surface,
facing the gas volume. The electric field, transporting primary ionization to
the readout plane is formed by the membrane electrode set to the highest
voltage bias on one side and by the the readout plane at ground potential on
the other. The electrical drift field is constrained by the field cage along
the inner and the outer cylindrical surfaces of the TPC.

The two mirror-symmetrical parts of the TPC form a common gas volume filled
with the gas mixture, which transports primary ionization to the readout
plane on each TPC endcap surface. The same gas that transport primary
ionization also works as the medium for the amplification elements located in
front of the readout planes. These amplification elements are built based on
several layers of micropattern gaseous detectors.

Other TPC subsystems directly related to the main volume are the channel
readout system; high voltage distribution systems for the drift field and for
the amplification elements; gas circulation, control and purification system;
TPC calibration systems. Operation and readout of different service
subsystems is handled by the TPC slow control system.

Clearly the exact specifications of any of the tracking detectors will
require additional R\&D work to finalize. Nevertheless, it is appropriate to
demonstrate an ``existence proof'' in the form of a design that would match
and exceed all necessary performance parameters. Because of the extensive
R\&D used to establish, in great detail, the operational principles for the
ALICE TPC Upgrade project, this example makes for a very effective initial
model. In the coming discussion, we use the ALICE upgrade plans and R\&D
results to show that an implementation along these lines would work for
sPHENIX. In the later discussion, we give more detail on how these
parameters are likely to be even further optimized for our application. As
such, even though we present exact figures here, these should be considered
as exact figures of a ``straw design'' and will certainly evolve with time.

Parameter & Value & Unit & Comment\\
Gas enclosure & $<$30 $\rightarrow$ 80 & cm & \\
Active volume & 30 $\rightarrow$ $<$80 & cm & \\
Length & $\pm$ 80 & cm & $\left| \eta \right|~<~1$\\
Pad Size & 1.2 $\times$ 10 &$mm^2$ & 45 radial segments\\
Channel Counter & 123700 $\times$ 2 & & \\
Avalanche Technology & Quadruple GEM & & Same as ALICE upgrade design\\
Gas gain & 2000 & & Same as ALICE\\
Field Cage Central Potential & 32,000 & V & $400\frac{V}{cm}$, conservatively
%\caption{Summary of the basic TPC design parameters. Here are have assumed
$Ne-CO_2$ gas since this places the highest voltage burden on the field cage.}

\subsubsection{Justification of Design Choices} % Tom and Sasha: Justify the
The basic geometry of the sPHENIX TPC is driven by several factors. As is
typical for cylindrical collider detectors, the division between the "barrel"
acceptance and future endcap upgrades is located at $\eta~=~\pm~1$ as
enforced by the existing BaBar coil. The radial extent of the TPC is driven
differently on the outside and inside surfaces. Both the inner and outer
walls will have two layers:
\item the "field cage" defines the active volume of the detector
\item gas enclosure defines the physical size of the detector and its
coupling to other parts of the spectrometer.
At the outer radius, the location of the gas enclosure is defined by the
surrounding systems. Currently the EMCAL inner radius is 90~cm. Furthermore,
we envision adding some hadron ID capability as we upgrade the spectrometer
for use at the future electron-ion collider. Some devices (e.g. the BaBar
DIRC or ALICE-like HMPID) would fit within 10~cm and so we currently
constrain the outer TPC gas enclosure to $r=80cm$. The outer radial extent of
the tracking volume itself will depend upon the exact design of the field
cage and would then be less than 80cm.

Contrarily, the inner radius is defined by the inner tracking volume.
Possible interference between the TPC inner gas enclosure and a 2-3 layer
vertex pixel detector is a loose constraint. The driving factor defining in
locating the TPC inner field cage is the radius at which the TPC begins to
track with high efficiency. Currently we are taking the inner field cage
radius to be 30 cm. This figure is a compromise between being safely outside
of the vertex detector, maximizing the length of the measurement, and
experiencing particle densities similar to those at inner portion of the

The pad size, gas choice, avalanche technology, gas gain, and central
potential of the TPC are facets of a single optimization problem necessary to
define the best design. Furthermore, these parameters must be correctly
matched to the electronics by having the charge collection time less than the
amplifier shaping time. All of this must be optimized not only for momentum
resolution but also excellent two-particle response for closely spaced
tracks. Despite this complexity, we can constrain the design well enough to
demonstrate its feasibility in at least one incarnation.

The driving characteristic of the TPC performance is that it should have
momentum resolution sufficient to cleanly separate the $\Upsilon$ 1s, 2s, and
3s states. As shown in the discussion on simulations, mass resolution
performance exceeding that of the baseline solution is achieved through forty
radial measurements, each of $\sigma \sim 120~\mu m$. Pixels of full-width
$a$, measure position with a resolution of $\sigma~=~\frac{a}{\sqrt{12}}$
(less than $\frac{a}{3}$). Charge division between neighboring cells of
pitch a, typically measures position to better than $\frac{a}{10}$. Thus, an
appropriate pixel size is $1.2~mm$ around the azimuth and $1~cm$ in radius.
This leads to a total channel count summed across both readout ends below

Traditionally, TPC devices were described as "low rate" detector elements, as
defined by the long single event collection time and the need for "gating" to
prevent positive ion buildup within the TPC gas volume. Both of these
arguments have become obsolete in recent years. Traditional calculations
assumed that an event would be lost if a second event occurred within the
readout time. If we were to use the "slow" gas of the ALICE detector
($Ne-CO_2$ 90-10; $v_d~=~30\frac{\mu m}{ns}$), an 80 cm drift would
correspond to a full drift time of $26~\mu sec$. At a 15kHz collision rate,
this would put a second event in the readout time window with a probability
of $\sim\frac{1}{3}$. In recent years, it has been realized that because the
TPC measures trajectory by time, it is naturally able to distinguish overlaid
events via their apparent displaced event vertex. As an example, the ALICE
upgrade is designed to have their TPC, with more than 80 $\mu s$ drift time,
measuring collisions at rates up to 50 kHz! The key to this revolution is
the development of electronics that dismisses the concept of a single event
and instead simply reads out the TPC continuously over time. The net result
for sPHENIX is that by using this same readout principle, for all reasonable
gas choices, the "speed" of the gas will never be an event rate limiting
factor. Gas speed requirements are bracketed by the competing goals of
minimizing particle pileup within an event (wherein slower is best) and
minimizing event pileup (wherein faster is best). The advent of continuous
readout electronics shifts the balance away from faster gasses and toward
slower gasses.

The second consideration is "gating" the TPC. Avalanche of the primary
charge necessarily produces a large quantity of positive ions. Introduction
of all these ions into the TPC volume would distort the electric field to the
point that the TPC could no longer function. Because drift speeds of ions
are dramatically slower than electron drift speeds, the time to neutralize
these ions generates a "dead interval" for the TPC. Although schemes for
fast flush of the positive ions have been developed, most of the R\&D on TPC
readout currently involves using Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) as these
can be configured to reject $\sim$99\% of the positive ions allowing the TPC
to remain live at all times.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/Ne-CO2_90-10_log.png}
\caption{Calculated drift characteristics of $Ne-CO_2$ gas (same as used by

Figure~\ref{fig:gasdiffusion} shows the characteristics of the $Ne-CO_2$ gas
mixture used by ALICE. The best single point resolution is achieved by using
a drift field that simultaneously minimizes the diffusion and also resides at
a plateau in drift velocity. No such plateau exists for $Ne-CO_2$ and so the
operating conditions for this gas would be defined merely by the diffusion,
implying a drift field of $400~\frac{V}{cm}$, with a transverse diffusion of
$150\frac{\mu m}{\sqrt{cm}}$, longitudinal diffusion of $220\frac{\mu
m}{\sqrt{cm}}$, and drift velocity of $30\frac{\mu m}{nsec}$. Note that
these values are not read off the graph, but taken from ALICE wherein they
have also added 5\% $N_2$ to the gas mixture to improve voltage stability.
Note also that the lack of plateau in drift velocity requires the TPC to have
a highly uniform electric field, thereby placing tight constraints on the
field cage design.

Traditional wire chamber TPC designs image the positive ion cloud around the
wire onto a segmented pad plane. Thus, the spread of the charge as compared
to the pad segmentation is controlled by the wire-to-pad gap. Using MPGD
readout, the electron cloud itself must be spread wide enough to allow for
charge sharing among multiple pads for every avalanche. This is an extreme
challenge for ALICE because of their large pad size ($\sim 4 mm$ in azimuth).
Their saving grace is the large amount of diffusion due to the long drift
distance and purposeful "hole misalignment" among the GEM-based avalanche
scheme. For sPHENIX, the job is simpler. Accounting for a hole-induced
charge spread of $\sim 400 \mu m$, we can add this in quadrature to the
diffusion induced charge spread to find that charge clouds will have width in
the range $400~\mu m~<~\sigma~<~1400 \mu m$, which is ideally matched to the
proposed segmentation. Furthermore the longitudinal diffusion will induce a
time spread in the farthest signal ($\frac{\sigma_{long}}{v_d}$) of less than
70 nsec. The SAMPA chip is designed with a minimal shaping time of 190~nsec,
meaning that our signals will have the same characteristic shape independent
of drift length (an ideal feature). Finally, as shown in the later sections
we are considering a chevron or ``zig-zag'' shape for our pads which should
not only improve the resolution beyond $\frac{a}{10}$, but also ensure good
charge sharing for all avalanches, including the narrowest we envision.

Although we have shown that "ALICE gas" would have performance that would
satisfy all design criteria, it is likely that further study will reveal even
better choices. A more detailed discussion of other gasses is included below.

\subsubsection{Steps to Project Completion} % Tom and Sasha: Steps to realize
the TPC
As compared to previous TPC devices used in heavy ion experiments, the
sPHENIX TPC will be quite small. The STAR TPC has a radius of 2 meters,
ALICE has a radius of 2.5 meters and sPHENIX will have only an 80 cm radius.
Because the device is shorter than an average person, a variety of
simplifications in the construction will result. Although, many of the
typical issues are simpler to address than they were for the larger devices,
there are nonetheless challenges. The principle design challenges involve
maximizing the active volume in such a small device and developing a robust
gain stage.

Both STAR and ALICE use an ``air'' gap ($N_2$ for STAR and $CO_2$ for ALICE)
as the principle voltage gap between the high voltage center of the field
cage and the protective ground shield. A principle advantage of an air gap
is that the overall material thickness is minimal. In sPHENIX, we propose to
use an air gap on the inner surface where the material budget is critical,
but use a well designed solid gap (polyimide or $FR_4$) on the outer gap
where material budget is less of an issue, but active area is at a premium.

Although a significant R\&D program (including research from ALICE and
sPHENIX institutions) has shown in bench tests and beam tests the viability
of the quad-GEM approach, it has yet to be realized in a working device.
Furthermore, experience shows that scaling a small area GEM detector to full
size can be fraught with difficulty.

For these reasons we have chosen a conservative plan to lead us through the
prototyping stages to full detector development with minimal risk. We
propose that our first prototype ($v1$) include a full sized field cage that
could/would be used as the final device for sPHENIX. In this way, we will
begin the gain stage prototyping with single full scale modules. This is a
natural approach since the authors have already completed an intensive
small-scale investigation of several different gain technologies at the time
of this writing. By addressing the scale issue from the outset, we will
minimize risk of delays to the project itself.

Here we formulate a series of tables outlining the project milestones for
each subset of the project. The first table involves the construction of the
field cage. As mentioned previously, the prototype v1 field cage is intended
to be used for the final TPC in order to minimize risk associated with the
development of the gain stage. The field cage will be designed with a
central potential assuming ALICE gas since this is the highest field gradient
gas currently under consideration. The design of the field cage should
implement gas connections, laser ports, mechanical outlines for the modules
(6 or 8 modules populating each end), and an aluminum stripe pattern on the
central membrane to act as the electron source under laser illumination. One
should note that design/construction of the field cage includes not only the
field cage itself, but also the design/construction for the mandrels and
other fixtures necessary to construct the the field cage.

Item & Start Date & End Date\\
Design of Field cage & now & April 2016\\
Procurement of Field Cage Components&May 2016& September 2016\\
Construction of Field Cage&October 2016& March 2017\\
Testing of Field Cage&April 2017&June 2017\\

The full detector will use 6(8) gain stage modules at each end for a total of
12(16) modules. Prototyping involves making a single full-scale module of
some design and coupling this module to the final field cage. The
prototyping will take place in three rounds: v1, v2, and pre-production.
Because the interface to the field cage was already specified by the field
cage design, the various gain stage designs focus only on the details of the
MPGD implementation, HV distribution, electronic readout, and cooling. To
maximally decouple these issues we are choosing to define our prototype
stages as follows:
\item The v1 prototype will use off-the-shelf electronics and not implement
cooling. This device only tests the MPGD performance.
\item The v2 prototype will apply lessons learned for the MPGD and add a
connector pattern compatible with the readout card development. It will be
tested using off-the-shelf electronics adapted to the connector pattern.
\item The pre-production prototype will further apply lessons learned for the
MPGD and additionally implement cooling and electronic card mechanical
support. This device is intended as the final design, pending validation
under stringent tests.

The start of the v1 gain stage design immediately follows the end of the
field cage design. The schedule below assumes that procurement of the
pre-production prototype should wait until project funds could be available
and we have assumed June 2018 as that date. This leaves 6 months of schedule
contingency in the overall prototyping phase. The readiness review following
the complete suite of tests on the pro-production module would be held in
December 2018.

Item & Start Date & End Date\\
Design of v1 gain stage&April 2016&June 2016\\
Procurement of v1 gain stage&July 2016&September 2016\\
Construction of v1 gain stage&October 2016&October 2016\\
Bench Tests of v1 gain stage&November 2016&November 2016\\
Beam Tests of v1 gain stage&December 2016&December 2016\\
Design of v2 gain stage&January 2017&March 2017\\
Procurement of v2 gain stage&April 2017&June 2017\\
Construction of v2 gain stage&July 2017&July 2017\\
Bench Tests of v2 gain stage&August 2017&August 2017\\
Beam Tests of v2 gain stage&September 2017&September 2017\\
Design of pre-production gain stage&October 2017& December 2017\\
Schedule Contingency&January 2018&June 2018\\
Procurement of pre-production gain stage&June 2018&August 2018\\
Construction of pre-production gain stage&September 2018&September 2018\\
Tests of pre-production gain stage&October 2018&November 2018\\
Readiness Review&December 2018&December 2018\\

To complete the project, after a successful readiness review will require
that we procure, assemble, test, and install all remaining modules and
spares. We will produce 14(18) modules of the 12(16) required so that we
have two complete modules as spares. Because of the modular nature of the
system, procurement, construction, testing, and assembly will all happen in
parallel, with each step having a delayed start as compared to the rest. The
construction task is the most time consuming and is solely responsible for
the periods required for testing and assembly. Final testing of the full
system happens only after the assembly is fully complete.

Item & Description &Start Date & End Date\\
Procurement of module parts&&January 2019&June 2019\\
Construction of 18 modules&1 weeks per module&April 2019&August 2019\\
Testing of 18 modules&&April 2019&September 2019\\
Assembly of 16 modules&&April 2019&September 2019\\
Schedule Contingency&&October 2019&November 2019\\
Final Test&&December 2019&December 2019\\

The cooling design of the electronics for the final gain stage must be
completed as part of the design of the pre-production gain stage listed
above. Given that modern liquid-based cooling systems run at pressures below
atmospheric, it is possible that details of the cooling source could affect
the implementation of the cooling on the cards themselves. As such, we have
scheduled the design for the overall cooling system following the design of
the v2 gain stage and preceding the design of the pre-production. We have
assumed schedule contingency lasts until the readiness review, thereby
indicating 10 months of schedule contingency. Alternatively, this schedule
could be further relaxed to target detector delivery as the end date for an
additional 12 month of schedule contingency.

Item & Start Date & End Date\\
Design of Cooling System&April 2017&June 2017\\
Procurement of Cooling System Parts&July 2017& September 2017\\
Construction of Cooling System&October 2017& December 2017\\
Testing of Cooling System&January 2018&February 2018\\
Schedule Contingency&March2018&December 2018\\

Because the prototyping uses a full sized field cage, it will be necessary to
have a high capacity recirculating gas system available from the very
beginning of testing (summer 2017). Fortunately, such a gas system already
exists at Stony Brook and will be used for all bench and beam tests. Thus,
the final gas system need only be available after the TPC arrives in
interaction hall. It should, nonetheless be available soon thereafter to
allow in situ measurements of cosmic ray tracks prior to first beam.

Item & Start Date & End Date\\
Design of Gas System&November 2019&January 2019\\
Procurement of Gas System Parts&February 2019&May 2019\\
Construction of Gas System&June 2019&September 2019\\
Closed Loop Testing of Gas System&October 2019&October 2019\\
Schedule Contingency&November 2019&December 2019\\
Connection to the TPC&January 2020&January 2020\\

The laser system is not, in principle, necessary until the detector arrives
in the hall. It would, however, dramatically improve the testing capability
after assembly is complete and before delivery of the device to the hall.
For this reason, we put the target date of the initial completion of the
laser system just prior to the final test of the assembled detector. In this
scenario, the system will initially be constructed in the TPC assembly lab
and then later moved to it's home in the 8 O'Clock hall.

Item & Start Date & End Date\\
Design of Laser System&September 2018&December 2018\\
Procurement of Laser System Parts&January 2019&March 2019\\
Construction of Laser System&April 2019&July 2019\\
Testing of Laser System&August 2019&August 2019\\
Schedule Contingency&September 2019&November 2019\\
Use of the Laser System with the Assembled TPC&December 2019&December 2019\\
Movement of the laser to the 8 O'Clock Hall&February 2020&February 2020\\

The TPC is scheduled, with contingency, to arrive in the detector hall in
January 2020. The next few months will be a connection and commissioning
period. The full system will be installed and operating in summer 2020.

\section{Detector performance: Momentum and Mass Resolution}
%summary plots (momentum resolution, efficiency, etc...) {\blue Ron, Tony}\\
%Tables of specifications\\
\subsection{Magnetic Field}
Tracking in PHENIX was complicated by the fact that the magnetic field in the
central arms was of a complex shape, dropping off with radius via a
$\sim$Gaussian profile, and having significant radial component, particularly
near the pole tips resulting an a mild charge-independent focusing character
to the field. The Babar magnet produces a significantly simpler field as is
indicated in Figure~\ref{fig:FieldTracker}. The sPHENIX application of this
coil is rather close to the original design (EMCAL inside the coil and
tracking extending to $\sim$80~cm and thereby befits from the design choices
made by BaBar. A standard solenoid with length equal to diameter has
significant radial magnetic field components at each end and thereby does not
produce an idealized field shape. A return yoke with a small opening ({\it
e.g.} STAR) will compensate for this shortcoming while severely limiting
possibilities for upgrades in the forward direction. Fortunately, the BaBar
magnet attacks this classic problem using an increased winding density at
each end, thereby sacrificing uniformity of the field at large radius, for an
extended ``sweet spot'' of field in the middle. It is no accident,
therefore, that the region in which sPHENIX plans to install tracking
features a close-to-ideal magnetic field shape. It should further be noted
that the calculations of Figure~\ref{fig:FieldTracker} are done with a
"future upgrade" return yoke that allows for a full capability tracker in the
forward direction.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/FieldAndTracker.PNG}
\caption{The BaBar magnet field superimposed with the dimensions of the
tracker volume. This calculation includes the effect of the field return as
envisioned for future upgrades (forward arm spectrometer). The dashed line
indicates the inner radius of the TPC tracking volume.}

Because of the near-ideal field, the momentum resolution effects due to
multiple scattering and position resolution, can be calculated analytically
and in closed form. These results can be further extended to include
Bremsstrahlung losses (significant only for the electrons) using a
semi-analytical technique. In this section, we will highlight the analytic
and semi-analytic results and show that they are in excellent agreement with
full GEANT simulations (as they must be). Further detailed work on the GEANT
simulations is discussed later in the Chapter.

\subsection{Gl{\"u}ckstern Formula}

In 1963, R.L. Gl{\"u}cktern~\cite{Gluckstern:1963NIM} analytically solved the
problem of charge particles traversing a uniform magnetic field while
experiencing the effects of multiple Coulomb scattering.
Figure~\ref{fig:PosRes} shows the contribution to the transverse momentum
resolution from the detector's position resolution. For a uniform magnetic
field, the sagitta is proportional to the inverse of the particle's
transverse momentum, thereby making the fractional error in the transverse
momentum rise linearly with the transverse momentum of the particle itself.
Assuming $N$ equally spaced measurements each carrying error $\sigma_x$, we
get the final result:
\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/PosRes.PNG}
\caption{This figure demonstrates the contribution of position resolution to
momentum resolution.}

Multiple Coulomb scattering is addressed in Figure~\ref{fig:MulScat} wherein
we see that since the material-dependent angular deflection varies as the
inverse transverse momentum the contribution this contribution is effectively
a constant yielding the final result:
BL}\sqrt{\frac{L}{\chi_0}}\left[ 1 + 0.038 ln\left(
\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/MulScat.PNG}
\caption{This figure demonstrates the contribution of multiple Coulomb
scattering to momentum resolution.}

The Gl{\"u}ckstern result is simply the sum of these two terms in quadrature
and yields the familiar expression:
\frac{\sigma_{p_T}}{p_T}=\sqrt{a^2+\left( b p_T \right)^2}
wherein the constant $a$ is driven primarily by the material thickness
($\chi_0$), and the constant $b$ is driven primarily by the intrinsic
detector resolution ($\sigma_x$).

\subsection{Beyond Gl{\"u}ckstern}
The Gl{\"u}ckstern formula correctly indicates the transverse momentum
resolution of a spectrometer with a uniform distribution of material and
uniformly-spaced measurements along the radius with equal position
resolution. Two extensions of this result are important to the sPHENIX
spectrometer design. First, since out $\eta$ bite is significantly larger
than the original PHENIX design and most detector designs result in different
transverse and longitudinal position resolutions, we must account for the
differing behavior of the zed component. Second, since our primary design
goal involves the measurement of upsilon states via the dielectron decay
channel, we must explicitly account for Bremsstrahlung losses as the
electrons traverse our detector volumes.

The extension to three dimensions is conceptually simple, and adds both a
multiple scattering and position-error term for the $p_Z$ resolution.
Bringing all the terms together in quadrature we determine the fractional
error in the full momentum to be:
\frac{\sigma_{MS}}{\sqrt{\sin{\theta}}}\right)^2 + \left(
\sigma_{det}p\sin{\theta}\right)^2 + \left(
\sigma_{\theta}^{det}\cos{\theta}\right)^2 + \left(
\frac{\sigma_{\theta}^{MS}}{\sqrt{\sin{\theta}}} \frac{\cot{\theta}}{p}
where the first and third terms are the familiar Gl{\"u}ckstern result and
the second and third terms are the contribution of the z-component.

Finally, we must consider the effects of Bremsstrahlung. The passage of an
electron through material will result in the occasional loss of energy via
the emission of single photons. As a consequence, the electron's subsequent
trajectory will be determined by the reduced momentum. For this reason, some
electrons will be entirely unaffected (having never emitted a photon) while
others will measure a momentum below that at the production point, thereby
creating low-side tails in both the momentum and mass spectra. The
asymmetric nature of the effect precludes the description of Bremsstrahlung
as a simple resolution term. We have handled this by a trivial Monte Carlo

Figure~\ref{fig:Brem} summarizes the necessary input to the calculation.
Here $k$ is the fractional energy loss due to the Bremsstrahlung photon,
whose probability (cross section) follows the parametric function shown in
the figure. This analytic approximation yields an infinite total cross
section, and must be integrated across the limits $k_{min}$ to $k_{max}$ to
determine the photon yield, $N_{\gamma}$, as a function of the material
thickness in radiation lengths $\frac{L}{\chi_0}$. In our semi-analytical
calculation, Bremsstrahlung is folded into the analytical resolution function
using $N_{\gamma}$ as the mean to a Poisson probability distribution for the
number of photons emitted and $\frac{d\sigma}{dk}$ for their energy spectrum.

It is worth noting that all the detailed considerations here concern only the
change in the momentum magnitude. It is shown elsewhere that shifts in the
apparent initial direction, generate mass errors orders of magnitude smaller
than those already considered and and hence ignored with no loss in validity
of the generated results.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/Brem.PNG}
\caption{This figure indicates how Bremsstrahlung is calculated via single
photon emission as a contributor to momentum resolution.}

Our analytic results and full GEANT simulation results are in excellent
agreement and it is up to the taste of the reader to decide which of them is
the validation for the other. The analytic results, however, uniquely lend
insight into which terms in any design limit the momentum resolution. At the
lowest momentum, the material term will dominate favoring the TPC-based
design. At the highest momentum, the position resolution term will dominate,
favoring the Silicon-based design. If we could afford to deploy MAPS-based
sensors at all layers of tracking, this would produce momentum and mass
resolution superior to any known option, since these devices are both thin
and precise. Such an choice would, however, eliminate hadron-ID capability
in the range necessary for the future Electron-Ion Collider.

The analytical and semi-analytical calculations use the summary tables below
to characterize the detector geometry and material.

layer & radius & sensor length & $\theta$ resolution & Thickness &
$\frac{\Delta L}{L}$ & $c_{ms}$ & $\sigma_{ms}$ \\
& (cm) & (mm) & (mrad) & \% $\chi_0$ & & (mrad) & (mrad) \\
1 & 2.7 & 0.425 & 4.5 & 1.3 & 0.94 & 1.8 & 1.7 \\
2 & 4.6 & 0.425 & 2.7 & 1.3 & 0.90 & 1.8 & 1.6 \\
3 & 9.5 & 8 & 2.5 & 1.35& 0.79 & 1.8 & 1.4 \\
4 & 10.5 & 2 & 0.55 & 1.35& 0.77 & 1.8 & 1.4 \\
5 & 44.5 & 8 & 0.52 & 1.0 & 0.02 & 1.6 & 0.03 \\
6 & 45.5 & 2 & 0.13 & 1.0 & 0 & 1.6 & 0 \\
\caption{Table showing the input parameters used to characterize the baseline
silicon tracker for the analytic and semi-analytic momentum and mass
resolution calculations.}

layer & radius & Thickness & $\frac{\Delta L}{L}$ & $c_{ms}$ & $\sigma_{ms}$
& (cm) & \% $\chi_0$ & & (mrad) & (mrad) \\
VTX 1 & 2.7 & 1.3 & 0.95 & 1.8 & 1.7\\
VTX 2 & 4.6 & 1.3 & 0.92 & 1.8 & 1.7\\
air & 15 & 0.1 & 0.73 & 0.03 & 0.02\\
Field cage & 30 & 1.0 & 0.55 & 1.12 & 0.5\\
\caption{Table showing the input parameters used to characterize the hybrid
TPC tracker for the analytic and semi-analytic momentum and mass resolution

Option & $\sigma_{ms}$ & $\sigma_{det}$ & $\sigma_{det}^{\theta}$ &
$\sigma_{\theta}^{ms}$ \\
Baseline & 0.011 & 0.00057 & 0.0012 & 0.0031\\
Hybrid & 0.0066 & 0.00105 & 0.0011 & 0.0025 \\
\caption{Extended Gl{\"u}ckstern parameters for each tracking option.}

Figure~\ref{fig:SiliconPt} shows an overlay of multiple results for the
baseline tracking design (reuse of PHENIX silicon pixels plus new silicon
strips). Note that this figure plots only the transverse momentum component.
The black dots are a full GEANT simulation and the blue lines are analytic
calculations. The solid blue line is a first-principles calculation of the
result using the Gl{\"u}ckstern formula. Despite the fact that the formula
is derived assuming that the detector material is uniformly distributed
throughout the tracking volume, the agreement is excellent. The dashed blue
line is a modest improvement to the fit wherein the functional form was held
fixed, but the material thickness and position resolution were allowed to
vary as free parameters. The light blue line in this figure indicates the
contribution of the position resolution term alone. Clearly the resolution
in this detector design is nearly entirely dominated by the multiple
scattering term. Improved performance (in momentum resolution, mass
resolution, and pattern recognition) could only result from lowering the
material budget (TPC or MAPS) and not from improving the position resolution.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/SiliconPt.PNG}
\caption{Transverse momentum resolution of the baseline silicon tracking
detector design. Black dots are from a full GEANT4 simulation. The dashed
blue line is a free fit to the Gl{\"u}ckstern formula, whereas the solid blue
line is a first-principles prediction using the material list. The light
blue line shows the contribution from position resolution alone demonstrating
that the baseline design is entirely multiple-scattering limited.}

Figure ~\ref{fig:SiliconTPCComp} shows a comparison of the analytical results
for the momentum resolution for the baseline silicon tracker version and the
TPC-based option. Note that this plot shows the full momentum resolution
(not merely the transverse component), different from the result in
Figure~\ref{fig:SiliconPt}. Solid lines indicate the result at $\eta$=0 and
are thereby the same as the result from the prior figure ({\it i.e.} where
$p_t=p$). The dashed lines indicate the result averaged over tracks across
the full aperture $\left| \eta \right| = \pm 1$. The TPC is considered in
two different ways: standalone as indicated in pink and with a vertex
constraint as indicated in red. At the very lowest momentum, that TPC
standalone results are better than those including a vertex constraint since
these do not suffer from the multiple scattering limits of the entrance
window, beam pipe, and vertex detector. At higher momentum, using the vertex
constraint improves the TPC-alone result due to the increased level arm of
the measurement. Clearly, during a physics analysis, one would user a
properly weighted average of these two calculations thereby indicating that
the lower envelope of these results indicates the detector system's ultimate

Considering first the $\eta$=0 results (left panel, solid lines), we see that
the hybrid TPC design provides superior performance until
$p_T=10~\frac{GeV}{c}$ beyond which the baseline solution is better.
However, when averaged over the full aperture (dashed lines), the hybrid
solution has superior performance over the entire plotted range (out to
14$\frac{GeV}{c}$) pushing the momentum at which the silicon performance
becomes superior out to $\sim 17\frac{GeV}{c}$. The relevant range for decay
electrons from the Upsilon is roughly $4-10\frac{GeV}{c}$

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/SiliconTPCComp.PNG}
\caption{Momentum resolution of the baseline sPHENIX tracker and the hybrid
TPC option. Solid lines in the left panel are for $\eta$=0 ($p_T=p$), dashed
lines are averaged over the entire aperture.}

The right hand panel of Figure~\ref{fig:SiliconTPCComp} shows the full
momentum resolution of the various designs as a function of $\eta$ for
discreet momenta 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 $\frac{GeV}{c}$.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/MassResolution.PNG}
\caption{Simulated Mass Resolution for the Upsilon states. Black dots are
the results from GEANT simulations. The black histogram is the result of the
semi-analytic calculation. Blue curves are free fits to the $\Upsilon(1s)$.}

Figure~\ref{fig:MassResolution} multiple calculations for both the baseline
silicon option and for the TPC-hybrid option on reconstruction of the
$\Upsilon(1s, 2s, 3s)$ states. In each panel, the black dots are the result
of a full GEANT calculation (described in detail later in the chapter).
These results can be compared to those shown in the black solid histogram,
which is the result of the semi-analytical calculation that uses the
Gl{\"u}ckstern formula generalized to 3D, with the Bremsstrahlung
after-burner applied. Finally, the blue curves show the result of a free fit
to the so-called ``Crystal Ball'' function that is used to extract the
gaussian width of the $\Upsilon$(1s) state. As one would expect based upon
the previous results, both detector solutions provide adequate separation of
the states with the TPC-hybrid solution producing a peak width
$\sim\frac{2}{3}$ that of the baseline option.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/BremLoss.PNG}
\caption{Statistics loss of Upsilons due to Bremsstrahlung.}

A close examination of Figure~\ref{fig:MassResolution} shows that not only
are the shapes of the mass resolution plots different in the two options, but
for the same running period the yield is better for the thinner option. This
effect is quantified in Figure~\ref{fig:BremLoss}. Here we quantify the loss
in statistics due to Bremsstrahlung driving counts outside the $3\sigma$
momentum window. The loss for $\frac{x}{\chi_0}$=7.9\% is 24\% of single
tracks meaning a pair loss of 42\%. As indicated in the right panel, these
losses will be smaller as the detector gets thinner with pair losses of 23\%
for a hybrid solution with TPC and reuse of PHENIX pixels and 12\% for a
hybrid solution with a TPC and MAPS detectors of thickness equal to that
being constructed for the ALICE ITR upgrade.

\section{Design Details}
The sections below give a detailed discussion of the designs of each detector
\subsection{Inner Tracker (Pixel)}

{\blue Yasuyuki for baseline}
\subsubsection{PHENIX VTX pixel detector }
\subsubsection{Pixel reconfiguration and support}
% \subsubsection{Pixel readout bus and electronics}
\subsubsection{Pixel cooling and cabling}
liquid cooling is required.
external connection are control/data fibers to SPIRO, LV power, and sensor
{\blue LANL for new option}

\subsection{Outer Silicon Tracker}

The silicon strip tracker consisted of 3 stations as shown in
Fig.\ref{fig:3D_Overview}. The S0 and S1 stations consisted of two layers
which are separated each other by 1cm in radial direction.
Front layer (a) has fine pitch in azimuthal direction for better momentum
resolution whereas back layer (b) has finer pitch in beam direction than the
layer (a) for the collision vertex position determination. Sensor modules
are staggered each other between
adjacent sensor modules for hermeticity. Shown in Figure~\ref{fig:3D_S1} is
the 3D CAD design of S1 station.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/SiTracker_Silicon_3D_S1.pdf}
\caption{CAD drawing of the silicon strip tracker S1 layer. In order to
minimize the dead area, every
other sensor modules are staggered.}

\subsubsection{Strip sensors {\blue Itaru}}

Each sensor is divided in cells of 9.6mm in beam direction $\times$ 7.68mm
active area.
Each cell consists of 128 strips of 58 $\mu$m $\times$ 9.6mm. As illustrated
Figure~\ref{fig:3D_S0S1S2}, the active area of S2, S1, and S0 silicon strip
sensors are
segmented into 12$\times$10, 6$\times$10, 2$\times$10 cells, respectively.
Readout lines run perpendicularly with respect to longitudinal strip
direction. For S1 and S2
sensors, the readout line connects multiple strips in different cells to save
channel counts.
1 channel in S2 sensor read 6 strips whereas it reads 3 strips in S1 sensor.
Thus the readout
hit information do not distinguish the origin of the hit among multiple
cells. However the
offline reconstruction algorithm will be able to distinguish the cell by
requiring matching
hits in different stations and/or layers. The chances to misidentify the
wrong cell is very
low due to expected low occupancy in S1 and S2 sensors. The expected channel
occupancy is $\sim$ 0.2$\%$ in S1 and 0.1$\%$ in S2 even in central Au+Au

The top and bottom half cells are readout upwards and downwards, respectively.
At the edge of the sensor, the readout lines are connected to readout pads
which are
aligned to match the FPHX chip pattern as shown in

\includegraphics[width = 0.7\textwidth]{figs/SiTracker_Silicon_S0S1S2.pdf}
\caption{Illustration of S2, S1, and S0 silicon strip sensors. The active
areas are segmented into
12$\times$10, 6$\times$10, 2$\times$10 cells, respectively. }

This mechanical drawing of S1 sensor is designed by HPK for the standard
320 $\mu$m. The breakdown voltage is to be $>$250V, and fully depleted
voltage is
to be less than 100V. The bias resistance is 5 to 15M$\Omega$ per strip.

\includegraphics[width =
\caption{The mechanical drawing of S1 sensor designed by HPK.}

\subsubsection{Strip HDI {\blue Itaru}}

\subsubsection{Strip sensor module {\blue Itaru}}
\subsubsection{Stave (cooling) {\blue Itaru}}
\subsubsection{Ladder {\blue Itaru}}
\subsubsection{Barrel {\blue Itaru}}
\subsubsection{Space Frame {\blue Itaru}}
\subsubsection{Readout Electronics and Cabling {\blue LANL}}
\subsubsection{SiTracker installation and integration {\blue Don Lynch}}


\subsubsection{TPC readout plane} % Sasha and Tom
The TPC readout plane is the most composite and multifunctional TPC element.
On the inner side of the TPC volume the readout plane is subdivided into
conductive readout elements (pads) connected to the electronic readout
channels sitting on the opposite side of the plane. The amplification element
that receives primary ionization and multiplies it to the level suitable for
the electronics is directly coupled to the readout plane on the inner side of
the TPC volume. The readout plane also handles some additional communications
like high voltage, calibration and other services. The electronic and
mechanical design of the readout plane is a multiparametric task that
involves matching the performance of almost all TPC subsystems.

The pad structure of the readout plane is considered to be formed by
concentric circular rings of pads spanning between the innermost and outmost
TPC radii as schematically shown in fig.~\ref{fig:chevron_pads}.
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/chevron_pads}
\caption{Schematic layout of the TPC padrows and chevron pads. {\red add some
The radial pad size is $\sim$1~cm. The pads will have a so-called "chevron"
shape that enforces charge sharing between the neighboring pads for the most
precise determination of the hit azimuthal position. The transverse of the
dimension of the pads is compatible with the size of the avalanche determined
by electron difusion during both the drift and avalanche stage. The best
position resolution will result from designing the diffusion to be primarily
from the gas stage, with little diffusion from the drift.

Although it has been shown that the "straw model" resulting in $\sim$250,000
pads will result in excellent performance, the actual number of padrows, size
and shape of the pads, are subject of further optimization during the R\&D

The TPC amplification element is based on several layers of Gas Electron
Multiplier (GEM) detectors. Traditional Muti-Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC)
technology is not considered because it a) cannot provide desired $r\phi$
resolution of 100~$\mu$m {\red need connection to MC section} and b) the MWPC
require gating to stop ion backflow, and that significantly limits the data
taking rate.

Four GEM layers are considered in the current scheme of the amplification
element. Each GEM will provide the gain in the range of typically a few
thousand suitable for the readout electronics considered for the TPC. The
gain range is driven by competing factors. Higher gains will improve the
signal:noise and improve $\frac{dE}{dx}$ results, but will also increase the
Ion Back Flow (IBF). ALICE intends to run at a gain of 2000 with SAMPA chip
readout. ALICE results also {\red [HBD results?]} demonstrate high stability
of GEM operation in the environment of high energy heavy heavy ion collisions.

The amplification element is shown in fig.~\ref{fig:gem_layers}.
\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/quattro_gem}
\caption{Schematic view not to scale of the readout element built with four
layers of GEMs. yellow lines show electron paths, brown lines show the ion
paths for one single hole (simulation) from {\red add Ref.}}
Besides providing the gas amplification suitable for the electronics the
element also has two other functions.

The transverse size of the ionization cloud arriving to the readout plain
from the drift volume is defined by the gas diffusion and by the longitudinal
(w.r.t. to the drift direction) magnetic field. As shown in later sections, a
strong magnetic field limits transverse diffusion significantly. Some
diffusion will, however, be necessary to spread the signal charge across
multiple electrodes. By using several layers of GEM, an effective
"hole-misalignment" diffusion term is introduced. Often the hole patterns on
the individual GEMS (holes make equilateral triangles) are rotated by 90
degrees to avoid large regions of accidental hole alignment (Moire pattern).
ALICE plans to not only charge the orientation of the holes layer-by-layer,
but also their spacing.

The most important task for operating TPC at high rates is to suppress the
Ion Back Flow (IBF) that leads to the built up of the space charge in the
drift volume of the TPC and, as a result, to the distortion of the of the
primary ionization arrival point onto readout plane. The ions are coming from
the collision particles ionizing gas in the TPC volumes but mainly from the
avalanches in GEM layers. The second contribution is by several orders of
magnitude (the gas gain factor) is larger than the first contribution. The
number of ions arriving from lower (closer to readout plane) GEM layers is
higher than from the upper layers. Properly configuring electric fields
inside and between the GEM layers one can significantly suppress the second
contribution by redirecting ions to drift towards the back planes of upper
GEMs as shown in fig.~\ref{fig:gem_layers}. Recent studies made by ALICE
collaboration {\red[need citations]} and shown in fig.~\ref{fig:ibf}
demonstrates dependence of the IBF on the charge measurement resolution at
the constant gas gain.
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/ibf_alice.png}
\caption{{\red needs ref}}
This results show that the IBF can be reduced to $\approx2$\% for the charge
determination resolution of approximately 12\%. These is considered
acceptable level for operating ALICE detector.

\subsubsection{TPC field cage} % Tom and Sasha
The basic function of the TPC field cage is to provide a uniform drift field
from the central membrane to the detector modules at each end. This field
cage is traditionally defined by a series of conducting rings held at
uniformly decreasing potential by a precision-matched chain of resistors.
The field cage is then surrounded by a gas enclosure. Both for safety
considerations and to avoid stray electric fields in neighboring detectors,
the gas enclosure is usually grounded. Figure~\ref{fig:FieldCage} shows the
configuration found on the outer shell of the STAR TPC. Both the field cage
and the gas enclosure are made structurally rigid using a hexcell honeycomb
sandwich structure.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/FieldCage-STAR.PNG}
\caption{Scale drawing of the outer field cage and gas enclosure for the STAR

The field cage electrodes are made as a double-layer of staggered rings, one
facing the operating gas and the other embedded in the field cage wall. The
latter ring serves to shape the field and minimize nonuniformities in the
drift volume. Dry nitrogen gas flows through the 5.7~cm gap, exceeding by
slightly more than a factor of two the "rule~of~thumb" gap dielectric
strength of $1\frac{kV}{mm}$ when operating at a central potential of 27~kV.
Although in STAR the inner gas enclosure is skipped (exposing the field cage
strips to outside air and stressing inner detectors with electric field) in
the sPHENIX application we have more than enough room between the inner
silicon pixels for an inner gas enclosure. Scaling to an identical safety
factor as used by STAR, we would require a $5.7cm\frac{34kV}{27kV}=7.2cm$ gap.

An ``air'' gap of this size would be undesirable for the outer TPC wall since
it would limit the active volume and degrade the momentum resolution.
Because the TPC is followed by the EMCAL, we can safely afford to solve the
field issue using a solid of high dielectric strength. The concern over this
solution is two-fold. First, the dielectric field strength of common
materials is found to reduce with time in a variety of materials as shown in
Figure~\ref{fig:Dielectrics}. Much of this variation ({\it e.g.} FR4) is
dominated by micro-gas bubbles within the material which can carbonize over
time. Secondly, dependent upon material, solid material high voltage gaps,
can be subject to permanent failure during a discharge event or over-time
corona current.
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/HVPF.PNG}
\caption{Dielectric strengths of various common circuit card materials,
reproduced from figures by Sierra Proto Express, a Palo Alto-based circuitry
company specializing in high voltage circuit card for both terrestrial and
satellite applications.}

sPHENIX is working with the Sierra Proto Express company to develop a robust
solid core solution for the outer field cage that would maximize the
reliability and longevity of the device. Although a multi-material, layered
ultimate design is likely, the table below shows the required thicknesses for
safety factors of 3X and 5X in the design assuming a single material type and
neglecting contributions other than the insulator itself. Calculations here
use the worst-case aging estimates from Sierra for each material type. These
initial calculations seem promising, meaning that the "air gap" solution is
presently considered only as a fallback option. If the solid option
realization has a sifficiently small radiation length, it can also be
considered for the entrance window, thereby simplifying the design.

Material & $\chi_0$ (cm) & Volt/mil & 3X Safety & 5X Safety\\
FR4 & 16.76 & 150 & 1.72~cm (10.3\%$\chi_0$) & 2.88~cm(17.2\%$\chi_0$)\\
Kapton & 28.58 & 500 & 0.52~cm (1.8\%$\chi_0$) & 0.86~cm(3.0\%$\chi_0$)\\
HVPF & 28.57 & 2000 & 0.13~cm (0.45\%$\chi_0$) & 0.22~cm(0.75\%$\chi_0$)\\

The endplates of the TPC will likely be shaped in a "spoke" pattern and house
either 6 gain stage modules on each end or 8 gain stage modules. The
6-module solution provides the largest live area and least material that
could disturb future upgrade plans. The 8-module design would use smaller
GEMS and thereby involve a moderately reduced risk.

\subsubsection{TPC gas} %Tom and Sasha
The choice of gas is a critical design criterion for the TPC as this choice
affects the potential of the central membrane, single point resolution,
multiple scattering, and positive ion feedback. Currently, the largest
effort has been put into considerations of the so-called ``T2K'' gas and the
``ALICE'' gas. The characteristics of these two gasses are summarized in

\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/GasCompare.PNG}
\caption{Comparison of the electron transport properties of T2K gas
($Ar$:$CF_4$:$iC_4H_{10}$ 95:3:2) and ALICE gas ($Ar$:$CO_2$ 90:10).}

The T2K gas has exceptionally low diffusion ($~50\frac{\mu m}{\sqrt{cm}}$) at
a rather low drift field of ($\sim 120\frac{V}{cm}$). At 85 cm of drift, the
central membrane would only require a voltage of $\sim 10~kV$. It is also a
"fast gas" with a drift velocity at minimum diffusion of $\sim 60 \frac{\mu
m}{nsec}$ and thereby a full TPC drift time of $14~\mu sec$. Furthermore,
T2K gas is near a velocity plateau, thereby relaxing the constraints on field
uniformity. Conversely, the ALICE gas has a significantly higher minimum
diffusion ($\sim 150 \frac{\mu m}{\sqrt{cm}}$) and lower drift velocity
($~22\frac{\mu m}{nsec} \rightarrow 34~\mu s$). Recently ALICE added $N_2$
to the mix which slightly increases the drift speed as noted earlier.

The naive assumption favors low diffusion, high speed, and a velocity plateau
making the T2K gas an apparent winner. For our application, further
consideration is required. Since we will likely be using MPGD-style
avalanche, we {\bf rely} upon the diffusion of the charge to spread the
avalanche across the pads. To achieve a sigma of
$\frac{1}{2}$pad-width~=~$500\mu m$, would require at least 1 meter of drift
length. In the ALICE gas, this level of diffusion is achieved after only 10
cm of drift. Furthermore, since the slow shaping time of the SAMPA chip (190
nsec) is significantly longer than the charge collection time in either gas,
the effective voxel occupancy of T2K gas is more than twice that of ALICE
gas. For heavy ion collisions with embedded high momentum Jets, this might
be a significant limiting factor to the detector performance. Furthermore a
significant limiting factor for TPC operation at high rate is ion feedback.
Selecting a light dominant noble gas ({\it e.g.} Ne instead of Ar) can
increase the ion mobility by factors approaching 10X. STAR (Ar-based) is
dominated by space charge from the primary ionization. After upgrade ALICE
will have positive ion feedback from the ungated avalanche stage, but not
from the primary beam. To first approximation, if we were to use an Ar-based
(low ion mobility) gas we would encounter both the primary ionization load
and the ion backflow load.

\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/GasCompare2.PNG}
\caption{Alternative gas choices that may be better compromises for sPHENIX.}

As stated earlier, we have concentrated this far on T2K gas and ALICE gas as
two extreme choices. Figure~\ref{fig:GasCompare2} shows two different
Neon-based gas choices with difference choices of quench ($CF_4$ vs. $CH_4$).
Both of these combinations have a reasonably flat velocity curve near the
diffusion minimum and would require a rather low central membrane potential
($\sim 10~kV$), reasonable drift velocity, and a diffusion value that is
enough to ensure good charge sharing for all drift lengths. Among the
parameters plotted here, both would appear to be superior to the ALICE gas,
with the edge going to the $CH_4$ mixture. This last one is effectively STAR
gas with the argon swapped for Neon.

An additional, but critical parameter regards the ion mobility in the TPC
gas. Positive ion transport through a gas follows the form:
where K is the ion mobility (typically in units of $\frac{cm^2}{Volt \cdot
sec}$) and E is the applied electric field. Since the prior expression is
dependent upon the number density of the gas, it is frequently rewritten in
terms of a reduced mobility $K_0$ and a field/number density $\frac{E}{N}$ in
units of the Townsend (Td). For reference, room temperature gasses have 1~Td
equating to $E~=~250\frac{V}{cm}$. Although the ion mobility does indeed
vary with applied field, it is typically flat until $\sim$10~Td, which is far
in excess of any drift field we would consider for the TPC. Therefore, the
ion velocity will be proportional to the applied electric field, which should
be as high as possible to minimize space charge effects.

Ion velocity in mixed gasses is a well understood phenomenon and follows
Blanc's Law for which:
in exact analogy to resistors in parallel. This was shown for Argon mixtures
in 1977 by Charpak and Sauli and measured more recently for neon mixtures as
illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:Blanc}.
\includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/Blanc.PNG}
\caption{Inverse ion mobility as a function of gas fraction demonstrating
Blanc's Law.}
Since the TPC gas is likely to be dominated by the noble component, it is
interesting to compare the ion mobilities for three pure noble gasses as
shown in the table below.
Gas & K ($\frac{cm^2}{Volt \cdot sec}$) & $v_{D}\left( E=130\frac{V}{cm}
\right)$ &$v_{D}\left( E=400\frac{V}{cm} \right)$\\
Ar & 1.51 & 196 & 604 \\
Ar-$CH_4$ 90:10 & 1.56 & 203(STAR) & 624 \\
Ar-$CO_2$ 90:10 & 1.45 & 189 & 582\\
Ne & 4.2 & 546 & 1680\\
Ne-$CH_4$ 90:10 & 3.87 & 503 & 1547 \\
Ne-$CO_2$ 90:10 & 3.27 & 425 & 1307(ALICE)\\
He & 10.2 & 1326& 4080\\
He-$CH_4$ 90:10 & 7.55 & 981 & 3019\\
He-$CO_2$ 90:10 & 5.56 & 722 & 2222\\
T2K & 1.46 & 190(ILC) & 584\\
It is clear that the space charge issues in STAR and ALICE are of an entirely
different nature. in STAR, the ion mobility is low enough that the positive
argon ions from the primary charge generate track distortions. In ALICE,
both the noble gas choice (Ne instead of Ar) and the high drift field,
dramatically reduce the distortions due to the space charge from the primary
ionization. After upgrade, ALICE will struggle primarily with the ion back
flow from the amplification stage. For sPHENIX, we should choose to avoid
corrections from both these contributions and therefore we are driven toward
Ne or He as the noble gas and the use of a strong drift field.

\subsubsection{TPC fab} % Tom and Sasha

Because of the size of the TPC, the fabrication of all parts could, in
principle, be accomplished at any of our collaborating institutions
worldwide. That said, it would nonetheless be simplest of the field cage
assembly was accomplished locally with smaller parts made around the world.
This model proved quite effective in building the PHENIX Hadron Blind
Detector, wherein the individual parts were of manufacture at the Weizmann
Institute of Science in Israel and the assembly was accomplished at Stony
Brook University.

Because of the need to maintain active area to the largest radius, our
designs for the TPC field cage and gas enclosure will be biased toward the
thinnest of robust designs. Thus, the STAR and ILC field cage designs are
the most appropriate as models for our work. Those devices were manufactured
using large mandrels upon which layers of flexible circuit card and honeycomb
were applied. Each mandrel is designed to release by "collapsing" to smaller
radius after the TPC shell is cured, thereby releasing the shell. The
completed shells are then outfitted with aluminum spoke-like endcaps and a
central membrane to form the completed field cage. We intend to design the
field cage to safely hold the highest potential currently under investigation
(ALICE gas $\sim37~kV$).

The open ports between the spokes of the endcaps will be filled with
"mechanical blank" modules to allow the field cage to become gas tight during
the prototyping stage. This will allow full testing of the high voltage
stability of the field cage without any of the gain stage modules in place.

During the prototyping stage, single items of prototype gain stage module
will be built. Because of the finite size of these units, a list of possible
institutions are capable of prototype construction including Weizmann, Stony
Brook, BNL, Yale, Wayne State, and UT. All of these institutions have past
experience in the the PHENIX HBD or in the ongoing construction of the inner
TPC layers for the ALICE upgrade. We envision two full sized prototypes
whose design is driven by results from our ongoing TPC gain stage R\&D which
has been funded by the EIC R\&D program. As described below, we have already
garnered extensive experience in multiple gain stage technologies, as well as
a number of clever readout scheme applications.

The so-called "pre-production prototype" will be the third and final stage of
full sized prototype construction. Barring any discovered deficiencies,
"production" would involve the manufacture of the remaining gain stage
modules as well as spare units. As with the prior work, it is likely that
much of this effort will take place "off site" from the location of the field
cage itself, with working modules shipped via clean dust-free packaging.

\subsubsection{TPC Electronics}
The geometry of the TPC is assumed to have 30\,cm inner radius and 80\,cm
outer radius, resulting in the cross-section in radius direction as
5500\,cm$^{2}$ ($\equiv$550000\,mm$^{2}$). {\red this is per one side} With
the pad size of
6\,mm$^{2}$, {\red shall 6, or any other number be motivated in
previous sections?} We will readout $\sim$90k channels for each side, and
channels in total. We have to wait for the results from the detail simulation,
but we assume that the number of readout channels to be 200K. We need the
readout electronics that can accommodate 200k channels with 10\,\%

The interaction rate in sPHENIX for Au+Au collisions is $\sim$25\,kHz, which
is very similar spec or a bit more relaxing as compared to the ALICE TPC
upgrade specification. The ALICE TPC at LHC is required to readout the
signals continuously at 50\,kHz in Pb+Pb collisions. Therefore, we will
base our electronics on the ALICE TPC upgrade electronics.
Figure~\ref{fig:ALICEDAQ} shows the block diagram of signal processing
for ALICE TPC upgrade electronics.
\caption{Block diagram of signal processing for ALICE TPC upgrade}
We explain the diagram from the end part of the signal processing. The DCS
stands for Data Control System, and online farm is the computer system
where the data are stored and processed for analysis. The LTU provides
the timing and trigger signal to CRU (common readout unit), which is the
post-processing system where some online calibrations and event reconstruction
is performed.

The FEC stands for front end card, consists of SAMPA chips which
amplify and shape the analog signals and digitize. The DSP (data
processing unit) is also on the chip which formats the digital
data into a data packet (this also performs baseline suppression,
i.e., zero-suppression of the raw data). The packet is then sent to
GBTx followed by VTTx. They convert the data packet into optical signals.
In the PHENIX case, DCM-II is defined as the destination of the data to
be sent optically. Since, we don't perform calibration or reconstruction
online, we wouldn't need CRU as long as the data format for DCM-II is
simple enough that the DSP can fully handle.

The block diagram of the SAMPA chips is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:SAMPA}.
\caption{Block diagram of ALICE SAMPA chip}
In the ALICE design, there will be 5 SAMPA chips multiplexed by
2GBTx ASICs. One SAMPA chip accept 32 inputs, therefore one FEC
can process 160 inputs. The ALICE TPC will install 121 FECs per
readout segment module. The TPC will be equipped with 18 segments
in each side, 36 segments in total.
It should be noted that the simple math using the number of FECs,
segments and channels per FEC doesn't give the 550K channels
of electronics that the ALICE claims to need. We don't discuss
here about it, since this is not relevant for estimation of
our needs for electronics. We show the FEC block diagram
designed by the ORNL group in Figure~\ref{fig:TPCROC}, and the
actual connection scheme to the TPC in Figure~\ref{fig:FEC_Config}.
\caption{Conceptual Board Schematics of ALICE TPC FEC}
\caption{Installation image of ALICE TPC FEC to TPC}
The cables from TPC to the FECs are part of the connector on the
FECs. So, we don't need to prepare additional signal cables for
this purpose. Therefore, once the FEC is designed and fabricated
with the optimal form factor that fits to the TPC, the only
remaining off-board parts are power supplies and their cables, and
optical fibers to DCM-II.
The power supply that ALICE chose is Wiener PL 500 F12. One power
supply can take care of two readout segments, which is 242 FECs
as shown in the diagram in the Figure~\ref{fig:TPCPowerdiagram}.
\caption{Diagram of power supply for ALICE TPC FEC}
ALICE needs 18 of them + spare, but we need only 6 of them + spare
(we accounted for totally 7 modules for now).
The picture of power supply itself is shown in the
\caption{Power Supply module, Wiener PL 500 F21, employed for ALICE TPC
We learned that the cables for connecting FECs and power supplies
are provided by CERN and the cost is not known. We have to estimate
by ourselves for our TPC case, but we suppose the cost is negligibly
small compared to FECs or power supplies themselves.

Based on the difference between the number of channels between the
ALICE case and our case, without taking the contingency into
account, the cost for 200k channel electronics for our TPC will
be $\sim$\$2-2.2M.
There is still uncertainty on the time scale on the SAMPA chip
development, and this will affect to our FEC development. If the
SAMPA chip development will be significantly delayed, we may
consider taking the old ALICE TPC electronics scheme; design the
FECs with PASA and ALTRO chips, which is basically the split of
the function to be integrated into the SAMPA chip. Another concern
is the optical readout module. The ALICE uses rad-hard optical
module which is a common device throughout the LHC experiments.
The sPHENIX can use the commercially available optical module
if it meets the radiation condition of the RHIC. We will also
investigate this option that will likely reduces the cost.

\subsubsection{TPC cooling and cabling} % Tom and Sasha

Our cooling requirements on the TPC electronics will be significant.
Although we are only cooling $\frac{1}{2}$ as many channels, these channels
are distributed over only $\frac{1}{10}$ as much surface area. Therefore the
power required from our cooling plant will be less overall, but we will need
to design for very effective heat transfer to the cooling lines.

\caption{Diagram of the cooling plant in use the the ALICE TPC. The
cooling plant is an underpressure system so that any leak results in gas
bubbling into the coolant rather than coolant dripping into the detector.}

Figure~\ref{fig:Cooling} shows the configuration of the cooling plant
currently in use by the ALICE experiment. The key feature of this cooling
plant is that the coolant is delivered at pressures below one atmosphere so
that in the event of a leak, gas is introduced into the coolant rather than
coolant introduced into the gas. The ALICE resistor chains dissipate a
significant high power (8W in each of 4 resistor bars). Higher power in the
resistor chain is driven by the need for robust performance in the face of
stray currents due to nearby ionization. Although the track density on
sPHENIX and ALICE are very similar, the change load onto the ALICE TPC frame
is much higher. Among STAR, ALICE, and ILC, only ALICE water cools their
resistor chain. Since our power dissipation will be the least of these three
applications, we are safest to not water cool the resistor chain and thereby
retire the risk of water leaking into the chamber from the outset.

The cable plant for the TPC includes a pair of shielded coaxial high voltage
lead whose diameter will be under $\frac{1}{2}"$ ({\it e.g.} Dielectric
Sciences 2125: $100~kV; \o$ 0.4"). Each sector will receive bias for the
GEMstack as 8 independent voltages. The readout cards, will receive DC power
input, optical connections for slow control and optical connections for data
output. The whatever extent possible this significant cable plant will be
localized so as to align with the end cap spokes to minimize radiation depth
for endcap detectpr systems.

\subsubsection{Pixel/TPC installation and calibration} % Don Lynch Tom and

The assembly order for sPHENIX specifies that the "Tracker Barrel" assembly
will be inserted from the end after the calorimeters have already been
installed onto the magnet. Although the utility of all the sPHENIX
calorimeters leading into the Electron-Ion Collider era is clear, the
tracking situation is less clear. This distinction is one of the reasons why
multiple tracking solutions are currently under consideration. The TPC/MAPS
solution is currently considered as the optimal choice for the EIC due both
to minimal radiation length and excellent hadron-ID capability at low
momentum. However, to retain future flexibility and simple upgrade
capability, the tracking systems, regardless of inner details, will be
mounted to an external space frame. This space frame will carry the load of
the tracking detectors, and define the so-called Tracker Barrel.

TPC calibration will be achieved using a laser system, similar in philosophy
to that used by STAR and prototypes for the ILC. Because the work function
of aluminum is low, a UV flash will release electrons. Both the STAR TPC and
the ILC TPC prototype used a pattern of aluminum applied to the central
membrane to produce these reference tracks. The pattern used by STAR
consists of lines shown in Figure~\ref{fig:CentralMembrane}, whereas that of
the ILC was a pattern of dots. The laser system will not only provide an
initial reference calibration, but can be fired at regular intervals (PHENIX
fires their EMCAL laser at 1 Hz) during data collection to provide a
continuously calibration of the drift velocity and space charge distortions.
Gain calibrations can be roughly estimated using cosmic rays, but final
calibration will use collision data.

\includegraphics[width = 0.4\textwidth]{figs/CentralMembrane.jpg}
\caption{Photograph of the central membrane of the STAR TPC. The pattern of
Aluminum strips is used to release electrons via laser flash as a calibration

{\blue Tony coordinates this section, including Alan and Ron, also some LANL
people} \\

\subsection{TPC Simulations}
The TPC simulations performed target a realistic representation of the
cluster size and two-hit resolution based on design parameters \textit{which
are consistent with those described in the previous section}. Thus far the
effects of space charge have not been included, but \textit{ the effects of
space charge should be within the tolerances of already working TPC
experiments }.

GEANT4 is used to record energy deposits in a cylindrical volume of gas. In
the results shown below, the volume was filled with Argon ("G4\_Ar") in order
to simulate $dE/dx$ of the T2K gas used in the ILC TPC prototype. The energy
deposits are recorded in discrete radial regions of the cylindrical volume.
For each region, a Poisonnian random number of ionization electrons are
produced along the track trajectory according to measured values of the
average ionization per energy deposit for the simulated gas. Each electron
is then randomly diffused in 3 dimensions according to measured values in the
gas with a desired electric field \textit{ see table below }. The average
diffusion is then added in quadruture with a 300 $\mu$m diffusion to emulate
diffusion during the amplification stage of readout.

The $r - \phi$ readout is simulated using a plane of rectangular pads. Each
electron adds to a 12-bit ADC for each pad directly in proportion to the
number of diffused electrons reaching the pad (gain fluctuations are not
currently simulated). For the $z$ direction, the analogue timing response is
not simulated but rather each electron is placed into a time "bin" with width
corresponding to $\sqrt{12}$ times the expected width of the shaper pulse.
If anything the two-hit resolution in the $z$ direction is pessimistic in the
current simulation.

\includegraphics[page=1,clip,trim= 0px 260px 0px
\caption{ schematic illustration of electrons drifting to the pad plane in
the TPC sim
ulation (pad size not drawn to scale) }

After the pad ADC has been recorded in each time bin, clustering is performed
to group pad,time-bin pairs into 3-dimensional detector hits to be passed to
the track-finding algorithm. In the current simulation, clustering is
performed independently for each pad,time pair corresponding to a given
radial pad index. This is done for simplicity, but the pad length in the
direction corresponding to radial measurement is much larger than the typical
electron diffusion so not much generality is lost in this simplification.
Figure \ref{fig:tpc_pad_drift} shows the readout and clustering process

\caption{ comparison of the momentum resolution of the simulated TPC with an
analytic calculation in one unit of pseudorapidity }

\caption{ Upsilon 1S, 2S, and 3S resolution for the simulated TPC along with
an analytic calculation }

In addition to the TPC, the two inner pixel layers from the baseline sPHENIX
proposal are included in the tracking setup. The clustering is performed on
the silicon hits as in the baseline silicon simulation.

Finally, the clusters are passed to a hough-transform-based algorithm for
pattern recognition and fit with a Kalman filter. The momentum resolution
achieved is compared to an analytic calculation for the particular TPC
simulated in Figure \ref{fig:tpc_mom_res}. The mass resolution for single
Upsilons of the 1S, 2S, and 3S states along with an analytic calculation
given the TPC parameters is shown in Figure \ref{fig:TPC_Ups_res}.

\item[] Single particle momentum resolution {\blue Tony, Alan, Ron}
\item[] Upsilon mass resolution {\blue Tony, Alan, Ron}
\item[] Pattern recognition {\blue Tony, Alan, Ron}
\item[] \AuAu HIJING{\blue Tony, Alan, Ron}
\item[] Contribution of rejection vs efficiency for electrons {\blue Tony,
Alan, Ron}

\section{Prototyping and R\&D}

{\blue Itaru for strips;\\ Mike McC, Ming for new Pixels;\\ Tom, Sasha, Ron
for TPC;\\ Mike McC for strip electronics;\\ Takao, Ron for TPC electronic}

\subsection{Silicon Tracker R\&D {\blue Gaku}}

The silicon tracker R\&D has been performed since 2014. In particular in
2015, we are focusing on the design of the silicon sensors and HDIs and on
the production of the prototype module. The prototype module testing will
start at RIKEN in early 2016.

\subsubsection{Sensor Prototype}

As shown in Sec.~\ref{sec:OuterSiTracker}, the outer silicon tracker consists
of the three sub-detectors, i.e., S0, S1, and S2 from the inner. We have
totally five prototype silicon sensors for the S2 detector (see
Fig.~\ref{fig:S2sensor}). The prototype AC coupled sensors, fabricated by
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. in 2014--2015, have the thickness of 320\,$\mu$m,
the active area of $96 \times 92.16$\,mm$^2$, and $128 \times 24$ readout
channels. According to the quality assurance test at RIKEN in March 2015
(\textcolor{red}{correct?}), we found neither bad channel nor bad strip for
all sensors, and obtained the bias voltage $V_\text{fd} \approx 50$\,V and
the breakdown voltage $V_\text{breakdown}$ larger than 250\,V. This
performance was satisfactory for the requirements for the S2 detector

\includegraphics[width=8.5cm, keepaspectratio]{./figs/S2sensor.jpg}
\caption{The prototype silicon sensors for the S2 layer.}

For the S1 detector, we have a more strict requirement for the total material
budget to achieve a good momentum resolution (\textcolor{red}{refer to
simulation section}).
Thus we consider the usage of the silicon sensors with the thickness of
either 240\,$\mu$m or 320\,$\mu$m depending on their performances.
Compared with the latter one, the sensor with the thickness of 240\,$\mu$m is
25\,\% smaller contributory to the material budget, however is expected to be
accompanied with 2--3 times larger dark current.
Totally eight prototype silicon sensors for the S1 detector will be produced
at Hamamatsu Photonics in December 2015, i.e., four sensors with the
thickness of 240\,$\mu$m and the other four sensors with the thickness of
They will be inspected at RIKEN in early 2016. Figure~\ref{fig:S1sensor}
shows the layout of the prototype silicon sensor for the S1 detector.

\includegraphics[width=8.5cm, keepaspectratio]{./figs/S1sensor.pdf}
\caption{Layout for the silicon sensor for the S1 detector.}

\subsubsection{HDI prototype}

HDI for the outer tracker has been designed by taking into account 1) the
effects of both common mode and differential mode noises, 2) the geometrical
size, and 3) the material budget.
The second point is carefully treated for the S0 and S1 detectors, since
these detectors must be compact for installations into tiny space (see
The third point is important especially for the S1 detector where effects of
a multiple scattering would be significant.
Thus we started the HDI R\&D with putting a higher priority to the S0 and S1
detectors compared with the S2 detector.

The current design of the HDI for the S1 detector has seven layers of
flexible printed circuits and has the size of 30\,mm (W) $\times$ 500\,$\mu$m
(H). Depth of the HDI has the variation from 10\,cm to 40\,cm depending on
its location in the ladder, which is explained in
Sec.~\ref{sec:OuterSiTracker}. The size of the HDI is well below the
geometrical requirement. The prototype HDI has an approximately 0.5\,\%
(\textcolor{red}{to be updated}) radiation length in average.
The seven layers of flexible printed circuits have been designed with a
special emphasis on a reduction of an unwanted microstrip antenna, and on
good impedance matching even at $\sim 40$\,cm distant from the FPHX readout
Production of the prototype HDIs for the S1 detector will be performed by
Yamashita Materials Corporation and will be ready for further assembly at the
end of 2015.

\subsubsection{Silicon Module Assembly}

One silicon sensor, two HDIs with ten FPHX chips for each, and one support
frame are assembled into a silicon module as shown in
In the assembly, the bonding of the FPHX chips to the silicon sensor and
their attachment to the two HDIs are performed as well. Hayashi watch-works
co., ltd, having the experience to produce the PHENIX VTX detectors, will be
employed for the assembly of the prototype module.

\includegraphics[width=8.5cm, keepaspectratio]{./figs/SiliconModule.jpg}
\caption{Layout for the silicon sensor module for the S1 detector.}

\subsubsection{Silicon Module Test Plan}

The first prototype module for the S1 detector will be tested at RIKEN. Since
the sPHENIX outer tracker uses the essentially same electronics as the
PHENIX FVTX detector, for example, the FPHX readout chip and front-end
circuits, the test bench at RIKEN that was originally setup for the high
multiplicity trigger development for the FVTX detectors. This test bench
setup can be used again to test prototype sensor modules with minor
modification in readout configuration. The test is planned in 2016 spring and

\subsubsection{Ladder Prototype}

Schematic view of the prototype ladder for the S1 detector is shown in
Fig.~\ref{fig:SiliconLadder}. The ladder consists of the hollow frame made by
carbon and silicon modules to be attached to the top and bottom of the hollow
frame in series.
Currently the design of the prototype ladder is ongoing. Here we take account
of the capability of air-cooling the FPHX chips and the mechanical vibration
of the ladder due to an air-blowing inside the frame itself.

\includegraphics[width=8.5cm, keepaspectratio]{./figs/SiliconLadder.jpg}
\caption{Layout for the silicon sensor ladder for the S1 detector.}

\subsection{MAPS R\&D}
Among the vulnerabilities of the MAPS technology is the tendency for single
pixels to "latch up" in a state of large current draw that can, if not
promptly reset, lead to burn-out of single pixels. The initial operation of
the STAR HFT device (the first large-scale MAPS deployment in a major
experiment) not only discovered this phenomenon, but also found the
appropriate mediating course of action. Due to the intrinsically low power
of the MAPS sensors, the lock up of even a single pixel produces a measurable
change in Dc current draw and can thereby be used to shut down and
subsequently reset the chip. Following the establishment of this protocol,
STAR experienced a very low rate of failures.

In summer of 2015, two students from SBU working together with scientists
from LBNL performed measurements on latch up rates in the ALPIDE (ALICE PIxel
DEtector) chip by exposing the chip to beams of various heavy ions produced
by the Berkeley 88" cyclotron. Figure~\ref{fig:CycloTest} shows the
experimental setup used.

\caption{The right hand panel shows the experimental setup used to expose
ALPIDE MAPS chips to highly ionizing radiation to induce "Latch Up" events
and study their rate. The table indicates the various ion species used
during the test.}

Identification of latch up events was achieved by monitoring the analog
current draw of the ALPIDE chip and reacting soon thereafter with a prompt
shutdown of the chip. Four such latch up events are shown in
Figure~\ref{fig:LatchUp}. No pixels were lost with the established protocol
and the latch up rate was well within the specs required for ALICE operation.
Because the MAPS sensors in sPHENIX would be placed at similar distance to
the beam pipe, our latch up criteria would be looser than those required by
ALICE. Based partly on the successful completion of these tests, it is
likely that the ALPIDE variant of MAPS sensor will be selected for production

\caption{The detection of Latch Up events in the ALPIDE MAPS chip is
identified by steps in the DC current draw.}

\subsection{TPC Tracker R\&D}

R\&D for the development of new gas-based detectors is very active around the
world. In addition to the aforementioned efforts on upgrades to ALICE and
design of the TPC for the ILC, both ATLAS and CMS have taken new gas detector
designs to an advanced stage. The principle development has been the
invention of the Micro Pattern Gas Detector or MPGD. Both of the two basic
MPGD technologies (GEM from Sauli and $\mu$MEGA from Giomataris) had
successful applications in the COMPASS experiment. The PHENIX HBD pioneered
a very unique GEM application using evaporated coatings of CsI to create a
large area gaseous UV photon detector. ATLAS plans include large ($1 \times
2~m^2$) $\mu$MEGA chambers and CMS plans to use large GEM chambers as part of
their upgrade to higher luminosity running.

Several years ago, BNL began hosting the EIC R\&D program, which has had
active participation from many institutions with diverse historical
backgrounds. Much of the EMCAL R\&D work discussed in later chapters was
performed under the guise of the so-called "Calorimeter Consortium" from
within the EIC R\&D program. The calorimeter consortium features leading
contributions from both STAR (UCLA) and PHENIX (BNL) institutions. Even
prior to the formation of the calorimeter consortium, the "Tracking and PID
Consortium" (aka RD6) formed and also featured broad support from
institutions with varied historical backgrounds: Stony Brook (PHENIX), BNL
(PHENIX), Yale (STAR), University of Virginia (JLab:~Hall~A), and Florida
Institute of Technology (CMS). All these institutions are also members of
the CERN RD51 Collaboration which is dedicated to the development and
advancement of MPGD technology. Furthermore, our Yale collaborators have
been central figures in the R\&D leading to the designs utilized for the
ongoing ALICE TPC upgrade.

In this section, we will give an overview of the relevant R\&D that we have
conducted to date and an outlook for how this research will continue toward
the development of the TPC detector. This discussion will necessarily be an
incomplete summary of RD6, since that research has broader goals beyond TPC
development (forward planar GEM trackers, GEM-based RICH, ...).

\subsubsection{Recent R\&D Efforts}

BNL and Yale maintain joint custody of an apparatus designed characterize gas
properties as shown in Figure~\ref{fig:DriftApparatus}. Electrons liberated
by either a laser source (measured time $\rightarrow$ measured velocity) or
$^{55}Fe$ photon conversion (known energy) follow the vertical drift tube and
generate signals at the base (mostly via GEM-induced avalanche). Some of the
results from these measurements are summarized in
Figure~\ref{fig:GasParameters}. Most of these measurements focus on Ne-based
mixtures as is appropriate for a TPC in heavy ion collisions where space
charge is of a concern. Among the many results, the $Ne-CH_4-CO_2$ mixture
is especially intriguing since it not only exhibits a long plateau in drift
velocity as a function of field, but it is among the gasses with the lowest
probability of charge attachment.

\includegraphics[width = 0.65\textwidth]{figs/DriftApparatus.PNG}
\caption{Apparatus used to measure electron drift velocities and electron

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/GasParameters.PNG}
\caption{Results for drift velocity and electron attachment in a variety of

These gas results and {\bf extensive} ANSIS field calculations lead to the
design of the small prototype TPC shown in Figure~\ref{fig:SmallTPC}. This
TPC has a unique feature in that it combines the typical drift volume of all
TPCs with a wire-mesh wall on the particle exit face of the cube. Behind the
wire mesh is a CsI GEMstack that will allow this "TPC/HBD" hybrid device to
measure not only the trajectory (momentum), $\frac{dE}{dx}$ (hadron ID), but
even the generation of cherenkov light (electron ID). The result on the
right shows that this device has excellent energy resolution
($\frac{dE}{dx}$) since the width of the $^{55}Fe$ peak is not significantly
broader than the statistical fluctuations intrinsic to the primary charge.
This prototype is not only used to test possibilities for cherenkov light
detection, but it is additionally used to evaluate the performance of various
options for the readout plane segmentation.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/SmallTPCSpectrum.PNG}
\caption{Photograph of the TPC/HBD prototype along with a measurement of the
$^{55}Fe$ energy deposit spectrum.}

The TPC prototype is presently equipped with a readout pattern similar to
that described in Figure~\ref{fig:chevron_pads}. This shape of pads
significantly improves the position resolution of the device at the cost of a
small, but correctable differential non-linearity. The result shown in the
upper left corner of Figure~\ref{fig:TPCPositionResolution} shows the
comparison between the reconstructed position of a precise ionization source
and that reconstructed by charge sharing. The regular structure of this
correlation, with a period equal to the pad pitch is an indication of the
level of differential non-linearity induced by the chevron design. By
quantifying the difference between the true position and that from the
reconstruction as a function of the reconstructed position, we determine the
correction that must be applied to data. The result of applying this
correction improves the measurement to a precision of $\sigma~=~99~\mu m$,
exactly as needed for the final TPC device.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/TPCPositionResolution.PNG}
\caption{Measurements of the differential non-linearity of chevron pad
response and demonstration of the resolution achieved after correction.}

The item of central and critical importance in designing the TPC will be
handling the Ion Back Flow (IBF). MPGD-based gain stages (along with
streaming electronics), are the principle advance that make a TPC into a high
collision rate device. These techniques are new and require extensive R\&D.
Although ALICE considers the R\&D phase of their TPC upgrade (up to the stage
of technology choice) to be complete, our R\&D plan allows us time to improve
further upon these plans and benefit from their experience.
Figure~\ref{fig:IonBackFlowSetup} shows a schematic of the Yale apparatus
used to perform the ion back flow measurements. This particular figure shows
the configuration used to measure the so-called "hybrid gain stage" solution
that features a microMEGA plane preceded by a two stage GEMstack.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/IonBackFlowSetup.PNG}
\caption{Ion back flow measurements for the ALICE upgrade were made by the
Yale group (collaborators through EIC R\&D) not only for the quad-GEM
solution, but also for other alternative readout schemes. This figure shows
their apparatus as setup for measurements of a hybrid gain stage utilizing
two GEMs followed by a microMEGA.}

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/IBF.jpg}
\caption{Resolution of the hybrid gain vs ion back flow percentage.}

Figure~\ref{fig:IBF} shows the results for IBF as measured for the hybrid
gain stage. The vertical axis denotes energy resolution, by plotting the
ratio of the sigma for the main $^{55}Fe$ peak over its mean. This
measurement is lower-limited to the natural width of just below 10\% driven
by the statistics of the primary ionization. The horizontal axis shows the
level of ion back flow measured at a gain of 2000. Nearly all gasses behave
in the same manner tracing out a banana curve. The reason for this shape is
simple. In any multi-stage avalanche process, statistical fluctuations in the
first stage of amplification generate the limiting resolution. Therefore
making the initial GEM gain as high as possible yields the best energy
resolution. That said, ions resulting from the first stage of avalanche are
perfectly coupled back into the TPC volume. The band is formed by smoothly
changing the fraction of the gain carrier by the first GEM; high gain in the
first GEM optimizes resolution, while low gain in the first GEM optimizes
IBF. It is worth noting that these results are, in fact, significantly
better than the final design chosen by ALICE. Because the running conditions
might drive the balance between energy resolution and ion feedback to
different optimal points ({\it e.g.} optimize $\frac{dE}{dx}$ resolution for
EIC and optimize IBF for Au+AU collisions), it might be worthwhile to adopt a
HV solution similar to ALICE wherein the voltage is supplied separately to
each side of each GEM, allowing run-time decisions about the operating point
along the banana curve.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/HowardGrid.jpg}
\caption{Ion clearing times in the stacked grid scheme.}

Another intriguing option for dealing with IBF involves re-inventing the
gating grid rather than eliminating it. A typical gating grid involves a
single wire or mesh plane whose voltage decides whether it it transparent to
both electrons and ions or opaque to both. Because of the very slow drift
speed of the ions, the minimum time for the grid to be off after recording an
event is often multiple hundreds of microseconds! Howard Weiman has proposed
a new grid style in which the grid has many layers and the ion clearing time
is not set by the full depth of the grid, but rather by the distance to the
nearest layer. Using such a grid, one would leave it open for a significant
time (until it filled with ions) and then briefly dump the ions prior to
opening again. Initial estimates of such a structure indicate that it could
nearly entirely eliminate ion back flow at the cost of a "duty cycle" of
80-90\%. Using Garfield and ANSYS calculations, we have simulated designs
for such a grid using both multiple wire planes and multiple mesh planes.
These results are shown in Figure~\ref{fig:HowardGrid}. Indeed, the ion
clearing time is reduces to 10's of microseconds, but there is a long tail
due to ions starting in low field areas within the grid structure. The net
result with the currently calculated grid design exhibits a long tail meaning
tht more clever designs would be necessary to achieve an IBF of exactly zero,
characteristic of old-style gating grids.

Although PHENIX collaborators who worked on the PHENIX HBD, have gained
extensive experience with GEM avalanche devices, these GEMs were roughly the
same size as a standard sheet of paper. Challenges are certain as GEMstacks
become larger. Shown in Figure~\ref{fig:SoLID} is a picture of the GEM
chamber that we took to test beam in October 2013. At the time, this device
(designed and built by our U. Va. colleagues) was among the largest GEM
chambers yet built. At that same test beam an equal sized chamber designed
and built by our Fla. Tech. colleagues was tested as well. Both chambers
worked flawlessly with the U. Va. chamber producing a resolution below 80
$\mu m$. Note below, the new ideas from WIS, will be investigated for
"tiling" a large area with self-supporting GEMstack structures.

\includegraphics[width = 0.8\textwidth]{figs/SoLID.png}
\caption{The RD6 GEM detector shown here is among the largest GEM chambers
yet built. It was tested at Fermilab test beam and yielded a position
resolution of better than 80 $\mu m$}

\subsubsection{Bench test results}
\subsubsection{Test beam and future plans}
\subsubsection{TPC electronics R\&D plan}
Currently, we are following the R\&D plan for ALICE TPC electronics,
namely, prototype version 1, pre-production prototype and the
final production. The first version prototype should meet the schedule
for second prototype of TPC development with which we should do the
beam test with high multiplicity events.

\section{Alternative technologies}
{\blue Ed does the introduction}\\
{\red for the reviewers, to show that we considered other choices as well}

\subsection{Other tracking alternatives that could be applicable}
\subsection{Alternate pixel options} % Mike McC and Ming
\subsection{Alternate TPC readout plane options} %Sasha \& Tom
As discussed previously, we are currently investigating a list of possible
alternate technologies for the readout plane. These alternatives include
both the possibility of changing a classic gating grid to implement a prompt
flush for positive ions (possibly resulting in a TPC with zero ion back flow,
and the cost of ``duty cycle'') and variations of the scheme for the
MPGD-based gas amplification stage. Already discussed is the ongoing work to
implement a hybrid $\mu$MEGA/GEM detector that would benefit from the
superior ion back flow characteristics of the $\mu$MEGA and achieve
remarkable stability by lowering the $\mu$MEGA gain requirements via the
assistance of the GEMstack.

A unique suggestion has been tested at WIS. In this case, small
self-supporting hexagonal GEMstacks were developed that could be used to
populate any large surface. These devices would feature the robust
performance of smaller GEMS while still maintaining a nearly hermetic

\subsection{Alternate electronics solutions} %Eric

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