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sphenix-tracking-l - Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-hcal-l] pCDR 0.99

sphenix-tracking-l AT

Subject: sPHENIX tracking discussion

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: David Morrison <dave AT>
  • To: Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT>
  • Cc: "sphenix-emcal-l AT" <sphenix-emcal-l AT>, sphenix-physics-l AT, "sphenix-hcal-l AT" <sphenix-hcal-l AT>, "sphenix-tracking-l AT" <sphenix-tracking-l AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Sphenix-tracking-l] [Sphenix-hcal-l] pCDR 0.99
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2015 15:47:26 -0400

Hi all,

When I try to build, I get this:

$ make
rubber -fdv 0main
sci_obj_perf/sci_obj_perf.tex:530: graphics `figs/figure_sphenix_gammajet'
not found
compiling 0main.tex...
There were errors compiling 0main.
sci_obj_perf/sci_obj_perf.tex:530: File `figs/figure_sphenix_gammajet' not
sci_obj_perf/sci_obj_perf.tex:530: leading text:
0main.tex: File `det_overview/det_overview.tex' not found.
0main.tex:74: Emergency stop.
0main.tex:74: leading text: \input{det_overview/det_overview}
make: *** [0main.pdf] Error 1

And sure enough, I don’t see figs/figure_sphenix_gammajet.pdf or


> On Oct 23, 2015, at 3:35 PM, Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT> wrote:
> Hello John (cc same),
> Not hearing any objections, I made the changes I suggested to Chapter 1.
> However, right now nothing in Overleaf/gif compiles, and so I cannot check
> that everything worked and appears as it should.
> It might be helpful at some point if Brant as Editor can resolve these
> issues or how to handle them better in the future (like not using Overleaf).
> Sincerely,
> Jamie
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT>
> wrote:
> Hello John (cc same sPHENIX lists),
> I have read through Chapter 1 and have the following comments /
> suggestions. I include below the comments from one member of the PMG on
> this Chapter:
> "Chapter 1:
> ========
> As the document is for a more technical committee I think chapter 1 has to
> many "theory" plots instead of plots showing truly the sPHENIX performance.
> This means I give a plot which shows the statistical precision can obtain
> on a observables which needs to be measured to address a certain
> theoretical question. It would be even better if a before and after
> sPHENIX data could be shown, but I understand that this is difficult in HI
> physics as many models don't even provide uncertainty bands which could be
> reduced by new data. But if there are 1 or 2 observables this would be
> possible it would be good to have these plots.
> The assumptions how to take the data sets are missing"
> As advised by Ed O'Brien, I am not suggesting to remove any theory figures.
> I do have two additional figures (one a replacement) that include
> sPHENIX projections and particularly one with the jet quenching
> calculations with different virtuality assumptions that can be
> discriminated between. I have attached these figures to this email.
> On the assumptions regarding the data sets - i.e. how long is the running,
> what are the DAQ livetime, RHIC uptime, etc. requirements - I can write a
> few paragraphs on this if desired though I am not sure where the management
> wants to put these in the document... Right now there is just the footnote
> #1 in this Chapter 1.
> I have already implemented some minor type-Os and do not list those below.
> Sincerely,
> Jamie
> 1. It would be very helpful (probably even for the review committee) to
> turn on line numbers for the entire document. I recommend doing this
> immediately since it also helps with sending in comments.
> 2. Figure 1.4 - it would be good to adjust the right figure to have the
> same height as the left figure.
> 3. Figure 1.5 - also adjust the right figure height to match (looking
> sharp matters)
> 4. Figure 1.6 - right, the attached file is the same figure and now
> including the sPHENIX projected uncertainties. I think it would be good
> to swap this in and add just one sentence to the text... "Also shown are
> the sPHENIX projected uncertainties indicating that the experimental
> measurement can easily discriminate between virtuality evolution scenarios."
> 5. First paragraph of section 1.5.2 starting with "Detector upgrades ..."
> This seems out of place and I would suggest to remove it. The "RHIC
> results" here are supposed to be on jet results compared to the previous
> LHC jet results section.
> 6. Figure 1.10 could easily be removed and just take out the sentence at
> the end of the first paragraph in section 1.7.1
> 7. Suggest after Figure 1.11 to add a new figure as attached with our
> sPHENIX projected uncertainties for gamma-jet. One can then add a new
> paragraph #3 as "Shown in Figure XXX are the projected sPHENIX uncertainies
> for the highly differential gamma-jet correlation in mid-central Au+Au
> events as a function of the path through the QGP medium. In these
> mid-central events, substantial modification is expected and the
> backgrounds are dramatically reduced."
> 8. Section 1.9.1 heading "J/psi" seems misplaced. We do not talk about
> measuring J/Psi in sPHENIX (though we can at very high pT). These couple
> of paragraphs were in the proposal motivating why Upsilons were important.
> I would remove this subsection heading... and have the title of 1.9 be
> "Upsilons" instead of "Quarkonia"
> 9. Footnote #1 - this is a very brief description justifying the data
> sample expected. Do we want more or is that requested - and then where do
> you want that in the document?
> 10. There is also a nice R_pA projected uncertainties figure and the jet
> FF uncertainties (with theory) figure from the proposal. If those are
> desired, they could be added.
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Jamie Nagle <jamie.nagle AT>
> wrote:
> Hello John (cc same sPHENIX lists),
> Our group in Colorado has divided up some of the pCDR chapters for reading
> and will be sending comments later today. Here I am just sending comments
> on Chapter 8 - Data Acquisition and Trigger. This Chapter has some
> significant issues and may need some major restructuring in order not to
> raise red flags to a review committee.
> Sincerely,
> Jamie
> 1. First, my recommendation is that all Chapters should start with a few
> sentences before the first subsection (e.g. 8.1) that lays out what is
> covered in the Chapter and a brief summary. Here is a list of the key
> points I would have expected in the DAQ and Trigger Chapter
> In this Chapter we detail the architecture of the sPHENIX data acquisition
> system and the requirements to achieve a 15 kHz data accept and archive
> rate even in high multiplicity Au+Au at 200 GeV collisions and with > 90%
> livetime. In the case of Au+Au collisions, we expect to record with only
> minimum bias triggers (i.e. a simple interaction trigger) of order 100
> billion events in a 22-week running period. There are also selective jet
> and photon triggers that can sample additional physics from the entire
> luminosity. In p+p and p+A collisions at 200 GeV, selective triggers are
> detailed utilizing the EMCal, HCal, and potentially from the tracking
> system. ???
> 2. Right up front, there are disconnects in this section. One might
> start with saying that in the reference design (is that the nomenclature in
> the pCDR), the subsystems include the existing VTX pixels, new silicon
> strip detectors, EMCal, HCal, and a new BBC. One can then say that all
> of these systems would run within a fully pipelined, deadtimeless DAQ
> architecture similar to PHENIX.
> It would then we good to have a table of the expected data volume from each
> system in Au+Au minimum bias collisions. Are we zero suppressing the
> calorimeter (EMCal or HCal) - that will be an obvious ATLAS person question
> since they do not zero suppress I believe. This results in some number
> that I believe is about a factor of 2 higher data volume per event than
> current PHENIX and combined with a factor of 3 higher bandwidth - so 6
> times archiving rate is needed (?). That is a key number.
> Also, the EMCal and HCal do not buffer and then digitize, they digitize
> every crossing - so there is no analog pipeline, only a digital pipeline
> (which is much better and means fully digitized information in available in
> the trigger).
> It would be good to point out that the VTX pixels that exist were tested at
> 15 kHz and so meet the specification.
> What is the data volume per link to the DCM 2 -- a table would be good that
> shows things are within spec. Not to hard to calculate. I would suggest
> to eliminate all discussion of the DCM, and just focus on the DCM 2 which
> is what will be exclusively used. The drawing in Figure 8.1 then needs an
> update.
> 3. Now if we are not in the reference design and use the TPC, then the DAQ
> is in my mind almost like two separate DAQs. One that is fully pipelined
> etc., and one that is free streaming and somehow they are correlated via
> time stamps in the offline software. That needs at least a section and
> reference back to the TPC option description.
> 4. I would not mention Level-2 triggers, and then that they are not
> needed. One has to demonstrate with numbers as noted above that the
> bandwidth in the fiber links to the DCM 2 works, and then the back end
> archiving works.
> 5. One switches back and forth between buffering of 4 versus 5 events.
> My understanding in PHENIX is that the specification was 5 events, but
> there is a logic hole (not mean as a negative) with GL1 and the timing,
> such that one has to run with N-1 or 4 buffering. If we are not
> describing a replacement of GL1, then we need to use 4 as you show in
> Figure 8.2.
> 6. Section 8.1.2 is unclear to me in terms of the benefit of inclusion
> here. We are largely asserting that the current EVB architecture would
> work and that is probably enough, and does not close off other options
> later.
> 7. Triggering needs an overview to start. First off, I think we have
> different trigger requirements...
> a) For Au+Au events we need a simple interaction trigger, and what we
> really need is a Level-1 value for the z-vertex of the collision (ideally
> with a resolution < 1 cm). That is important because otherwise we would
> be wasting a fair bandwidth of events that end up outside the nominal +/-
> 10 cm acceptance for the inner tracking. It would be good if this
> trigger fires on > 90% of the Au+Au inelastic collisions as well (more is
> better, but 98% or something like that is just not crucial to any of the
> physics).
> As far as I know, we do not have a physics requirement for a start time.
> Even a very coarse start time could be helpful in cleaning up backgrounds
> as is done in PHENIX in p+p with the EMCal.
> b) EMCal and HCal triggers - these need to be included in this Chapter
> and can then refer to other sections. For Au+Au, the photon and jet
> triggers were shown in the proposal to work to sample the highest energies
> with the full luminosity (including over the wider z-vertex range which is
> fine for purely calorimetric measurements - e.g. photon-jet correlations).
> This was an important part of the claim to sample 2/3 trillion Au+Au
> events in these rare channels.
> They are also needed for p+p and p+A for photons, jets, and also electrons
> for the Upsilon -- all of these figures exist in the proposal and may be in
> other places in the pCDR. Then just a table of triggers and a few
> sentences with references in fine.
> c) Multiplicity trigger - this section will be opaque to the reader.
> The Figure 8.4 does not indicate p+p, nor does the text detail what physics
> is being pursued. What might be quite interesting is a Level-1 silicon
> trigger that gives a z-vertex in Au+Au -- since we really need that....
> Again, I would start with the table and then one needs a clear explanation
> for each system (e.g. p+A) what trigger rejections are needed and thus to
> show a bandwidth allocation chart.
> Many of the numbers I mention above exist or I have calculated in the past.
> Please let me know if there are specific items that I can be most helpful
> with.
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 8:11 AM, David Morrison <dave AT> wrote:
> Hi John et al,
> I’ve read a fair bit of the pCDR and to respond to your rallying cry of
> “crowdsource!” I’d like to touch up the writing in the magnet chapter.
> Nothing technical and nothing too extensive, but there are typos and clunky
> sentences scattered throughout.
> Dave
> > On Oct 17, 2015, at 9:00 AM, John Haggerty <haggerty AT> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I put version 0.99 of the sPHENIX Pre-Conceptual Design Report on an
> > Indico page here:
> >
> >>
> >
> > (the pCDR link) which should be accessible to PHENIX and non-PHENIX
> > alike. There is still work going on to complete the document, but the
> > hard deadline is to have it complete for the review committee two weeks
> > in advance, on Monday, October 26. PHENIX tradition is a one week
> > comment period which will be up next Saturday (October 24), but the
> > sooner comments can be received and acted upon by the many authors and
> > editors, the better, so if you could make comments and corrections by
> > Thursday, that will give us more time to finalize the TeX and clean up
> > any figures that still need cleaning up.
> >
> > I would like to try crowdsourcing the small grammatical corrections that
> > take a lot of time in finalizing a document like this from many
> > authors--if you see small changes in working that are needed, try fixing
> > them on the Overleaf site itself:
> >
> >>
> >
> > This document has really been a collaborative effort, with writing,
> > editing, figures, simulation, and engineering from a large and diverse
> > group of people who have come together around this proposal, and it's
> > gratifying to see it come together. It has always impressed me how
> > PHENIX comes together to get a job done, and it looks like sPHENIX is
> > following that example.
> >
> > --
> > John Haggerty
> > email: haggerty AT
> > cell: 631 741 3358
> > _______________________________________________
> > Sphenix-tracking-l mailing list
> > Sphenix-tracking-l AT
> >
> David Morrison Brookhaven National Laboratory phone: 631-344-5840
> Physics Department, Bldg 510 C email:
> dave AT
> Upton, NY 11973-5000
> _______________________________________________
> Sphenix-hcal-l mailing list
> Sphenix-hcal-l AT
> --
> ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> || James L. Nagle
> || Professor of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
> || EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT
> || SKYPE: jamie-nagle
> || WEB:
> ||---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> || James L. Nagle
> || Professor of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
> || EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT
> || SKYPE: jamie-nagle
> || WEB:
> ||---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> ||--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> || James L. Nagle
> || Professor of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder
> || EMAIL: jamie.nagle AT
> || SKYPE: jamie-nagle
> || WEB:
> ||---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Sphenix-hcal-l mailing list
> Sphenix-hcal-l AT

David Morrison Brookhaven National Laboratory phone: 631-344-5840
Physics Department, Bldg 510 C email:
dave AT
Upton, NY 11973-5000

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